The Father's Husbandry
I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman John 15:1
Faith, meekness, temperance are fruits that mature slowly, and they are perfected by the careful husbandry of the Father. The faith which is produced within you as fruit of the Holy Spirit is a faith operating in the life of the believer to the end that he becomes a productive vehicle for the doing of the Father's work. And this fruit of meekness goes beyond mildness of temperament, even to an acceptance of injustice. It is not only patient, but gracious.
It doesn't happen fast, just as some plants/trees don't grow fast or mature fast, it is the same with the spiritual fruit in our lives, it isn't instant, it takes work, and God does a lot of pruning in the process.
Father, what work do you want to do in us, to prune us and shape us into the kind of fruit that you can use. Help us this day to desire to be a fruitful Christian, and to be willing to listen to your calling to us. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yesterday, school, and at home I painted til I ran out of paint, you are going to be surprised at how it looks, For a while I was cleaning out weeds by the shop and airplane hanger, I want to make those areas just a bit more attractive.
Today I have appointment in Grand Forks. What you are doing for lunch Jacqui and Alicia?