Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. 1 Peter 4:12
Through much tribulation I am bringing My chosen to perfection. Be not amazed when challenges present themselves. I am building your fortitude, and the day will come when you will be grateful for every lesson learned in the school of affliction.
What lessons are you experiencing that you don't like? Are you allowing God to do in you what he wants, to make you into his image? What do you think his image is like? Love, Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control these are examples of fruit of the Spirit of God, I believe that god is like that and he wants to see that in us. Do we see this happening in our lives? If we don't, why not? Do we really want to experience what it takes to be Christ like? Are we willing to give up our selfish ways to be this and to put the welfare of those we love over ourselves? Maybe we should ask, do we love those around us, our spouses, our children, our co-workers, etc.? I mean REALLY love them, are we willing to put their best interest before ours?
I may have given this illustration before, but Maxine Frank was the person in the extension office when I started working in 4-H. Maxine, was a kind, caring person, and she would praise every 4-Her for everything that they did. I have been hearing condemnation against people around me, not here at camp, by in other places. My question is: what would happen if we spoke kindly about those around us? WHAT WOULD HAPPEN? who are we to judge and criticize, when we have a log in our own eye? It is kind words that will change the world, We are shaping our children and our spouses, and our neighbors by what we say about them, and to them. Julie Ruth, has often said to me after we eat, "that was another culinary masterpiece" it was her way of saying thank you, and it was encouraging. What could we say to those around us, like our family to encourage them? It is so easy to put on a good front, when we aren't really doing it at home, Our family deserves the best, they deserve to come home to a haven and be treated the best possible. It is our responsibility to make that happen. but first we will have to examine our lives and search our heart and ask ourselves, what can I do to make my place a haven to live in, not by beautiful things and beautifully decorated rooms, but by the beauty of a loving, caring heart, one who truly cares about their family and those about them. You know LOVE is the only thing that will change the world or another person, nothing else will do it. We will have to purpose in our hearts that we want to love, and if we ask God he will help us.
It looks this morning like we had rain in the night, but I didn't hear it. It was another day of a lot of cooking, I have a new recipe for you Alicia, something we tried here at camp.