After the program and candle light service, we drove to Alicia's house, John Jacqui and Tessa, Gregg's parents and grandma, Leon, Shawn and Brenna, Jack and I were there. The girls made a delicious turkey and ham meal with mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, salad, lefsa, and rolls, and atleast three kinds of pie was there for us to enjoy. After wards we shared gifts with each other.
I was blest to see the joy that Leon experienced as he shared with his daughters, that was a blessing to see. Grandpa and I don't give much in the way of gifts, but we did share some special dishes with Jacqui, Alicia and Brenna. They were dishes that had belonged to Jacqui's grandma. Most of all girls, use them. They are not for keeping, they are for using and their are a lot more still here.
Jacqui made us a special calendar, it has everyones birthday on it and photos. That is special.
I had taken along the christmas photos, and so Jacqui and I looked at them that night, as they were driving back to Grand Forks.
Dad and I got up early the next morning and quietly left Gregg and Alicia's home and drove to Bismarck. We spent that day with Julie.
We even took a photo of all of us together. it was a good day, I am sure that a year ago we would never have thought we would see all of these changes.
You will ahve to go to John's site for photos of our time with them at Alicia and Gregg's house.