Thou are the God who workest wonders,
who has manifested thy might among the peoples
Psalm 77:14 KJV
Each day there are showers of blessingswho has manifested thy might among the peoples
Psalm 77:14 KJV
Sent from the Father above,
For God is a great, lavish giver,
And there is no end to His love.
Do you children remember when we went to a place called Zion Harbor, we went there with Ben and Edna and their girls? anyway, Dad had been thinking about the/leader and found his obituary, I did some reading and was interested in a concept that he shared with people. it was the concept of blessing your children. So I am doing a bit of reading on the subject. I find that when I see people I have this desire to "bless them" maybe lay my hand on their shoulder and express that to them. We have new people coming to church and one man has a son, Joey is in grade 7 at Cando. He seems so alone and sad. I asked him about school and he alluded that he didn't have any friends, my heart just hurts for a person like that. there was opportunity to go to him and pray with him.
Father, I pray that you would bless each member of our family, may they know and feel your presence, Father, I pray that you would bless them with your spirit and that you would guide their steps this day. In Jesus Name. Amen
Yesterday we had Sunday School and church, those going to Nicaragua shared what they were going to be doing, and we took a special offering. After lunch at Cenex, Dad and I came back and helped Colleen get things ready for them to take to Nicaragua. I had made net bags last winter and Lottie helped me finish them. we were putting items in those bags. We came home and slept and enjoyed our evening here. This morning I got a call, no school today. it doesn't sound very good outside. Dad steped out on the step and came back in. You all stay safe and enjoy the day inside. On Saturday when we had lunch with the Seniors, Dorothy Harpestad was getting a puzzle to work and wanted a book to read. She was getting ready for the storm. I have a book for her but didn't get it to her yet.
Have a great day, If it is stormy we don't have to be concerned about people coming and bothering us. Right. it is a day for pop corn and fun.
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