Saturday, October 31, 2009

October 31, 2009

Renew Your Vows
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them,
he it is that loveth me.
John 14:21
There is a day coming when you will say, "I have waited in vain for the Lord." You will wait for Me to speak, and you will hear only the whistling of the wind. But I tell you now, I am never silent; you are deaf. I am always speaking; but I do not find your ear attuned to listen.
You have become insensitive to My presence.
Confess your coldness, and draw near to Me. Renew your vows, and I will revive your ministry.

This is challenging, a reminder to us, that God doesn't move away from us we move away from him.  Do you desire to hear from God? We are reminded that he is there, he is speaking?  Are we listening? Are we hearing?

Father give me ears to hear today, and a heart to listen and follow after you.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Thank you Lord that this week is past, the kids were really frustrating, they didn't have classes, so no homework, and so they wanted to play.  Some act very juvenile. I went to Devils Lake to look at some carpet after school, but I am not sure what will happen with that. I hope that it is so I can go outside for some time today.  It was cold last evening.

Friday, October 30, 2009

October 30, 2009

Strivings Hinder
If a man love me, he will keep my wrods and my Father will love him,
and we will come unto him.
John 14:23

My people are drifting like a boat with empty sails. But I shall blow, saith the Lord; yes, I shall cause a mighty wind to rise, and the sails shall be filled, and the spirit shall drive you forward.
In your own power you can accomplish nothing whatsoever in the kingdom of God.
All strivings only hinder. Love is the only telling contribution you can make toward the perfecting of your soul.

Nothing I can do is significant unto God is in it.

Father help me to see your hand in what is happening, and to trust that your choices are the right ones.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, thankfully it was the ending of testing, so we can go back to a more normal schedule, though today, won't be normal, they carve pumpkins, etc.  I spent some time visiting with Frank and Dorothy, took a nap and in the evening started organizing my fabric, so I can get things sewed and on their way.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

October 29, 2009

Anticipate Surprises
The angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth....unto Gaza, which is desert.
Acts 8:26
I have purposes for you. I have a ministry for you. Look not to any man to open this door. I not only open doors, but more often than otherwise, I create the place of service. I lead in new paths and down unpaved roads.
One Bible example of this is the account of Philip and his witness to the eunuch crossing the desert.
Be prepared for the unexpected, and anticipate surprises.

When I read this I think of each of you, because as I pray for you I know that God has a plan and he is preparing you for the kind of service he wants in your life.  Today you might not like what is happening but it is just the beginning for what God wants to do through you.

Father, create in me a clean heart and a right spirit, help me to yield to you all of my life.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was another day of testing and also a day of children who should be old enough to know better, doing things that are I spent a lot of time walking(good exercise) finding children in the band room, acting very juvenile, so they got sent back to study hall.  taking away their music sources hocked into their ears, and one time not ever finding two senior boys,  When will they ever grow up?  After school I went to Cando, and cleaned at church and visited with Mavis  and then to Wagenman's for Bible Study.  Hope that you each had a great day.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28, 2009

Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit
John 15:8

You have been like a green plant. Now I would have you put forth blossoms. The flowering is a symbol of the manifestation of the Spirit. Yes, it is even more, it is fulfillment of original purpose. It is the ultimate end to which it was designated by the Creator.
Only to have life is not enough. Fulfillment is that for which I am waiting, yes, the manifestation of My sons and daughters as they come to maturity and as they produce that for which I created them.

God is working in our lives, he wants to develop us in the kind of people that can produce fruit, fruit for his kingdom.  It isn't about us, it is about him, about Jesus my Savior and Lord.  He desires to be manifested in my life.  More of thee and less of me....

Father, we yield ourselves to you today, show us your way and lead us in your path and do in our lives that which will makes us into vessels fit for serving you.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, they were testing at school so schedules were changed and I sometimes had more students than before,  school was out at 2 p.m. because of a teacher in-service that didn't have to attend, so I enjoyed the day at home, and outside.  I am ready for whatever weather we get.  Dad and Chuck were combining, but it was very wet.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

October 27, 2009

Pray and Walk in the Spirit
As many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
 Romans 8:14

I have admonished you to pray in the Spirit, but do not forget that I have also commanded you to WALK in the Spirit, and this I expect not part of the time, but all the time. The need is critical, the hour is late, and I am calling for full commitment from My own. You have desired to be chosen. Having been chosen, I would have you understand that I expect far more of you than of those who are not.

Sometimes when I am in town and walking down the street I have such a sense of God with me, I have a desire to quietly talk to him and to pray for the people I see.  I see such sadness around me, and God's presence is happy and peaceful.

Yesterday, we are back to school.  We have a girl we thought dropped out and she showed up at school, not sure what will happen with her. I had a boy and girl in one of my study halls, I realized they were missing and found them where I shouldn't have, so that means they won't be allowed to ever leave my study hall.  Our supt. is to talk to them this morning.  I enjoyed time after school, cleaning in the yard.

Monday, October 26, 2009

October 26, 2009

Keep Your Channel Clear
The water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water
springing up into everlasting life John 4:14

Will I speak to you as one whose voice is lost in the noise of the crashing surf? Will you be like an instrument with broken strings from which the musician can bring forth no music?
No, I would have you be as the waterfall whose sound is continuous, as a great river whose flow is not interrupted.

Our Fathers desire is that we be sweet music to those about us.  We can be that in the midst of a world that is clanging  and noisy, a world that is perplext with problems.  God desires is to carry us through that and be a sweet sound to those around us.

Yesterday, Sunday School and church,  in the afternoon we flew for a while, i wanted to take some photos, but our camera doesn't seem to take good shots from the air, they get to light.  That is disappointing.  Dad had used mower to move the leaves into a pile, so I raked and burned some of them.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

October 25, 2009

Godly sorrow worketh repentance to salvation....
but the sorrow of the world worketh death
2 Corinthians 7:10

The storms of life may make shipwreck of a soul, but this may be purely destructive. The brokenness of spirit wrought by the hand of God becomes a constructive work. It is the godly sorrow unto repentance that brings Life.
True prayer is born out of brokenness. This brokenness is contrition for sins, tenderness of feeling, and gratitude for grace. If you let it work in your heart, it will surely draw you closer and closer to Me.

Are we willing to allow the pain in our lives to draw us to Jesus side?

Draw me, nearer, nearer oh Lord to thee.....

Yesterday was a good day, I went to Devils Lake for the DAR meeting, It is an enjoyable time and always a time to learn new things about history.  After the meeting Susan and I went to get items to send in a package to a soldier from Devils lake in the war zone.  When we got back to her house we organized the tiems in boxes and she made a list so it is ready to go to the post office.  I went down town to see Donna at the Bible Books Store, I hadn't seen her since her husband died, it was a good time of hearing from Donna. Ray is in God's hands and no more suffering.  The I did several other errands and in the end went to Edna's and we visited and then went to Brooke Lindenbergs wedding together.  It was a small church and a very nice wedding. The reception was at the memorial building.  It was catered by Mr and Mrs. J's.  Tom and Marge Hoffart were the ones doing the work, there were several others.  This was the best catered food that I have seen.  It was very good.  Edna and I sat across from a couple from Park River who had been in a Bible Study with Wayne and Karen, and she remembered them praying for a family.  Brooke was adopted and on the day of her first birthday Karen had Josh.  It was a good day, Dad was at home, I just wish he would do something, though he did go to town for the Sr. lunch.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

October 24, 2009

Sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared
with the glory which shall be revealed
Romans 8:18

There is a river of divine grace flowing beneath all your need. Under your deepest sorrow mvoes My compassion and My love. In a very real sense, you fathom the depth of My own heart only to the extent that your heart is broken and your inmost consciousness torn asunder by the pain of grief. Never look upon trials and test and disciplines as being damaging. Whatever hurt they seem to bring is outweighed by the blessing that follows.

What ever you are facing today, you have a choices, accept what God has allowed or is doing, or be bitter.  God wants to use the trials that we face, to draw us to him, even what seems so terrible can be of use by God, and we will see the hand of God move in our midst.

Yesterday we were in Grand Forks, Dad had a check up doesn't need to come back for 6 months for a stress test, they are taking him off of plavix.  We ate with our family in the area, and then did a bit of shopping and came home, it was a beautiful day.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Octoer 23, 2009

The Road is Steep
Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way,
which leadeth unto life Matthew 7:14

You are a chosen vessel to Me, so do not be filled with filthy lucre. Be wholesome, humble, simple; for simplicity and a spirit of humility befit one who serves the Lord.
You are My treasure. I delight in you when you are fully yielded to Me with no thoughts of personal ambition or achievement. If you wish for anything, wish for more of My nearness. If you long after anything, long after more of My righteousness and more of My love.

God has chosen us, we are his vessels when we have invited Jesus into our hearts.  But it is so easy to allow things to enter that pull us away from our relationship with God.  What is pulling you away?  What is keeping you from putting God first? 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Yesterday was a day at home, except that I took Frank and Dorothy to the dentist at Edmore after dinner. I enjoyed the rest of the afternoon outside, and was able to finish some of the fall projects, that was a good feeling.  We will see some of you today when we come to Grand Forks, dinner at noon at the Green Mill

Thursday, October 22, 2009

October 22, 2009

Holiness Upon the Heart
He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world,
that we should be holy and without blame before him in love.
Ephesians 1:4

I the Lord have tried you. I have given you the freedom to choose either good or evil. Be not deceived. Though you see no eye, you are being looked upon, and though you seek no voice, I continue to call.
Turn to Me, My child. Open your heart to My grace. Holiness shall be written upon the hearts of My people. They shall minister in power because they live in obedience.

God is waiting with out stretched arms, for where ever we are in our walk with God, he desires to help us, to draw us closer to himself.

Father, we commit this day into your hands and desire to be willing vessels and follow in your ways.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday, Julie the secretary was gone, so one period I was in the office, otherwise I got students from study hall to cover til Char came at noon.  Woody one of the boys in foods class, has a mom that probably doesn't really cook, I asked if she made cookies, he said she makes rice krispie bars, so Woody and I went into a corner of the kitchen and made cookies, he did a good job.  Then another student needed to take a test, he did some on his own and then I had to give him his notes.  I also help the sub correct keyboarding lessons, so it was busy, after school I went to Cando and cleaned church and we had Bible study, today I don't have school.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 21, 2009

Folly of Immaturity
and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness Ephesians 4:24

It is so simple when you approach Me in proper fashion and do not hinder your spiritual progress by regression to a parent-child position in your attitude. I know full well when you are no longer properly in that stage, and although you may attempt to fall back into it to avoid responsibility. I will not respond, and you will be left to a folly of your own making.

God is a father, our Father and we function just as we do in earthly situations, but because some have not had a good Father son/daughter relationship we have a hard time with our Heavenly Father.  What is our attitude?  How is our relationship with our Father?  The problem is likely ours and we have made the choices that make our life the way it is.

Yesterday, some of my challenging students were in Beach playing football, what a difference a few kids missing can make.  They were driving back all night, so won't likely be here this morning either.  Otherwise a normal day, after school I had my teeth cleaned and then cleaned O'Brien house.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20, 2009

Thorns in the Nest
Our light affliction....worketh for us a far more exceding
and eternal weight of glory 2 Corinthians 4:17

I control the forces that bear upon your life. Do not question circumstances. Look to Me for an understanding of your inner responses.
While you are praying for a problem to be solved, a need to be met, a thorn to be removed from your nest. I am watching for true faith to express in the time of want, and I am waiting to see when the thorns in the nest will cause you to move out and try your unused wings.

Are we challenged that God is with us in the midst of the thorns, the challenges, and he wants to use those times in our life to draw us to himself.

Father, thank you for the challenges that you bring into my life, help me to be a willing vessel, willing to yield to you in both the good times and the not so good.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, dad prayed with me the morning, I had been having a paint in my jaw since last week and it wasn't better.  When I got to school, and the dental office was open I called, and through a set of circumstances I was able to get in to se Dr. Legasse.  Thankful that Becky could cover my study hall  Dr. has put me on a low dose of antibiotics for a long period of time,and then we will see if that helps, I need to go back today for a scheduled appointment to get my teeth cleaned.

It was a beautiful day, and of course I stayed outside as long as I could.  I have been able to do quite a bit of work in the yard, so things are getting ready for winter.

Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19, 2009

The Law of Plenty
As poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things
2 Corinthians 6:10

It matters not how little you have of the treasures of the world, for if you are blessed with the bounty of My grace, you shall be always a giver. there is no want for him who is My follower. There is no lack for him who has found that he can buy wine and milk without money and without price (Isaiah 55:1) he has found the law of plenty who has found Me as his source. he shall find abundance crowding his pathway.

When we put God first we will experiences his treasures.  But it may not be the treasure of wealth, rather the treasure of peace, grace, mercy, compassion.... You think of the way that God blesses as a result of our following him.

Father, show me the treasures you have given me and the treasures you desire to give to me.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday was a beautiful day,  we had church and Sunday School. John Osborne actual spoke for Michael and he is very good.  After pizza with Wayne, Tammy and Cassidy we came home to rest.  When I came out side, Dad was getting the plane ready to take a ride, and so I went with him.  It was a good time.  I spent more time outside and got the bedding from the O'Brien house. 

Sunday, October 18, 2009

October 18, 2009

Simplicity of Spirit
whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.
Luke 18:17

By simplicity of spirit the soul is protected against forces of destruction.  He who clings to My hand in childlike trust shall walk with joy in a path of safety. He who seeks to preserve his own soul by the devices of his own intellect will be snared and brought into confusion and bondage. Give yourself to love Me and to worship Me. The results in your soul will be joy and victory.

When we reflect on a child, or a person with limited mental capacity, we find in them childlike acceptance.  The more knowledge the tendency for us to reason away the simple truth of God's love and his desire to take care of us.  We focus to much on events that haven't happened and likely won't or on what has happened, and forget that God carried us through.  I can think back to some things that first of all, I am thankful that those experiences are past and that in the midst of it God did provide.  Yesterday after the funeral I was visiting with a gal, who's mom had died this year, and she had been sick, and her desire was to see two things happen, God was very gracious and gave her  her hearts desire,  I reflect on Mom passing away, it was a time when I wondered what I was going to do, we needed to take Jacqui to Washington, Mom was dying,  but God worked out all the details, he does truly care, he wants us to put out our hands and let him lead us.

Father, we give you this day, it is yours from beginning to end, help us to rejoice in it and in all the blessing that we can experience in it.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was a full day, Dad and I went to Devils Lake to Michael Rohrer's Moms funeral, then did some errands and came back to Mary Werner's 70th birthday party.  It was a beautiful day and I enjoyed being outside.  I usuallys tay out til almost dark.  It is so peaceful and quiet.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

October 17, 2009

One Day at a Time

Take therefore no thought for the morrow;
for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.
Matthew 6:34

O My child, have you not known the way of the Lord, and can you not trust Him now? Nothing shall befall you but that which comes from His hand. No one shall set upon you to hurt you, for your God has built around you a wall of fire. Be content with what each day brings, rejoicing in your God, for surely He shall deliver you. He is the One who has brought you here. His heart is surely your strong tower.

We tend to like to avoid or be delivered from the problems in our lives but God has other plans, he wants us to walk through them.  If we have a life of only good, we are not prepared for anything bad,  The way it is, we can understand and have compassion when we see others experiencing what we have experienced.

Father, help us to live to day like it is the best day of our life.  In Jesus Name.

Yesterday, another day of school.  We came to school and received the announcement that DJ Docktor was in the hospital at Minot, heart blockage.  We must continue on....  After school Dad and I got the deep freezer in place that he had bought earlier in the day.  I have some meat in it, and now we can actually have ice cream.  Have a great weekend.

Friday, October 16, 2009

October 16, 2009

Physical Health and Spiritual Ministry

I wish...that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth  3 John 1:2

Do not misconstrue the scripture which says "I beat my body to keep it in subjection." A more clear way to state the true intent would be to say. "By proper discipline and care of the physical body, it may be made to fulfil the desires and demands of the soul." Otherwise, you may by lack of concern for your physical health, hamper your spiritual ministry.  Run the race with a pure heart, and the reward shall be given you.

If I truly want to be God's vessel and be used in ministry, I have to make choices in my life for that to happen.  It means choosing, God's best over my best, living God's way over my way, obeying God's wishes over my wishes.Only then will I truly prosper, and prosper doesn't necessarily mean financially,  It may mean peace in the midst of conflict.......

Father, give me a desire to be your vessel this day, show me ways that I can translate that to living with my family and the students at school.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was interesting both at school and at home and that is all I want to say about it.  I continue to get things organized for winter, but in the midst of picking up tools, etc. I am missing something I was using yesterday.  I always get frustrated with myself when that happens.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15, 2009

 I await your desire

Sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come, follow me  Luke 18:22

I rejoice in ministering to an open heart. I have so much to give and so few truly desire to receive. I would give so much more abundantly if they would but ask.
I await your desire, because if I gave to you when your desire was small,  you would not be prepared for receiving.  Bring Me everything, and repent of anything you cannot offer Me as a holy gift. Release all to Me.

Oh how we hang on to so much that isn't worth keeping.  what is really worth keeping?  What is really important?  Sometimes I have something that I don't think I will use, I put it out in the shed and if I don't want it after a while, I get rid of it.  We have cluttered our lives with so much that we really could part with.  It keeps us from truly being a usable vessel for God.

Father, search my heart, show me what is keeping me from being a usable vessel.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday, was a dark day but in the end it was white because it snowed.  Snows like that are peaceful, so for a while I was out in the back yard out of the wind, atleast I am inspired for what do to in one area of the yard.  a flower bed is going to be removed.

We enjoyed the evening in the house, did a bit of sewing ,etc.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

october 14, 2009

Closed Doors
I give unto you power...over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall...hurt you. Luke 10:19

Never lose heart when confronted by disappointment. Remember always that I control all that touches you, and as I move to order your life, I not only open the right doors, but close the wrong ones. whenever a wrong door is closed, it is by My hand as much as when a right one opens. In this way I not only bring you joy but spare you pain. Trust Me. Have I not said that nothing shall harm you?

Are we willing to accept opened and closed doors?  We get an idea in our head but do we consult our heavenly father to see if this is his desire?  I know he is having to teach me lessons of waiting upon him and I am not all that patient.

Father, help us to see your hand in what happens today.  In Jesus Name. amen

Yesterday, was a busy day,  I went to Cando after school and cleaned the church, good thing that I did, their dehumidifier wasn't working properly, it was putting the water on the floor.  I was able to rake a few leaves and burn some garbage, and then it was dark.  One feels like going to bed early when it gets dark so early. 

This is a new day and a new opportunity to live our faith.  Actually it is 48 years ago today that we were married.  It was a beautiful fall day...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13, 2009

No Fear
Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure
to give you the kingdom Luke 12:32

No. My children, do not fear. I am not simply preserving you. but I am doing so for the purpose of sharing with you My kingdom power. If you can catch the vision of what the days ahead hold in store for you in My great kingdom, you will gain a whole new perspective, so that as you view the present, transient scene, its true dimension will come into focus in proportion to the whole panoramic picture.

It is hard for us to focus beyond the little area we are in but God has greater things in mind.  I always feel he calls us to be faithful over where he has placed us and then we will go from there.
What we see seems so square and in the box but he has a big panoramic view in mind.

Father, help us to be faithful to where you ahve called us, but at the same time give us a desire to expand and to see the world in a greter way.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday we had a lot of children absent, they went to a funeral at Bottineau, of someone that I did not know.  He was someones hired man at Starkwether and I guess he must have been kind to them.

After school I got O'Brien house ready for hunters and was able to spend some time in the yard  it may not have been real warm, but it really was pleasant working out there.

Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12, 2009

The Echo of My Voice
Ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Matthew 23:25
The cry of your soul is the echo of My voice calling you to repentance. Your love for Me will place you under My chastening rod, for as long as you love Me, you will seek My face even when you anticipate My reproach.
Let Me deal with any unsoundness in your spirit, and I will spare you the humiliation of open shame. Inner conviction comes through My Word, and this is your only sure way to finding peace in My presence.
The only way we will find peace with God is through yielding to his spirit.  He knows how to work in our lives to make the changes needed.  Often they aren't visible, rather sutle and beneath the surface, But God sees them, and he is in the life changing business, and he will do what is needed to make those changes.

Father, search my heart and show me your desire for my life.  In Jesus Name.

I haven't been on the internet for a couple of days.  Friday after school we drove to SD, we went to Aberdeen to see Cody in the parade.  It was a really nice parade, but it was cold.  There were a lot of marching bands and they were really good.  Yesterday, we visited the church where Shaun speaks, and then we ate with them in Ellendale before we came home.

Friday, October 9, 2009

October 9, 2009

What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Matthew 16:26
The spirit is prepared for worldly success only after it has learned to care nothing for it. I fill the hand that lies open in worship.  The hand that grasps shall be forever empty.  Learn to leave to My love and wisdom all your destiny. Nothing ought concern you but the health of your soul and the outflow of your life. You will free your soul as you refuse to seek anything and desire only to give. Then shall I bless you.

What a place giving has in our lives.  And God has to work it in our hearts. We come empty handed and he fills our lives with himself, but if we come clutching, we go away empty because we aren't willing to let go of what is controlling our lives.

Father, open my eyes to see you and to see your desires for my life.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday, was an interesting day, I had some good and some not so good experiences at school, but I will focus on the good.  I spent some time painting and also planting iris.  There are still areas that I want to work on but that may have to wait til next week.  I am trusting that we will still have some good weather.  Dad was cultivating.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

October 8, 2009

A Holy Temple

Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart. Psalm 24:3-4
Your heart is the citadel of the Holy Spirit. I hold the keys to every chamber and will keep out every evil thing if you do not invite the enemy. I desire for you a holy temple.
Give Me your adoration from a pure heart and let no ulterior motives invade your personal sanctuary, for I desire truth in the depths of the soul and the divided heart cannot worship.

Our body is the temple of the holy spirit, that is really a sacred thing, and we have the choice do we want it to truly be a holy place?  Do we want to invite God's presence to dwell within us.  I see people specifically youth making poor choices and not living as God would have them live, outside of Christ I think we are powerless to really make right choices, and that is why I see what I do in youth today.  God is our only real help. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and no one can come to the Father except through him.  Everyday we have the choice do we want to be drawn closer or do we walk away from God's presence.  What are we going to do today?

Father, draw me nearer, nearer to you.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday after school, I came home and did some food prep before our guests arrived, we ate soup rolls, with zucchini rounds and cupcakes, after we ate we went to Cando to Bible Study, it was an opportunity for them to meet the people that we are with.  We had a rather lively discussion about 'Can you lose your salvation'?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 7, 2009

Magnificent Gift
Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Galations5:16
Well I know the instability of the human heart and natural affection. Thus I have supplied My own love to thy heart by the indwelling of My Holy Spirit. He it is who testifies of Me. He it is who prompts thy worship, who kindles the fires of devotion, who constantly draweth thee to Myself.
Do ye long to love Me more deeply? Seek the infilling of My Holy Spirit. In this one magnificent gift, I have made full provision for thine every need.

Everything we need is waiting there, waiting for us.  He desires to meet our every need.  We can not depend on our natural man, but only as we yield to the holy spirit will we understand the way of the spiritual man.  God will make himself real to us.

Father, I give you my self for this day.  Help me to listen to your voice and do your desires.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, another day of school, they are never boring, after school I was outside, and did more painting, and after we ate I cleaned in the house because we are getting company tonight.  It is always good to get company because then I am challenged to clean.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October 6, 2009

Recognize the Enemy
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers. 2 Corinthians 6:14
Hear My voice. My Word is all you need. Study more and be filled with its wisdom that you may be fortified against insidious attacks of fallacious human reasoning. The high-sounding phrases of the humanist seem convincing at times. But I say to you that any search that leads you to your own self rather than to Me is of the devil.  Either take the offensive and win a victory for Me, or else sever the connection. It would be better to retreat than to fall into a snare.

I think that is self explanatory,  We are seeing so much of humanism, and the world.  But if we really want to experience peace, it won't come from those sources, we need to keep our focus on our Saviour and Lord.   he is the answer to the world problems.

I made a mistake and wrote the wrong day, so you can read what happend on yesterdays..

October 5, 2009

Strength and Weakness
Of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sancitification, and redemption, that....He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord 1 Corinthians 1:30-31
My Spirit within you is the source of your spiritual life and strength. Look not to your own natural abilities, for My Spirit empowers the one who would walk in faith, so that he who is weak need not despair, and he who feels himself to be strong shall learn not to boast; for I bring down the mighty and make strong the weak.

Father, help me to be conscious of you help in my life, where you have brought me from and how you have been there in those times to help me grow in my relationship with you.   Thank you Father for your presence in my life.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

I wasn't able to get onto the internet yesterday when I wanted to write.....

Yesterday, it was a good day at school.  The day goes by so fast, there are children to help and children to encourage.  After school I went to Cando and cleaned the church and after we ate supper I was outside til dark, which wasn't very long, trying to get things done with flowers, etc for winter.

They took Jesse to the doctor and they put him in the hospital at Langdon, they say he has influenza.  They are giving him oxygen.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

October 4, 2009

Share Courage
To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak.  1 Corinthians 9:22
Self-dependence makes it difficult to comprehend the timidity of the weak. Though you may have gained a measure of strength, remember that it was not native, it has been cultivated through a multitude of experiences, and you can remember many times when you were fearful and trembling. Other souls are still in the place of fear and desperation. Be always ready and willing to stand with them in that place and share your faith and courage!

The is a segment of people that do not want anything to do with Christianity because they want to be completely in control.  Christianity shows us our need for someone else to be our help, our guide, our Saviour and our Lord.  I also think that we sometimes need and do experience things so we can understand what other people are going through, or we go through things so we can comfort others in their need (2 Corinthians 1:4).

Father, we come to you today, and we ask for your guidance in our lives this day, direct our path and help us to see evidence that you are doing just that.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday was an indoor day, cleaning up some computer files, Jerry helped me by fixing the printer, I sewed later in the day.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

October 3, 2009

Love and Vain Religion
Love thy neighbour as thyself. James 2:8

He who does not express love exposes the darkness of his soul, though he be clothed with religion. "This man's religion is vain," wrote James, if he does not express his faith by kindness and good deeds (James 1:26-27) He needs no man to condemn him; he condemns himself by his failure to show consideration for the feelings of his brother. He has appointed himself to a high place and is scarcely fit for the lowest.
But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant." said Jesus (Matthew 23:11)

It makes one wonder how much darkness there is in our souls, why?  what are we doing or not doing to allow that darkness to be there?  Maybe we ought to search our hearts and ask God to show us who we are.

Father , we give you this day and we come to you in Jesus name and ask for your direction in our lives, show us our hearts and show us who we really are.  In Jesus name. Amen

Yesterday, was another school day, The children were really restless, so it is good that it was Friday, lets hope the settle down on Monday.  At noon I went over to the country school,  Delorus Melland and Dorothy Harpestad told about their experiences as rural school teachers.  We took some photos and then back to school.  After school I went there and put everything away.  I visited with Frank and Dorothy and came home and made supper, I started some sewing projects.

Friday, October 2, 2009

October 2, 2009

Avoid Frivolity
Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof.  Matthew 12:36

Avoid frivolity with the same carefulness as you disdain the grosser sins. The latter are transgressions of the law of God. but the former is a thief and will rob both yourself and others of spiritual good.
A bantering spirit may cause you to be oblivious to opportunities to minister that may lie directly in your path.  Thus if you are indulging in spiritual profligacy, you rob the other person of the blessing you could have given, and you rob yourself of the reward you would have received.

There are a couple of words here that we don't really use, I looked up bantering, and it is about teasing, and I think I have told you before that I know that isn't for me,, I didn't find the word profligacy, but I suspect that the meaning follows the word, when it tells us that we rob the other person of the blessing we could have given and our selves the reward we would ahve received.

How many opportunities are we missing out on to bless someone else, how careful we need to be in our attitude toward the others around us, it applies to me with students at school.  It applies to us where ever we are and with who ever, including our family.  Sometimes I don't want to really tell your Dad what I am feeling, but it just is better if I am honest with him in what I say.  How does that apply in your life?

Father, show us today how we can be more honest and sincere in our thoughts and actions to those around us.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday it was really wet.  The first class came with their students to the country school.  They ahd a good time and I was able to go out and visit them at noon.  We had some challenges at school with students, one in particular.  After school, I went to the O'Brien house and turned up heat and opened the door so the hunters could come there today. Then out to the school to get it ready for today.  I came home and slept and did a bit of work in the shanty, I set the flowers outside, so that now when I bring them in I am ready for winter.   I cut out one of the quilts that I am going to sew.

Trust that you each had a good day.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1, 2009

Guard Against Foolishness
By thy words thou shalt be justified. and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.  Matthew 12:37

Guard your own spirit against foolishness. Thoughts of nonsense and empty words are utter waste.
All words are either actively good or actively negative, and if they are negative, they are destructive. They will nullify the testimony I would establish when you speak My words, so that if you mix the two, the good will be canceled out by the evil.
You cannot afford such carelessness. Let your every word be full of grace and taste of the saltiness of divine goodness.

I have had to learn in my life to be careful of the words that I use, I can not speak words in jesting, it just doesn't work for me, I am sure we have all had times when we have said something and regretted saying it,   Then we have that sick feeling inside of ourselves and wish that we could take back what we said.  I am thinkful that most of the time I can't think of any thing to say, that helps to keep me out of trouble.  I see students that say and do things that they probably would have been better to have not said.

Father, help us to chose our words wisely.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, I was at Area Vo Tech in Devils Lake from 10-2  the foods students from Starkweather fixed food for the med students from Starkweather and Dakota Prairie(24 people)  They did a good job, probably a few stressful minutes getting it all together, but it is done.  After school I cleaned church and then went to Wagenman's for Bible study, when I got home I helped Dad get the trucks in from harvesting, Jerry and Chuck were on the combines.  Today it is raining, so we are thankful for what they got done.

Have a great day.