Eternal Spring
The hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and come forth.
John 5:28-29 RSV
Man, like flowers, too, must sleep
Until he is called from the darkest deep
To live in that place where angels sing
and where there is eternal spring!
I look out my window and I see a frosty morning, but with the snow melting there is such evidence of spring. Won't it be wonderful when we can eternally live in spring, in God's presence, no more dealing with people and a government who are doing things so stupid, so against what God desires....... Thank you Father for the hope we have in you. Amen
Yesterday i was in Devils lake for a while with the ladies who are a part of the fiber guild, I learned how to make felt and do decorative felting, very interesting. Then I came home and rested, had lunch with the Sr's and visited with Frank and Dorothy.
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