Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31, 2010

Ease the Burden
For he that in these things serveth Christ is
acceptable to God, and approved of men. Let us
therefore follow after the things which make for peace,
and things wherewith one may edify another.
Romans 14:18-19 KJV

If we would but forget our care
And stop in sympathy to share
The burden that our brother carried,
Our minds and hearts would be less harried
And we would feel our load was small--
In face, we carried no load at all.

In other words... stop focusing on ourselves and our little woes and reach out to someone else.

Yesterday was a beautiful day and I loved it.  It was a good day at school, really busy helping students with various projects.  After school I went to Mary Ann's house, she showed me how to use a wool carder and I am going to use it here at home.  So last night I washed some wool that I had so I can get it ready to card.

I can hear the birds singing this morning and I see that the step was wet so it must have rained.  I really enjoyed it outside last night, did more raking and cleaning, and more inspiration for the flower beds.

Happy Birthday Jerry.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30, 2010

Our Forever Friend
Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer;
thou shalt cry, and he shall say, here I am.
Isaiah 58:9 KJV

How could I think God was far, far away
When I feel Him beside me
        every hour of the day?
And I've plenty of reasons
        to know God's my friend,
And this is one friendship
       that time cannot end.

Thank you God for the friendship that I have with you.  Thank you for making yourself real in my life, through people, through family, through your creation.  Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Dad hasn't been feeling well, he stayed in yesterday, so I hope he is better today.  It was a usual day at school, I came home after school and got the mail, rested for a bit and then went outside for a while.  I raked and then sat on the lawn chair on the step, it was really nice out there.

Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29, 2010

Love's Gentle Light
For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this;
Thou shalt lvoe thy neighbour as thyself.
Galatiatns 5:14

As soon as love entered the heart's open door,
The faults we once saw
      are not there anymore--
And the things that seem wrong
      begin to look right
When viewed int he softness
      of love's gentle light.

It is God's love that changes the heart and life, and as we desire more of his lvoe in us, it changes us, it changes our attitude and it changes our heart.  It isn't anything we can do, but we can ask God to do it in us.

Yesterday we went to Church and Sunday School, picked up some pizza and came home, I enjoyed a long nap and was outside for a while, took a walk, when I came home and talked to Jazqui she said that Jack didn't feel good, he had been sleeping, and he has slept a lot. 

Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 28, 2010

Eternal Spring
The hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and come forth.
John 5:28-29 RSV
Man, like flowers, too, must sleep
Until he is called from the darkest deep
To live in that place where angels sing
and where there is eternal spring!

I look out my window and I see a frosty morning, but with the snow melting there is such evidence of spring.  Won't it be wonderful when we can eternally live in spring, in God's presence, no more dealing with people and a government who are doing things so stupid,  so against what God desires....... Thank you Father for the hope we have in you.  Amen

Yesterday i was in Devils lake for a while with the ladies who are a part of the fiber guild, I learned how to make felt and do decorative felting, very interesting.  Then I came home and rested, had lunch with the Sr's and visited with Frank and Dorothy.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

stopping to see Alicia and her family

We stopped to see Alicia and her family on our way home from funeral in Minnesota. Leah was just two months old at the time.

more of our trip

Then on Saturday we went to see Trey play basketball in an all day tournament.  We were there for three games.  One time I didn't know if they were going to get any baskets, but the games got better and they won!

more of 2010 trip

After Bismarck we drove towards South Dakota stopping to visit Shawn, Brenna and Natalie.

our road trip in March 2010

We started our little trip by going to Bismarck.  I spent Friday with Julie, Elizabeth and Anna at their place of work

Elizabeth is by the cake she has just decorated.

Anna is weighing dough for rolls and Julie is putting finishing touches on desserts.  I made a quiche and potato soup.  It was a fun time.

March 27, 2010

Near to me
Honor the Lord with your substance and
with the first fruits of all your produce.
Proverbs 3:9

There is happiness in knowing
That my heart will always be
A place where I can hold You
And keep You near to me.

I believe that God honors those who honor him.  Who would your really like to be close to?  I have been reading about Mother Theresa, and her experience with God's presence that drew her to his side and changed her life forever. She is a real inspiration..

Yesterday I left school at 2:45 and drove to New Rockford and went to the physical therapist, Now my shoes feel good and I will be o.k.  I came home by Cando and printed the church bulletin and got us subs to eat and that was the end of the day.

Friday, March 26, 2010

march 26, 2010

Take Faith Along
Love the Lord, all you his saints!
The Lord preserves the faithful, but abundantly
requites him who acts haughtily.
Psalm 31:23

As you climb life's ladder,
Take faith along with you,
And great will be your happiness
As your dearest dreams come true.

We might think that our life is insignificant, but if we reflect, we can see that God has been with us on our path, sometimes the steps have been difficult, but he hasn't left us, he is still there and guiding us.  So as we climb the ladder, and we may not feel like we are experiencing success, but we are, we are his vessels and he is with us, and the experiences in our life are there for a purpose.

Wednesday after school we drove to Fergus Falls MN and stayed there for the night.  Then yesterday we drove to Elbow Lake for Gary Olson's funeral.  Afterwards we drove back home stopping to see Alicia and her little girls on our way.  It was the first time that we had met Leah. She is a big girl. Addison was really quiet, she had just got up from sleeping.  Home looked really good.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24, 2010

Daily Guest

May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face to shine upon us.
Psalm 67:1 RSV
Every home is specially blessed
When God becomes a daily guest
For when two people pray together,
They also dream and stay together.

The amazing thing it is to pray together, whether it is husband and wife, Father and child, or Mothr and child.  God recognizes our effort and rewards those who diligently seek him.  I was just reading about someone who daily read from Psalm 145-150  they are verses of encouragement and would encourage us as we start our day.  Recently have been told of two other ladies in the area who get up and have devotions before they start their day, that is so encouraging to me, God honors that effort to seek him as we start the day.  How might you take time to seek God as you start your day.  You know you can pray while you are still in bed, if that works better.  It seems that sometimes I either can't go to sleep or wake up in the night, good time to commune with God.

Yesterday i went to Devils Lake to get tax information, then after I got home I spent time paying bills.  We plan to drive to Fergus Falls after school, Gary's funeral is tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23, 2010

Enduring Love
Thou, O Lord, art enthroned for ever;
thy name endures to all generations.
Psalm 102:12 RSV

Kings and kingdoms all pass away;
Nothing on earth endures.
But the love of God, who sent His Son,
Is forever and ever yours.

I have been reading the comments on the choices our congressmen made by voting for the Health Care legislation.  I go back to the previous, verse and poem, because nothing that man does is permanent.  It may seem that way, but when we walk away from God, we will pay the price for that choice.  Our country has been paying the price, we have been murdering innocent babies, and that is against God's 10 commandments, we have to pay for that choice, and we are and will.  But when we put our hope and trust in God, he has promised that he will never leave us or forsake us,  he is with us.  I can pray about what is happening, but it doesn't do me any good to get all stressed out about it, you might say we can see the handwriting on the wall and we are paying for those choices.

Yesterday, was a school day, and everyone is back and busy with studying, music, etc.  Atleast one of our music groups walked in the parade of champs at the state tournament in Minot on Saturday night.   After school I went and cleaned the church, because we hope to drive on Wednesday to Minnesota for Gary Olson's funeral on Thursday.

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010

Life Eternal
This is the will of my Father, that every one who sees
the Son and believes in him should have eternal life;
and I will raise him up at the last day.
John 6:40 RSV

Our Savior's resurrection
Was God's way of telling men
That in Christ we are eternal
And in Him we live again.

No better way can I tell this than Jack's college friend, Gary Olson, passed away yesterday(Sunday), he wanted so much to die and God has granted his wishes.  Gary had a loving relationship with God and today we can be assured that he has no more pain and is rejoicing with the heavenly realm.

Jack and I have just been on a mini vacation.  We left Thursday afternoon from the school and drove to Bismarck.  We went to Julie's and then the three of us went to eat together.  Afterwards we went to Mark's house and had dessert together and visited.  Dad and I stayed at a motel and Friday Dad took me to spent time with Julie, Anna and Elizabeth,  they are doing a good job.  Dad did get to see his classmate Shirley and did a bit of shopping, he came back and we ate and then left.  We stopped at Jamestown briefly and then at Ellendale to see Shaun, Brenna and Natalie.  From there we went to Janets, Saturday we saw Trey play ball, otherwise we were at their house, helping her with things around the house.  Sunday, Jack and I went to church with Cody and after lunch with them we came on home.  We received word then that Gary had passed away.  His funeral is Thursday morning.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18, 2010

Potency in Prayer

Potency in Prayer

Whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do,

that the Father may be glorified in the Son, if ye
shall ask anything in my name, I will do it.
John 14:13-14 KJV

Prayer is much more than
     just asking for things--
It's the peace and contentment
      that quietness brings.
So thank You again
     for your mercy and love
And for making me heir
     to your kingdom above.

To me prayer is that communion with God, and it doesn't happen just in places on bent knees, it happens as I walk and talk with God, it happens when I am in a parking lot walking and talking to God, it happesn when I am needing a parking place and talk to God, it happens when I am going to use the telephone and send a prayer for words to say, it happens when you come to my mind and I ask God to bless you.  So we could say it just happens......
Father, today, we desire to have those moments when we are conscious of you, help them to come to us often and for them to be a sweet fragrance in our day, In Jesus name. Amen.

Yesterday was a school day, had a few issues with students, but nothing unusual.  After school I cleaned the church but since there was no Bible Study I came home.  Ronna had called and she called back later in the evening,

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March 17, 2010

God's Own
The Lord knoweth them that are his.
2 Timothy 2:19 KJV

My cross is not too heavy,
      my road is not too rough
Because God walks beside me,
      and to know this is enough...
And though I get so lonely
     I know I'm not alone,
For the Lord God is my Father
    and He loves me as His own.

I think of stories that I have read telling about people being in very difficult situations and in the midst of it, God speaks very clearly to them and helps them to walk through their situation.  He wants to do the same for us, even today.

Yesterday , Jim and Marva Furbur and Jerry came and ate supper with us.  Jim taught me how to crochet a pot holder that his mother used to make, I hope I can make it work today.  I wrote down instructions.  The brain just isn't as clear as I get older, and especially not late in the day.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 16, 2010

God of Miracles

Call to remembrance the former days,
in which, after ye were illuminated,
ye endured a great fight of afflictions.
Hebrews 10:32 KJV

Barren, windswept, lonely hills
Turning gold with daffodils--
These miracles are all around
Within our sight and touch and sound,
As true wonderful today
As when the stone was rolled away,
Proclaiming to all doubting men
That in God all things live again.

However bleak life might seem today, we have one hope that life lives again, here on earth when spring time comes, things grow, new life, babies come, new life. with death, even then it is a new life when we have followed Christ we live again,  Praise the Lord.  So what ever is happening today, remember there will be new life, where ever and what ever that may mean.

Father, help us to expectantly anticipate the new life that is unfolding in our midst.  Today we pray for those with physical needs that you might touch them and meet their need.  In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday was a school day, it is spring break so Richard wright came to visit at school and Robbie Braathen.  robbie is one of the first students that I worked with when I came to Starkweather school, he is a student at UND, an amazing story of  turned around choices.
  After school I spent time cleaning in the house, and spent later in the evening removing the paint from the little chest I am fixing.  It is really unique when you get the ugly gold off of it.

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15, 2010

Secure in God's Love

I know that nothing can keep
us from the love of God.
Romans 8:38 NLV

Just close your eyes and open your heart
And feel your cares and worries depart.
Just yield yourself to the Father above
And let Him hold you secure in His love.

All I can say is Amen to the above, it is the answer to our problems, the key to our life....

Yesterday Dad and I went to Sunday School and church,  it was a good time together.  Michael has been speaking on Prayer and again we were challenged by the word he shared.  We came home and rested and were here the rest of the day.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March 14, 2010

The light of the righteous shines brightly
Proverbs 13:9 NIV

When the darkness shuts out the light,
We must lean on faith to restore our sight,
For there is nothing we need to know
If we have faith that wherever we go
God will be there to help us bear
Our disappointments, pain and care.

With Jesus, darkness can never shut out the light, not really, it may challenge us to seek God but the light is there.

Yesterday I was sick, in bed for most of the day, so I did not get to Gene's funeral, I am feeling better now.  So it was a day here at home.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 13, 2010

Holy Harvest
While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat, summer and winter,
day and night, shall not cease.
Genesis 8:22 RSV

Rejoice though your heart
Is broken in two;
God seeks to bring forth
A rich harvest in you.

We are seeing a lot of changes, but one thing is always there another time to seed and another time to harvest, What would you like to harvest in your life?  What would you like to see happen?  Some years back, I sensed that God really wanted me to love people individually, nothing that anyone sees, but that I would take advantage of the opportunities to just love people who are hurting,  I have followed that and know that there are many things I won't be doing, but this I will follow, and I get opportunities every day.  He has been faithful..  I try to always be sensitive.  Granted we all miss opportunities, but I try to not miss any.  What is it that he might be talking to you about in your life?  It may be your role as a wife or mother, or as a father or husband.  As we walk through various seasons of life, his calling does change in us.

Yesterday, I went over to see Gladys Neidlinger, it was her birthday, she had had the ladies from her building there when I came and they left and I helped her wash the dishes and then we sat and visited, she was more talkative this time and it was good to listen to the things she had to say.

I wasn't feeling good last night, so I went to bed early and didn't get up til later this morning, I am better today.

Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12, 2010

A Matter of Perspective
You will seek me and find me when
you seek me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13 NIV

When we view our problems
Through the eyes of God above,
Misfortunes turn to blessings,
and hatred turns to love.

God just wants all of us and when we truly seek him and desire him, he is right there waiting there for us........I am thankful for his grace and patience in my life.

Yesterday was another school day, I can't say that anything significant happened but it was a good day.  We were here at home in the evening, some sewing and some history preservation.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010

Heed God's Voice
Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.
Hebrews 3:7-8 NIV

Enjoy your sojourn on earth and be glad
That God give you a choice
           between good things and bad,
And only be sure that you heed God's voice
Whenever life asks you to make a choice.

We do have a lot of choices and they are choices that do shape our future, choices for God or choices for ourselves, what are we going to choose and what will be the result? can you look back on choices that you have made and realize the effect they have made on your life?  One choice in my life had an effect,.... we, Jack and I , were at ORU in Tulsa Oklahoma, when we came back our church was having special services, but I chose to go to a class at the jr. college.  Just before I left for the class, our pastors wife had called me and encouraged me to come to church, but I thought the class was more important.  The next night when I was at church I felt really convicted about my choice,  repentance was the key, I didn't have to make that choice but I did, and I feel that it has been an important part of the rest of my walk with God.  When I see a mistake that I have made it is important for me seek God, and ask his forgiveness and also the forgiveness of those around me. 

Yesterday was school, and after school I cleaned the church and visited Matt and Mavis and went to Bible Study.  Dad went to Devils Lake during the day.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10, 2010

Be Glad
Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, O righteous,
and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!
Psalm 32:11

Be glad that you've walked
        with courage for each day,
Be glad you've had strength
        for each step of the way,
Be glad for the comfort
       you've found in prayer,
But be gladdest of all for God's tender care.

I am wondering if we appreciate 'his tender care'  I wonder if we appreciate that he is always there, that he loves us unconditionally and it doesn't depend on how we behave.  He loves us.  Sometime I read about things that people have had to experience and wonder what they feel, but deep inside he is there, too.

Yesterday when we got to school we were told that Gene Braathen had died the night before, he had been a bus driver for maybe 30 years, something like that. Gene was kind and caring and everyone loved him.  DJ called all the students grades 7-12 into the gym to tell them, it was a quiet morning, the students really cared for him and they needed quiet time to process it.   Then I talked to someone who said we will never be ready....I wondered does that mean she doesn't know Jesus, or she just doesn't want to die?  What are our feelings today?  Are we ready, how do we feel about dying? 

I came home after school and after a nap we had supper and the evening together.  Dad is much better.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010

he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food
will also supply and increase your store of seed and
will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.
2 Corinthians 9:10 NIV

Seed must be sown
To bring forth grain,
And nothing is born
Without suffering and pain.

We won't see people come to Jesus unless we sow some seed, less we tell people about him.  For you and I that may be telling someone what Jesus has done in our lives.  How much does Jesus mean to you?  It is so easy to become complacent and take our relationship with God for granted,  but what if you had never asked Jesus to live in your heart where would you be?  Would you be like the person who is at Teen Challenge right now, would you be walking the streets with no place to live?  What would your circumstances be like?  Our relationship with Jesus is more than significant, it is the core of our very being.......

Father, I thank you for saving me as a young person, I thank you for keeping me through the years, for being my Saviour and Lord, my help, my purpose,   You are all I need.  Thank you In Jesus Name. amen.

Yesterday was school.  We have a new student, which probably brings with his life some challenges, yet it is our opportunity to show kindness.  He has another from the same household, who had a bad record and is not behaving that way in our school.  So we will see what happens.  I had an opportunity to tell the students in one of the study halls to show some kindness, and we had a discussion about what it is like to be the new student.

They had a pep rally because the boys went to regional tournament.  Dad went to Dr. and is doing much better, and I did stop to see Frank and Dorothy.  It is their 64 wedding anniversary this week.

Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8, 2010

Light to Lead the Way
I have come as light into the world, that whoever
believes in me may not remain in darkness.
John 12;46 RSV

God, in Thy great wisdom,
Lead us in the way that's right,
And may the darkness of this world
Be conquered by Thy light

Are there things happening in our lives that reflect darkness rather than light, things that are not a positive influence in our life, or that are affecting us in a negative way.  That is not God's way, that is not God's desire, turn and go in the way of God's light and allow God to work in you that which is pleasing to him.  Ask yourself is that what God wants for me? is this the way God wants my life to be?

Yesterday I went to Sunday School and church and since I had made plans to meet Ann, I went to D L and we ate together and then I came home.  Jack has been in the house since atleast Friday, I do not feel that he is doing real good, he should go to a Dr. but where?  So we will see what happens today......

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7, 2010

Grumble Not
Don't grumble against each other, brothers, or you
will be judged. The Judge is standing at the door!
James 5:9

Open up your hardened heart
and let God enter in--
He only wants to help you
A new life to begin.

How easy it is for us to harden our hearts and not stay close to him.  Our walk with God takes discipline, in the word and prayer or else it becomes easy to get side tracked.  Where are you today? 

Father, search our hearts and our ways and show us the hardness in our lives and direct us in the way you would have us to go, draw us closer to you.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday we were here at home,  Dad is not feeling well, he has been in the house for two days, and actually he coughed a lot last night,  He doesn't seem to have a fever but a lot of coughing.  I tried to clean in areas where he wasn't at, because he doesn't like the sound of the vacuum  I have a bunch of newspaper clippings that I am going through for information, so that is what I did most of the day.  I did have lunch with the seniors when I got the mail.  I stopped to see Jerry's cat, it really purred when I held it.  Since the weather has been mild it is doing o.k. out there in the garage.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 6, 2010

Patience Pays Off

I waited patiently for the Lord;
he inclined to me and heard my cry.
Psalm 40:1 RSV

Give us, through the coming year,
Quietness of mind;
Teach us to be patient
And always to be kind.

Father, thank you for these encouraging thoughts, that really affect who we are and what we do.  In Jesus Name. amen

Yesterday I finished preparing the information for the income tax and took it to Emil at Devils lake.  Then I went to the courthouse and researched for a couple of farmsteads for our history display.  I hope to post some more farms in the history display by this spring.  I got a few groceries and thenwent to visit Vivian Wass.  she is Julie Wass's mother-in-law.  Julie had suggested that she might like to see what I had done about the Jewish people.  Vivian also had a lot of newspaper clippings so I am borrowing them to get information.  She is a really special lady.  When I got home dad had made soup and pizza.  He was in all day, as he hasn't been feeling good, I hope he is better today.

Friday, March 5, 2010

March 5, 2010

Daily Prayers

O taste and see that the Lord is good!
Happy is the man who takes refuge in him!
Psalm 34:8 RSV

Brighten your day
And lighten your way;
Lessen your cares
With daily prayers.

Taking my problems to Jesus is the only way to lighten the load, but the key is leaving them in his hands and not taking them back and trying to carry them.

Yesterday was the last day of school for the week.  We had a special time in honor of Dr. Seus birthday.  fun and games and topping it off with cake.  It was a good day.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

March 4, 2010

Pray with Confidence
Know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly
for himself; the Lord will hear when I call unto him.
Psalm 4:3 KJV

Often we pause and wonder
       when we kneel down and pray
Can God really hear the prayers that we say?
But if we keep praying and talking to Him,
He'll brighten the soul
       that was clouded and dim.
And as we continue, our burden seems lighter;
Our sorrow is softened
       and our outlook is brighter.

The key here is to keep on even if we don't immediately see the answer, and the answer may not be the way we think it should be.  God knows best.  For those of you who are Fathers, can you see how you are like him, caring for your children, you do want the best for them, sometimes you are asked to be really patient with your children, sometimes you ahve to discipline your children, sometimes you need to take them by the hand and guide their steps.  Think of the way you relate to your children, that is how it is with your hevenly Father and much more so.  He Cares For You.

Father, thank you for hearing, listening and patiently loving and answering those prayers we express to you.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was school and after wards I went and cleaned the church, ate pizza with Gladys Neidlinger, visited with Matt and Mavis and then went to Bible Study.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March 3, 2010

Pray and Believe
The effectual fervent prayer of a
righteous man availeth much.
James 5:16

Whenever I am troubled
       and lost in deep despair,
I bundle all my troubles up
       and go to God in prayer...
I know He stilled the tempest
       and calmed the angry sea,
And I humbly ask if, in His love,
       He"ll do the same for me.

Really amazing what God will do for us, we are encouraged as we read from his word what he has already done and then also read what he has done in other people lives.  If you want your faith to grow you need to be encouraged by things that will build your faith, not by the negative that we see and hear about us.  Try God his way works!

Father, we commit this day into your hand and trust you for all that we need.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

No exciting news, Julie and children should be there soon, they were flying out last night.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March 2, 2010

Born Anew
In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie,

promised before he world began...
Titis 1:2 KJV

The waking earth in springtime
Reminds us it is true
That nothing ever really dies
That is not born anew.

So you and I must dies to our self(selfish desires) to become new, new to being what God wants us to be.  Willing to do and go where God wants us to go,  It is exciting to see where he might take us, and where he might keep us, but we must first be willing to be his vessel, and a will vessel to do what he wants.

Yesterday, back in school, the basketball players were dressed in black suits, shirts and ties, in preparation for their game last night.  Otherwise a normal day.  No exciting news.  Dad went and visited with Frank, I stopped over to see Laurie Morstad with something I had for her.

Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1, 2010

God Our Promise Keeper
We who have turned to (God) can have great comfort
knowing that He will do what He has promised.
This hope is a safe anchor for our souls.  it will never
move. This hope goes into the Holiest Place of
all behind the curtain of heaven.
Hebrews 6:18-19 NLV

So keep on believing
Whatever betides you,
Knowing that God will be
With you to guide you,
And all that He promised
Will be yours to receive
If you trust Him completely
And always believe.

All I can say to her thoughts is Amen!!!  It is all about believing and then trusting and putting my confidence in the only person who will not fail me.  God through his son is trust worthy, and honest, if he said it I can trust him to do it.  No one else is really like that.  So what is it that you and I need to trust him for in this day.  Do we spend too much time focused on events down the road that may not even happen.......
Father, I give you this day, help me to live it as though it were my last, to care about people like I would never have a chance to care about them again, to really listen intently to what they are saying, to be in a spirit of prayer as I live this day.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Yesterday Sunday School and Church, and then we had pizza, salad and cake  to honor Michael and Colleen on the occasion of their birthdays.  We rested, spent some time with Jerry and family, they will be leaving this morning for Fargo and fly out tomorrow, she and the children to Australia, and Jerry back to his job.