Eternal Destiny of the Present Moment
Be thou an example of the believers. 1 Timothy 4:12
It is not appointed to you to know the future. It is enough that we should walk together in love and trust. No doubts need mar your peace. Rest in the knowledge that My ways are perfect and My grace is all-sufficient. My help is adequate, no matter what may befall you.
Live in the awareness of the eternal destiny of the present moment. To be unduly occupied with matters of the future is to your own disadvantage. So much is waiting to be done.
We get too preoccupied with the future, what we think we should be doing. Come on, we may never live to see the future. What if this was the last day of your life? How would you live it? what would you say to your loved ones? We really don't appreciate our loved ones, atleast if we do it doesn't seem to be evident by our thoughts and actions.
Sometimes when I say goodbye to your Dad, or when I drive away, or when he drives away, I think, that could be the last time we see each other, or when he leaves the house in the morning, I like to go to him at the door and let him know how special he is, I wouldn't want to live the rest of my life remembering that our last moment together we were fighting or bitter and angry with each other. Something like the verse that says 'don't let the sun go down on your wrath" I think of the multitude of stories about people who wouldn't or couldn't bring themselves to tell their loved ones that 'they were sorry' the bitterness that eventually controls their hearts and poisons their lives. God doesn't desire it to be that way.
Father, show me my heart, help me to allow you to search it and lead me in the way you would have me to go. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Yesterday, we have what we call a left over meal, but we try to do it in such a way, that they don't realize that it is left overs, I left right after we had them served at noon and drove to Lakota, met Dad there and road with him to Grand Forks. He saw the Dr. and made arrangements for procedure next Friday. Then we ate with John, Jacqui and Tessa and Dad drove back to Lakota. They were still in chapel when I got here, so I stayed in kitchen and started organizing for this mornings brunch. I have a lady who is about 80 that is helping, she was right there with me as we made preparations. Afterwards I went to the bonfire, This has been a week of challenges amongst the campers, but the bonfire told a different story, Boys and girls who had been touched by God. It was a really great evening, but late. We rejoice that the sun is shining. Have a great day.