Saturday, June 18, 2011

June18, 2011

It has been a week since I sent a note to you.  It was a good week at camp, lots of children and counselors to feed.  Good help and with that good fellowship.  Yesterday it was about 5 when I got home.  We had had a lot of rain at camp, it was just plain a soggy spongy mess.  I had a camper, so I took him home to Cando and clean up the church so it is ready when we come back there in two weeks.  Made my usual stops and came home.  it wasn't wet here so the men were in the field so I mowed lawn, it did rain in the evening.

  I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for
man to direct his steps.
   -- Jeremiah 10:23

  While we may have goals and a sense of mission about our lives,
our lives are not really ours to plan. Every day must be greeted as
a gift from God. Every goal must ultimately be pursued to his
glory. Every true sense of direction is a gift to us from our
Father's Word or his Spirit.

  Wise and loving Father, lead me by your Holy Spirit. Fill me
with your holy wisdom. Guide me into a more complete understanding
of your will for my life. Please give me the wisdom to live each
day with character and holy grace. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen