Desire Holiness
For sin shall not have dominion over you;
for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
Romans 6;14
You should never abandon your desire for holiness because of your failures. You judge yourself incurably sinful. I see you as potentially pure. When you can look upon your own soul with compassion, you will know that My spirit has worked a work of grace in your heart, and you shall be lifted above despair. You shall have a song of praise on your lips and a shout of victory in your heart.
God is constantly searching our heart and by the power of the Holy Spirit showing us what in our lives doesn't meet up with his standards. Is there anything he is speaking to you about? It is a journey to help us grow into his likeness. it isn't about anything we can do, but only as we yield to the Holy Spirit will we be changed into his likeness.
Father, search my heart and show me all that you would like me to be. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yesterday we were here at home, we did go and mail letters in town and saw a few people. Linda had goodies out in the post office and there was opportunity to visit. Julie got home after noon, and it is good to have times to visit with her.
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