Sunday, November 14, 2010

November 14, 2010

Yesterday was a day at home, and I am still cleaning in preparation for the computer move, it is good to have a motivation to clean, and to throw..... We also took stuff out to the gravel pit.  One more step in being ready for winter.  In the after noon I went to town for lunch with the Sr's and then over to see Frank and Dorothy.  after supper I worked on book work.

  Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the
unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body
but made alive by the Spirit.
   -- 1 Peter 3:18
  Having stood over the open graves of friends, family, and
strangers, I know the appearance and feel of death's finality and
our human frailty. But Christ's death is that great reminder that
death is a matter of perspective and faith. I believe God raised
Jesus from the dead and that Jesus is the first fruits of those of
us who believe in him. He is alive, not just in Spirit, but in
bodily form. Because Jesus lives, so will we!

  Almighty God, thank you for the gifts of your grace, Spirit,
forgiveness and life. Most of all, thanks for the gift of your Son,
who brought life and immortality to life in me through your
salvation. While I have no great desire to die, I know I can look
through death to you and your victory in me through Jesus. Please
give me the courage to live for you every day until that day you
take me home. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

When things don't seem to be the way we would like them to be,  with Jesus in our heart and guiding our steps we are reminded that there is more to life than now,  this is such a small part of the whole picture.  I was recently reading about a person who left their Muslim belief for Christianity and the torture they are experiencing because of it.  Our lives are sheltered and we do not comprehend what we really believe in Jesus.  The speaker at Zoar also brought that home to us as he shared about his life under the communists in East Berlin.

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