It was a beautiful day, and we are thankful for sun shine. I am thankful for a good report from the clinic(I had to call them this morning). I am thanful for good help and really our days are rather repetitious.Cooking, and more cooking. We have a good devotion time before we start the day.
Jeff talked about taking your faith home with you and living it everyday and the need for being in God's word. This group of campers are really special, I feel God has blest us with this group to start the summer, in a sense to help us learn and become more confident in what we are doing. It doesn't mean that we don't trust in God, we will need his help and directions everyday, but that we will kind of know some order of what we are doing. Dan is our new program director, he has never done it before, and he has changed somethings, they are very good changes.
So I leave you with those thoughts. Goodnight. Mom