I remember
So you want me to write.....Dad is sorting photos. I have tried to add this photo to this site, but I don't seem to be very successful. I will tell the story anyway. The photo wouldn't mean anything to any of you but it does to me, and to dad. One time when Janet was in high school, we flew her and another girl, Laura Axmann to Ellendale for a youth conference at Trinity Bible College. Janet was in a speech meet at Devils lake. so we picked them up late in the day and took them to the airport. We got up in the sky, we were above the clouds and it looked like this. Though I remember the clouds as being whiter. It was beautiful. Dad said, we need to go below the clouds so we could navigate. So he made a few circular manuvers and down we went. Beneath the clouds it was getting dark. So we had to watch for the lights of the towns. We flew to Ellendale, Pastor Dave met us at the airport. We left the girls there and we flew back. We got back to Devils lake about maybe midnight. We left the airplane there and drove back to the farm. It is a good memory.