God's Own
The Lord knoweth them that are his.
2 Timothy 2:19 KJV
The Lord knoweth them that are his.
2 Timothy 2:19 KJV
My cross is not too heavy,
my road is not too rough
Because God walks beside me,
and to know this is enough...
And though I get so lonely
I know I'm not alone,
For the Lord God is my Father
and He loves me as His own.
I think of stories that I have read telling about people being in very difficult situations and in the midst of it, God speaks very clearly to them and helps them to walk through their situation. He wants to do the same for us, even today.
Yesterday , Jim and Marva Furbur and Jerry came and ate supper with us. Jim taught me how to crochet a pot holder that his mother used to make, I hope I can make it work today. I wrote down instructions. The brain just isn't as clear as I get older, and especially not late in the day.