I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened
in order that you may know the hope to which
he has called you, the riches of his glorious
inheritance in the saints.
Ephesians 1:18 NIV
In suffering and pain,
In storm-laden skies,
In sunshine and rain,
God always is there
To lighten your way
And lead you through darkness
To a much brighter day.
I have missed all of you for a couple of days. I went to FaHoCha on Thursday afternoon. Gabe went with me. We stopped in Devils Lake to get some flowers for a planter at camp, it was really raining when we shopped for them, so I got a bit wet, then at camp I planted them in between rain showers. This is what they look like. We usually wait til we get flowers donated but this Sunday they are dedicating the building behind so we wanted flowers in place there for that event. There is a new staff person and he helped me some, I think he likes gardening, too. I usually stay for this weekend, but we have activites this weekend so I came home. Last night we were over to Dale Solbergs and there were others from the area there, his brother and wife from Devils Lake, Curt and Pam Iverson Landsom, Diane Hoiland, Chuck and Alice and Diane Martinson Blue and Dale and his wife Lois. They had salmon Salad in lefsa and cookies and coffee and lots of visiting.We ended the day by Chuck playing the guitar and we all singing together some of the older hymns from our time. It was a really fun time.
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