Monday, March 3, 2008


It is 2:57 a.m. and I am writing.  I am home alone, Jack is in Fargo for airplane symposium,  Julie in Grand Forks for a concert, she and Shannon stayed at Jacqui's because the road is terrible. So they didn't go to her house. Brenna and Shaun need to leave really early for Bismarck and they closed I 29 because of the drifting and ice(I think).  Well at 2 a.m. I got a call from Chuck wondering if I had a shovel(he didn't know dad wasn't home) so I drove over to where they were stuck on their road.  Those low vans don't do so good, they get hung up on the driftand the snow was hard.  I took two shovels and put on a lot of clothes,  Chuck and I did the shoveling, but he really didn't have the appropriate clothes,  finally Alice got out and I told her to get in the back of the jeep as there were more clothes.  Frank and Dorothy were along, I don't know where they had been but I think that they had picked up Gabe who had been to the concert that Julie, Shannon, Shaun, Brenna and Alicia had been at.  It is time to say goodnight, maybe the cat and will get some sleep now.  Mom