Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Philippians 2:12-13
When you are conscious of spiritual weakness, do not wait for Me to move upon you to effect a change from without, but assume the responsibility for your weakened condition as though you were indeed your own saviour. In the self-same moment, My grace will do the rest!
Wholeness is the product of the Spirit, but it cannot come until your own desire sets it in motion.
We need to see our need and then respond, as long as we think everything is o.k. we don't seek God, but when he backs us into a corner then we have no choice, how disappointing that we aren't willing vessels.
Father, show me your ways for my life, lead me in the way you desire for me to go. In Jesus Name, Amen
Yesterday, I left early int he morning and drove to FaHoCha, I had a mission that was to leave the furniture at camp and to clean out the deepfat frier and put things away in the kitchen. Mission accomplished! The sofa and chair look really good in their new home. The kitchen is ready for winter for all that I can do. I came home and stopped by the O'Brien house, the guys have left and I got the laundry and garbage and came home. It was a beautiful day, so after a coffee time with Seniors in town I mowed the lawn, and as usually I always find branches to burn, so that is what I did. Dad was swathing. It was a beautiful day.
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