Nothing New
What has been will be again,
What has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun
Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV
What has been will be again,
What has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun
Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV
There is nothing that is new
Beneath God's timeless sun,
And present, past, and future
Are all molded into one.
(What is happening today is a repeat of having been done many times before.)
Yesterday Maryanne Raftevold was with us again, she had been in our church the night before ministering to single people. She used the following acronym and it is helpful:
Happy -enjoying pleasures
Hope in the Lord Romans 5:5 says And hope does not disappoint us,
because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
whom he has given us.
Ask - gracious, full of mercy What is God asking of you in this year?
He will open doors, equip you, send you out....
Pray - more than ever this year. Talk, praising, adoring
How can I be used by God?
Pursue God like there is no tomorrow -hang unto God to never let him go.
Hold unto his hand Psalm 119:105 Light path, lift us up
When we fall, he picks us up and dust us off. Can you do this?
challenge Repented - not listening to God. who is in charge of your life?
Who is trying to lead you? I have a calling on my life?
Yield yourself to God. Submit yourself to one another. You have a part to play
application: we have a purpose and God has a plan How are you going to let God use you?
Father we commit this day into your hands, and pray for your protection for each one in our family, Father our prayer is that you will supply the needs that we have today, In Jesus Name. amen.
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