Our Keeper
The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your
shade on your right hand. The sun shall not
smite you by day, nor the moon by night.
Psalm 121:5-6 RSV
After the night, the morning,The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your
shade on your right hand. The sun shall not
smite you by day, nor the moon by night.
Psalm 121:5-6 RSV
Bidding all darkness cease;
After life's cares and sorrows,
The comfort and sweetness of peace.
Do you enjoy the peacefulness of an evening outside, just enjoying the sounds of nature, that is what this says to me.....I love to go outside and listen to the sounds, maybe just sit on the ground and pull a few weeds.
Yesterday I went to Cando in the morning and cleaned the church then went to Memorial Day services and came home, I spent the rest of the day indoors and cleaned and cleaned. Jerry came and got the colored printer going.
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