Thursday, March 31, 2011

March 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Jerry

yesterday was school, cleaning of church and Bible Study, there were quite a few there.

by Greg Laurie:

A Working Conscience

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron.
— 1 Timothy 4:1–2 

Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the famed Sherlock Holmes novels, was a bit of a practical joker. One day, on a lark, he jotted out a note and sent it to 12 of his closest friends. The note read, "Flee at once! All is discovered!" Within 24 hours, all 12 of his friends had left the country.

The conscience is a bit like an alarm; it warns us of impending danger. Sometimes we are tempted to ignore or even disable alarms because we don't want to listen to them. The smoke alarm in my house only goes off at 3:00 A.M., warning that the battery is dead. It is very tempting to disconnect it so that I won't have to listen to it.

But if our conscience is working, if it is reminding us that something we have said or done is wrong, then that is a good thing. We want a conscience that is tender, a conscience that works properly. We don't want to try to disable it, and we certainly don't want to dull it, because the Bible warns that we can sear our conscience as with a hot iron (see 1 Timothy 4:1–2). This means having a conscience that is calloused and hard.

Everyone has a God-given conscience. As Romans 2:14 tells us, "For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them."

We need to teach our conscience how to function properly. We want to effectively educate it with God's Word so it will do what it is supposed to as designed by our Creator.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30, 2011

Yesterday after school I went over to visit Frank and Dorothy, always a good conversation with them.  At home it was a quiet evening,   These are some really challenging thoughts....

"You Did It For Me"

"Then the King will say, 'I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink.' Then
the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you thirsty and give you something
to drink?' The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one
of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'"

--Matthew 25:34-40

The year is A.D. 33. It's late on a stormy Friday afternoon, and I am standing on
a rugged hill by a trash heap outside Jerusalem. I huddle with a group of women
just a few yards from the cross. Large drops of rain begin to pelt the dust, and
 I clutch at my head shawl, wiping away tears and rain.

I cannot take my eyes off Jesus. His body is ramrod stiff, covered with caked dirt
and blood, back arched, near death, yet hands stretched and fingers splayed. Jesus'
head bobs against the crossbar and He groans, "I thirst."

I step out of the group and cock my ear. Did Jesus say He was... thirsty? A soldier,
half-drunk, cracks off a stock of hyssop, spears a sponge and, after soaking it
in sour wine, laughs and thrusts it into His face.

I am horrified. Wait. Don't give Him wine gone acidic. This is the Lord who is asking
for a drink. O, God, if only I had a jug of fresh spring water! But history is written.
I am helpless to do anything.

It is this year. It is late on a stormy afternoon. You drive by a nursing home,
recalling a community notice mentioning the need for more dinnertime volunteers
at the home.

Jesus said that when we meet the needs of our neighbors, we have ministered personally
to Him. Hurting people are our neighbors. History can be rewritten-we can still
give the Lord that drink.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29, 2011

Yesterday there were students missing because fo Carolyn Thorson's funeral, some came back afterwards.  But for me it was a usual day, after school and helping a student so she is ready for today, I went home and rested, after fixing supper and eating, I went to senior center to help Presley Morstad sew.  We got almost done, but have a glitch that we can fix and finish next time.  They are a relly nice family and when I see her sitting there sewing, I feel that she will be able to go ahead on her own.
The seasons in our lives change, I know my feelings are different than each of yours, and that is o.k.  God is there and guiding our steps. One thing I forgot to tell you, it is starting to melt so those little lights along the flowerbed are peaking through and shinning brightly that is exciting.

Winter's End

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts
of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

--Ecclesiastes 3:11

I'm getting tired of winter. But not the winter you are used to. In southern California,
the season is one long stretch of balmy, sunny days. Oh, how I miss the cold, wet
winters back in my home state of Maryland.

I've been nagging Ken to drive me up to Lone Pine, California, a little town on
the edge of the high desert near the base of the snowy Sierra Mountains. The road
is one long, straight line across the desert and you can see Lone Pine long before
you come to it. When you arrive, it's just a couple of Victorian houses, a few stoplights,
and a corner café called BoBo's Bonanza. But the highlight is the awesome view of
the towering Sierras at the edge of town. An icy downdraft from the mountains takes
your breath away... and I love it!

I'm longing for a change of seasons. And just like I'm wishing for snow, you are
 most likely pining for the caress of a warm, sunny day. How good of God to make
 us such "seasonal" people. We enjoy change, and having been imprinted with the
image of the Creator, we love variety. God has set eternity in our hearts and we
 simply must move forward like the changing of seasons.

So hang in there until Spring. I may get my drive up to Lone Pine before the snow
melts off the peaks. You may see warmer, sunnier days on the horizon. There's a
time for everything, and God promises that your days will be beautiful... in His

Lord of winter and spring, I praise You for making everything beautiful in its time.
Give me patience to wait for change in my life.

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28, 2011

Yesterday was a busy day with Sunday School and Church, Isaiah Nolte from Fargo spoke to us about his desire to go to Nicaragua, he has been there 8 times, but feels God calling him to go back and start churches.  Jerry said he was interesting and he is.  Jerry, I  am not sure if that is the word you used.  We are way to stoic here, to much Scandinavian influence.  He will fit in with the people there.  It is obvious that God has called him and that is what counts.  If we were really focused on Jesus we might be a bit more exuberant, too.  After wards came home and rested and then went to family service for Carolyn, visited with some who had come from a distance for that occasion.  I have highlighted a couple of paragraphs, because if we want to hear from Jesus and to really sense his voice we have to take time to listen and focus and then do what he says.

Mary Listened

"Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on
Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the
fragrance of the perfume. But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later
to betray him, objected. 'Leave her alone,' Jesus replied. 'It was intended that
 she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.'"

--John 12:3-4, 7

For weeks, Jesus had been telling His disciples that He would soon be crucified
and taken from them. Judging from their confusion after His death, it's obvious
they did not listen. But one person listened, really listened to the words of Jesus.
It was Mary, the sister of Martha.

I'm sure that the Lord was deeply touched by her demonstration of devotion, the
pouring of perfume on His feet. What may have touched him more, however, was the
 knowledge that Mary was doing this as a preparation for His burial. Perhaps she
 realized that crucified criminals were not permitted to be anointed for burial;
 perhaps this act of devotion was her way of offering, in advance, what might not
be permitted after His death.

How did Mary know all this? She sat at the feet of Jesus and drank in His every
word. She pondered the things He said, weighing everything, considering it all.
The disciples failed to genuinely listen and missed the chance to minister to the
Lord before He went to the cross.

We bring so much delight to the Lord when we sit at His feet and consider all the
things He says. Others may miss the point or bypass the lesson. But for those who
hang on His words, to them, God reveals His secret plan and purpose.

Lord, today I sit at Your feet to listen. Oh, may I genuinely hear what wonderful
things You have to say.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27, 2011

Yesterday was a busy day.  I have been trying to get things put away for spring and I knew that Jerry's children were coming, too.  In the morning Dad and I went to Starkweather for benefit for Stella Blake we were able to visit with some of their children and others who were there.  Then came home and over to Grandpa's house and Jerry's children came over to be with us.  They were all there and we ate and visited, children stayed while Jerry and Julie went back across the road, about 3 we took the children over and went to town to spend time with the few seniors left.  There is a sign on the billboard about missing Carolyn.   I guess the rest of the day was here.

  He has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to
present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from
   -- Colossians 1:22

  "Christians aren't perfect; they're just forgiven." We know we
are not perfect. We know our weaknesses, inadequacies, sinfulness,
pettiness, immaturity, cowardice ... But Jesus demonstrated his
love for us on the Cross as he offered his body and shed his blood.
His sacrifice means that God looks at us as "perfect." Jesus'
sacrifice means we are holy, without blemish, and without
chargeable offense in God's presence! Jesus' perfect sacrifice has
brought us perfect reconciliation with God!

  Forgive me, Almighty God, for my sins. I get sick of them and
frustrated with my own inability to completely overcome them.
Strengthen me, dear Father, so that I will have more fortitude and
courage to face temptation victoriously. Thank you, God of glory,
for sharing your perfection and glory with me by sending Jesus. I
praise you O God, my Rock and my Redeemer, for you have made me
your child! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

March 27, 2011

Yesterday was a busy day.  I have been trying to get things put away for spring and I knew that Jerry's children were coming, too.  In the morning Dad and I went to Starkweather for benefit for Stella Blake we were able to visit with some of their children and others who were there.  Then came home and over to Grandpa's house and Jerry's children came over to be with us.  They were all there and we ate and visited, children stayed while Jerry and Julie went back across the road, about 3 we took the children over and went to town to spend time with the few seniors left.  There is a sign on the billboard about missing Carolyn.   I guess the rest of the day was here.

  He has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to
present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from
   -- Colossians 1:22

  "Christians aren't perfect; they're just forgiven." We know we
are not perfect. We know our weaknesses, inadequacies, sinfulness,
pettiness, immaturity, cowardice ... But Jesus demonstrated his
love for us on the Cross as he offered his body and shed his blood.
His sacrifice means that God looks at us as "perfect." Jesus'
sacrifice means we are holy, without blemish, and without
chargeable offense in God's presence! Jesus' perfect sacrifice has
brought us perfect reconciliation with God!

  Forgive me, Almighty God, for my sins. I get sick of them and
frustrated with my own inability to completely overcome them.
Strengthen me, dear Father, so that I will have more fortitude and
courage to face temptation victoriously. Thank you, God of glory,
for sharing your perfection and glory with me by sending Jesus. I
praise you O God, my Rock and my Redeemer, for you have made me
your child! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 26, 2011

Yesterday was a school day, the cook was gone and the sub had no knowledge of what to do, so I helped as much as I could, some glitches, but we survived.  After school I went to Devils Lake to take care of taxes, etc.  Dad was cooking himself something to eat, so I ate that and that was the day.  Devotion by Greg Laurie......

What Is a Disciple?

In the Great Commission, Jesus told us to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. But what does it mean to make disciples? And more to the point, what exactly is a disciple?

As I have stated before, every disciple is a Christian, but not every Christian is necessarily a disciple. So, before I can make disciples, I have to be sure that I myself am one, because it takes one to make one.

In Luke 14, Jesus laid out His requirements for discipleship. Let's look at one of them here: The disciple must love Jesus more than anyone or anything else.

Jesus said, "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple" (Luke 14:26).

I know that statement sounds shocking to us today. We ask, "Is Jesus really asking me to hate my family members to follow Him?" In the light of the New Testament, we see that Jesus was not demanding an unqualified hatred. He could not command us to honor our fathers and mothers and then also demand that we hate them.

He could not command husbands to love their wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her, and then advise them to hate them. He could not tell His followers to love their enemies and hate them at the same time.

The fact is that we are to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, and love one another as Christ has loved us. That is what Scripture teaches. So what gives with this statement about hating father, mother, wife, children, etc.?

Jesus was using the method of sharp contrasts, essentially saying that your love for God must be so strong—so intense—that all other loves would be like hatred in comparison.

Another way to say it would be, "If you want to really be My disciple, and live your Christian life to its fullest, you must love Me more than anyone or anything else!" You must love God more than your career or your possessions. You must love God more than your friends. You must love God even more than your family!

You might say, "My marriage is the most important thing in my life! My wife/husband is my number-one priority!" As noble as that sounds, it is the wrong number-one priority. Marriage is important, but it should not be the most important thing in your life.

Jesus should be.

The fact is that when you make Jesus the center of your life, you will be a better spouse.

Others might say, "Our children are the center of our life!" Listen, Jesus should be the center of your life! In fact, if you want to ruin your children, make them the center of your life. The best thing we can do for our children is to show them how to make Jesus the Center of their lives because He is the center of yours.

Friday, March 25, 2011

March 25, 2011

Yesterday was school, usual activities for me, after school I went to Cando.  When I stopped at the bank I asked them why there were so many cars in town?  It was the Ag day event  at the armory, so I went there and visited with people some, then to the church to clean and then Beth Moore Bible Study.  Does this make sense?

Giving All You've Got

"I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the
others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything-all
she had to live on."

--Mark 12:43-44

Ken and I have often enjoyed participating in the annual Wheel-a-thon to benefit
 our local university's center for disabled people. We fill up sponsor forms and
 our friends agree to contribute for each lap we complete around the track. One
year I used my portable power chair, which goes faster than my old standard model.

When the race started, I zoomed ahead, passing everybody in sight. Speeding along,
I noticed one quadriplegic struggling to push his wheelchair as his father walked
beside him. He was pouring every ounce of effort he had into inching his chair forward.
I whizzed past him every couple of minutes. I don't know if he even finished one
 lap in the allotted hour, but his dad was there every minute, encouraging him on.

Somewhere around my seventeenth lap, I slowed my chair to wheel beside this young
man. At worst, my arm was aching a little from pushing against the "go" switch of
my chair. But here was this quadriplegic, aching and straining every inch of the
 way. What determination to complete just one lap!

I won the prize for the most laps and was delighted that the center would benefit
from all the pledges. But as I look back, the young man's one lap totally outclassed
all of mine. Like the widow in the Bible who gave everything she had, my quadriplegic
friend was the one who took first place in all of our hearts.

Father, when I give, may it not be according to my power but far beyond my power
 to bestow. Help me to give out of what I do not have so that You can miraculously
multiply its abundance.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24, 2011

School started late, but we didn't have a storm.  I suspect that the bus to Devils lake might not have had good roads.  So it was a short day.  at 5:30 i went to Sr. center and helped Presley with a sewing project, we talked about how to use a pattern and cut out a pair of shorts the next time she will sew them.  Carolyn Thorson passed away, but I think you all know that.

A Calf's Look at Life

"Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame."

--Psalm 34:5

On a particularly damp and windy day, hundreds of calves were huddled outside, shoulder
to hindquarter, tucked between the fence and the barn. The rain had created a mess
of mud and the calves looked dirty-brown instead of the usual black and white. They
looked miserable.

All except one calf. Although he, too, faced the same windy rain and was covered
 with the same mud, he chose a different shelter-an open field of muck! In the face
of the wind he skipped and jumped like a child. He was oblivious to the downpour.
That calf literally looked happy.

Life is quite often like the farm scene of the calves, isn't it? We huddle with
others of like misery in hopes that one day our lives will be happy again. Like
the calf, however, David, the psalmist, chose an unusual moment in his life to declare
the joy of being a child of God. Huddled around him in the cave of Adulam were four
hundred smelly, dirty renegades fleeing from Saul. But David had the audacity to
 declare: "Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with
 shame." (Psalm 34:5)

David made a choice for himself. "We may be in a mess and we may be discouraged.
 But my God knows we are here and knows our need. I will dance and sing."

David was able to do so despite his fears. He submitted them to God and was enabled
to declare a calf-like joy. Are you gripped with a spirit of fear? Take each one
 by the horn and lead it to the face of God. Let your fears see the light of eternal
day and you, too, will skip, laugh, dance, and sing.

Lord, I desire to skip and dance like a calf despite the problems that face me each
day. Grant me the inner sunshine of Your Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

March 23, 2011

We only had half a day of school.  They let us out after lunch, I helped my student and then went home.  We never really did get a storm here, just some sleet, so it was a bit icy.  So it was an afternoon to take a nap and then I am still sorting fabric and putting it away because it is spring.  At the end you can read the rest of the story.....

A Sneak Preview

"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those
who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions
from us."

--Psalm 103:11-12

I never used to understand Christians who longed to go to heaven. To me, it was
a place where not only God would know all and see all, but my friends and family
 would, too. I cringed to think of their reaction to my hidden sins.

Upon my arrival in heaven, I imagined standing under a marquee of a theater: NOW

I imagined walking down the aisle passing friends and relatives, people I respected
like my sixth-grade teacher, my hockey coach, my Sunday school leader, and the parents
of all my old boyfriends. Then I spotted others like the handicapped boy in school
I had made fun of, all the janitors and motel maids I had ignored, and the rowdy-looking
kids I remembered from Friday night parties.

Standing in front of the crowd, I heard a big voice boom from behind a projector,
"We've been waiting for you. Before we begin, do you have any introductory remarks?"
I imagined my knees shaking and stomach churning as a jumble of ugly and dirty scenes
flashed before my mind. All I could do was shrink into my seat and weakly say, "Roll
it. (Campolo)"

I'm so relieved it's a figment of my imagination...

God not only wipes clean the slate of your sins when you truly confess and repent,
He goes one step further: He credits the righteousness of Christ to you. In heaven,
your life will be known for God's goodness.

Thank You, Lord, for not only paying the debt of my sin but for crediting the righteousness of Christ to my life.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March 22, 2011

Wow is it windy,  No real news, guess we are just all waiting for what ever kind of storm we are going to get.....  Yesterday was a usual day at school, because mys tudents were with a counselor I was able to organize info for annual,   I took a nap after school and when we weren't watching tv  I was putting away fabric because I think that spring is coming.  Good thoughts from  Joni......

Ups and Downs

"But those who marry will face many troubles in this life."

--1 Corinthians 7:28

The other night I fell into bed with a miserable cold. Mind you, I am not able to
blow my nose because I can't use my hands, and I can't really cough because I have
no chest muscles. I knew I was going to face a rough night. But not as rough as

I woke up at 3:00 A.M. and groaned, "Ken, please get up. Help me sit up so I can
 cough." The poor guy threw back the covers, stumbled out of bed, and sat me up
to pound on my back. He held a tissue to my nose as I coughed and sputtered.

An hour-and-a-half later, we repeated the routine. We were both dead tired and somewhere
in between him squeezing my ribs and reaching for another tissue, he moaned, "Did
our wedding vows include this stuff?"

I sniffed and reminded him, "Remember that part about 'for better or for worse'?
 Well, this is the worst part. And remember when we said we'd love each other through
thick and thin?

"I know, I know," Ken sighed. "This is the thin part."

Every couple agrees that marriage has its ups and downs. The up times are when love
is as plain as day and fully visible. The down times are when love goes undercover
and incognito. So commonplace are the ups and downs that one wonders why they aren't
written into the wedding vows. But they are. When a husband and wife vow to love
 for better or for worse, it includes the full extent of the ups and downs.

Marriage will always ask you to prove love. To be married is not to be taken off
 the front lines of love but to be plunged into the thick and thin of the ups and

May my love, Lord, always cover a multitude of troubles.

Monday, March 21, 2011

march 21, 2011

Yesterday, Dad stayed home, he has a cold.  It was a busy day, after church and Sunday school, I stayed at Cando and played for our pastor when he was at the nursing home.  Then came one and rested.....  I am wondering who in your life needs encouragement, or maybe it is you that needs encouragement.....

The Service You Perform

"This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but
is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service
 by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that
 accompanies your confession of the Gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in
 sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers for you their hearts
will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be
 to God for his indescribable gift!"

--2 Corinthians 9:12-15

Occasionally, the blues weigh us down. And I'm no exception. The other day I was
 struggling all morning to breathe comfortably. I'd only been sitting in my wheelchair
a few hours, and my back ached miserably. I couldn't concentrate. I just wanted
to go back to bed and forget the day.

That happened to be the morning I received a note of encouragement from the eleven-year-old
daughter of a friend. Her words? "I want you to know, Joni, that I appreciate your
life. You've really helped me overcome a lot of things. Thanks for loving God and
I hope you continue to serve Him with all your heart."

Just a simple letter with a few bright words. But God used that scrawled little
note to bring sharply into focus the enormous value of serving others in His love.
Only the other side of eternity will reveal to you and me the immense value our
small sacrifices of service have accomplished. If you have any doubt, let today's
verses bring your service into focus...

Lord, help me to go out today and spend my life for You. Enable me to undertake
some special task for You, for this refreshes and enlivens my soul. Help me to exult
in distresses of every kind if they but promote service to You and to others.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 20, 2011

Yesterday was a 'full' day.  I went to Devils Lake for DAR meeting, afterwards a bit of shopping and visiting then I went to Vivian Wass, she has something I want to borrow.  Her daughter-in-law Julie Wass came there and we had a really good visit.  I stopped at Jerry's, it seems that UPS thinks we live there, so I got a package,met Alayah and visited.  Came home.  Dad is nursing a cold.  We watched the girls basketball tournament, and saw our students from Starkweather in the parade of champs.  Good day.

I wonder what does this mean in our lives?

Follow Jesus

"Then he said to them all: 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself
and take up his cross daily and follow me.'"

--Luke 9:23

"Yes, I will follow Jesus!" We'll gladly follow the Lord around the Sea of Galilee
and be fed with the five thousand. We will drink wine made from water. We will applaud
the blind man who can see and stand amazed at a dead man who rises from his grave.
We will follow Jesus everywhere except... the cross.

Oh, we can handle the burdens, those everyday troubles we all must shoulder. Besides,
there are always others to carry our burdens. We can accept the thorns, those inconveniences
that can't be avoided. It's best to accept thorns and get on with living.

But a cross? No, it is not our inclination to take up a cross. For unlike burdens
or thorns from which we can't escape, a cross is a choice. In fact, the cross was
a choice for Jesus-He did not have to take it up, He could have refused it. But
thankfully, He willingly took up His cross so that you and I might have power. Power
to carry one another's burdens, gladly accept our thorns, and daily take up our
cross and follow Jesus.

To take up your cross involves a daily choice. Perhaps your cross could be a difficult
duty, a painful service, an unbelieving partner in marriage. The Lord is asking
you to willingly take it on and head up the long path with Him to Calvary where
pride and vanity, stubbornness and resentment are crucified.

First, I want to thank You Lord Jesus for willingly taking up Your cross in obedience
to the Father. You could have refused it, but You didn't! Thank You for the power
released through Your obedience, power that enables me to take up my cross today
 and follow You.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 19, 2011

Yesterday I did not have school, so I was able to be home all day, I needed that day at home,  I spent it doing book work and some tax stuff, then worked on ads for annual, and relaxed with dad watching air show about Alaska on tv.

This may not seem real interesting but hang in there til you get to the end......

Lifting Barbells
"Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who
works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose."

--Philippians 2:12-13

Growing strong in Christ is like lifting very heavy barbells. The trouble is that
no one likes to lift them. We walk around those huge barbells and examine them,
comparing them to other weights we've seen. We gather with other barbell lifters
 and discuss the proper technique involving the approach, the bend-and-grasp and
 the pull-and-jerk.

We enjoy listening to the testimonies of famous people who have lifted record-breaking
weights, and we collect books and articles about barbell lifters of the past. We
 join groups of other lifters who are like-minded, and together we pray and memorize
verses about barbell lifting.

We do everything but actually walk up to the barbells and lift them! Sometimes fear
keeps us away. Will we succeed? What if we can't lift the heavy weights? Are we
too weak? When we finally wrap our hands around the task and begin to exert force,
eureka! At that point divine energy surges through us. God's power works in us at
the moment we exercise faith for the task. We can do all things-even lift those
barbells-through Him who strengthens us.

As you work out your salvation, God works in you, giving you the desire and power
to accomplish His will. You only have the strength to say "no" to a bad habit when,
in His energy, you say "no." You only have the desire and the power to read His
Word when, in His energy, you pick up the Bible and begin reading.

Lord, today I will face many challenges to my faith and I probably will feel like
turning and running away. May I respond positively to each challenge, wrapping my
hands around the task, and trusting You to give me divine strength as I obey.

Friday, March 18, 2011

March 18, 2011

Yesterday was another busy day, school got out at 2:45 for parent teacher conferences, what a good time to communicate with parents.I came home and took a nap and then got supper ready.  I went to Cando for Bible study and also talked to some of you in our family.

  My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all
day long.
   -- Psalm 71:8

  Our mouths can be filled with food, profanities, or gossip. Or
.. we can choose for our mouths to be filled with praise for God
and his loving grace. We can talk about many things and speak to
many different people about many different subjects. Or ... we can
choose to declare the greatness, majesty, and splendor of our
heavenly Father all during our day. Why don't we choose to praise
God with our mouths and tell him of his greatness and let others
know of his grace as we go about today's activities?

  Holy and marvelous Father, you are God of all creation and also
God of all grace. Thank you for your kindness shared with me in
Jesus. Thank you for your powerful victory over death when you
raised him from the dead. Thank you for your patience with me as I
sometimes stumble, but am always desiring to more perfectly reflect
the character of Jesus. Please help me, O Lord, to profess and to
show my love and admiration for you all during this day. In Jesus'
name I pray. Amen.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 17, 2011

I looked here and realize what day it is, I should be wearing bright green because I really am Irish, but that doesn't matter.

Yesterday was a busy day,  After school I took the taxes to Emil, met Jack at the car dealership(he had taken the Neon there to get something done to it) and we drove out to see Joyce Carter, her sister and her husband(Jim and Jan Olson)  it was a good time together, and also we could pray for them concerning their needs.  Then we drove to Cando for Bible Study. 

This is what really matters:

I'm A Christian

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children
of God! And that is what we are!"

--1 John 3:1

Ken and I traveled to Maryland for an Eareckson family reunion and visited with
scores of cousins, aunts, and uncles. I was surprised and pleased that so many relatives
remembered me by my childhood name. You see, I was named after my dad, Johnny Eareckson;
he was always "Big Johnny" and I was "Little Joni."

Strange that it didn't bother me, even though my father has long since gone to heaven.
And "Little Joni" didn't bother me when I was a child, either. I've always considered
it a privilege to share in my dad's name because, in a way, it allowed me to share
in his character and reputation; it made me a part of everything he was (and my
father was very well known and respected in the community).

I once read in a Bible commentary that the word "Christian" means "Little Christ."
What an honor to share Christ's name! We can be bold to call ourselves Christians
and bear the stamp of His character and reputation. When people find out that you
are a Christian, they should already have an idea of who you are and what you are
like simply because you bear such a precious name.

If you were asked to describe yourself, what titles would be first on your list?
 That you are married or single, employed or unemployed? Would you then list your
hair color or height? Or would you immediately respond, "I am a Christian..."?

I'll tell the world that I'm a Christian; I'm not ashamed Your name to bear. I'll
tell the world that I'm a Christian; I'll take You with me anywhere. I'll tell the
world how You have saved me, and how You gave me a life brand-new; I'll tell the
 world that I'm a Christian, eternal life I'll live with You.*

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

march 16, 2011

Yesterday was a good day at school, with two students we were learning about laundry and even if sometimes they don't seem to respond, yet in other ways they do, and it is always a blessing when you see evidence that they grasped something.  Later in the day, I had Mr. Wright help with a students problem, but this time I sat at a desk with the problem on a paper in front of me, and he explained it to me, it was helpful.  -/+ numbers are hard for me.  Then with another student helping him get his work done, I just wish they would have sent him to me months ago.  After school Jack and I met with financial planner at Cando, so afterwards I cleaned church and came home, we ate and just took it easy.  Dad has removed some snow from by the garage.  It is going to be a mess for a while.

We were visiting with a Catholic Couple who love Jesus, and there was talk about Lent and giving up something.  It is like Fasting, for what we eliminate, we need to focus on God if we don't we have missed the message:

A Selfish Sacrifice

"What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness
 of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider
them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.

--Philippians 3:8

"So, what are you giving up for Lent?" That was a common question among kids as
I grew up. And the answers were predictable for many of the girls: chocolate, chocolate,
and chocolate!

If you've ever been a chocolate lover, you know what a sacrifice that can be. And
that's where our understanding of Lent and sacrifice perhaps went astray. You see,
while our minds focused on the object of sacrifice, our purpose of sacrifice got
 lost. So it is with any sacrifice, Lenten or life-long. If we focus on the food,
habit, energy, or time that we give up, we will have missed out on the gain.

"Gain?" you ask. "You're not supposed to gain anything during Lent or from any other
act of sacrifice. What kind of sacrifice gains anything?" Only the sacrifice worth
making, that's what kind. Because any sacrifice that is made for God must always
 focus on the gain: knowing Christ.

Paul was no stranger to sacrifice. In fact, he gave a list of his sacrifices in
Philippians 3:1-7. He listed his heritage, his education, and his status and "What
is more," he adds, "I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness
of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider
them rubbish, that I may gain Christ." (Philippians 3:8)

Paul's entire life, from the moment of conversion, was a Lenten season.

"What are you gaining for Lent?!

Lord, You know what I value. You know what I count as special in my life. Help me
view everything-my achievements, people, things, and memories-as rubbish in order
that I might gain You. Let Your will be done in my life that I might know You better.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March 15, 2011

I note one month to get the taxes done,   It will happen.  I am having a problem with getting up, time change messes everything up.    Usual day, visit with Frank and Dorothy and evening here at home with Dad

  Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their
humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the
power of death -- that is, the devil.
   -- Hebrews 2:14

  Did you know that Jesus is not only our Savior, but he is also
our brother! "He had to be made like his brothers" the Holy Spirit
says after today's Scripture. We were God's lost children so Jesus
came and shared our mortality, our human skin with all its
limitations, so that he could defeat our worst enemy, the evil
death-maker Satan. Death no longer has its hooks in us or its hold
on us, because our big brother has defeated it and has gone to
prepare our place at the Father's side!

  Almighty God, thank you for sending Jesus to be like me and live
among people like me. As I think of your sacrifice and his love, I
am overwhelmed to insignificance and then I realize that Jesus'
gift has now made me your child and Jesus is now my older brother.
Some days, Abba Father, it is hard for me to wait for our family
reunion. Until that great reunion day, please use me to help others
know about your family, your gift, and your Son! In Jesus' name I
pray. Amen.

Monday, March 14, 2011

real march 14, 2011

I goofed on dates, but here it is the real day.  Yesterday was a full day, Sunday School, Church pot luck, annual business meeting(we just watch and listen because we aren't members) and then stopped to see Gladys, she had just had another birthday,  In our morning worship, we had a speaker from Cameroon, Lee and Carla's exchange student was there to translate, but she didn't do a lot, and he  spoke English,  his message was about the 10 virgins, and how he related them to a sleeping church that needs to wake up.....

  Restore us, O God Almighty; make your face shine upon us, that
we may be saved.
   -- Psalm 80:7

  This passage makes me want to cry out to God: "Please restore us
God! Restore us, your people, O God, who have lost their sense of
wonder! Restore our old withered hearts to their innocence. Restore
our lives to their unsoiled perfection and intention. Restore us to
yourself, O God Almighty!" While not every Christian has lost his
or her sense of wonder and while not every one of us has an old
withered heart, we all need God's presence to shine upon us and
renew us!

  O God, the maker of new things, sometimes I feel so old and
worn; my soul is weary from the fight. I need your presence and
strength to restore me. Please restore me to your side and make
your grace alive in me. Please restore me to your love and share it
with others through me. Please restore me to your righteousness so
others can see your character in me. Please restore me, and not
just me, please restore all those who call on your mighty name so
that the world may see you in us and come to know your saving
grace. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 13, 2011

Yesterday the storm calmed a bit.  I made some bread, and right after dinner I went and got Marie at Werners and took her to Cando to meet the pastor from Cameroon who is going to speak in our church today.  She is going to translate for him.  He is very pleasant and Marie and I did a lot of talking on our way there and home.  Some of the roads are blocked so we had to drive around by 17 and 20 to get to Cando.  Ate lunch with Srs. and spent rest of day at home.

  He [Jesus] is before all things, and in him all things hold
   -- Colossians 1:17
  Before there was an earth, universe, or nature, there was Jesus!
He was before they were made. He will be after they are long gone.
In fact, his power and his presence are what hold our world, our
universe, and our nature together. He is the sustaining force, the
enabling power, and the generous preserver of life as we know it.
So since he could provide us these things and they are but a faint
anticipation of what is yet to be, won't it be great to see him,
just as he is, and share in his glory with him?!

  Thank you, Jesus, for your gracious providence this day. Thank
you for creating this incredible world in which I live. You are
worthy of all praise, honor, glory, and thanks! I look forward to
the day, dear Lord, when I can worship you face to face, and give
thanks to our Father with you, for his wonderful love. To you, and
in your name, dear Jesus, I offer all my thanks and praise. Amen.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 14, 2011

Yesterday  I did not have to go to school, they were taking the students to Frost Fire Skiing, so I was here all day, did some sewing, would like to get some things done as we hope to see spring soon.  We had another storm last night, somewhat clear and white this morning.  Jerry's family is in Fargo, not sure how long they will stay there.

In reflection to the situation in the world, Earthquake in Japan, and fighting in Libya, I am glad I am here but I also feel God is in control of all that is happening.

Jesus bless your day.  Mom

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11, 2011

Yesterday was a full day of school, help in the kitchen, conversation with DJ and I wanted to leave right after school because we were to meet with Kirk at Country Bank, when I got there there was a mix up he wasn't there, so dad and I ate together, got groceries and he went home and I cleaned the church and stayed for women's Bible study  Today I am not going to school, they are going to ski at frost fire.  Joni really says it right...We might ask ourselves what prejudices do I have in my life?

Double Standards

"But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like
a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will
receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does."

--James 1:6-8

Why is it that we make requirements of others that we don't keep ourselves?

Some Christians work hard to wipe out social evils like pornography, abortion, and
homosexuality. But at the same time their personal morality leaves a lot to be desired.
Then there are others who are personally righteous, watching their Ps and Qs at
church and at home, but when it comes to their social ethics, it's another story:
racism and prejudice abound.

We cannot have one kind of ethic for ourselves and another for society. We cannot
demand a strong morality in our culture and yet carry on with a personal morality-or
immorality-which dishonors God.

What we do in private deeply affects what happens in public. The man who is faithful
to his wife while exercising bigotry toward his neighbor is no better than the adulterer
who crusades for social justice. What God requires is morality with a capital M,
 both personal and social. God calls for an ethic that is consistent. No matter
how you look at it, nobody can have their ethical cake and eat it, too... without
getting moral indigestion.

Father, reveal to me when I say one thing and do another. Show me the double standards
in my life. I want You to be Lord of my thoughts and actions, who I am in private,
and what I'm like in public

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 10, 2011

Busy day at school.  Jack and I spent a long time talking about the days we were apart and what we were doing, sometimes Dad doesn't tell a lot about his event, but then when I talk to Julie I hear her version.  

  God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and
   -- Acts 2:36

  More than titles, these two names of Jesus are the pillars
around which we can build our new lives in God's Kingdom. Jesus is
Lord! He is our Ruler and King. He is our Master and Teacher. Our
hearts are yielded to his will and open to his leading. We hold no
rival to Jesus in our hearts and lives. Jesus is the Christ! He is
the Messiah, the promised Savior of the Old Testament. He is the
one of whom the prophets spoke. Ruler and Savior, Master and
Messiah, Jesus is God's gift to bring us home. Jesus is the one who
went to the Cross to bring us forgiveness, redemption, and
salvation. The Crucified One is both Lord and Christ.

  We praise your mighty Name, O Lord, and thank you for your
gracious and sacrificial love. We praise you dear Father, for
sending your Son Jesus to die for our sins and to be raised for our
hope and salvation. Please help me, Sovereign God, to yield my
heart to Jesus my Lord as well as open my lips in praise to the
Christ of my salvation. In the mighty name Jesus and through the
intercession of the Spirit I pray. Amen.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

March 9, 2011

Yesterday was a usual day of school.  I have a new student for one period and he just was told that yesterday.  I think we will get along together.   Two students are studying for state/capitol test for US and the teacher is new and not up on how to make it user friendly for students that may need extra help.  I am getting brushed up on state capitals myself.

Forever Friends

"From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth;
and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should

--Acts 17:26

Did you catch that? It's no mistake that you are living in this century, this decade,
and this very year. It's no accident that you are residing in your town, living
on the street where you live, and with the neighbors you see every day. And is your
circle of friends just coincidence? No way. God has determined it.

Just think. You could have easily been born in another time, another place. Or you
could have been raised on the other side of the country-think how different your
 life would be growing up with a whole new set of childhood friends and neighbors.

Of all the billions of possibilities, of all the millions of people with whom you
could have been best friends, God determined the exact time and place where you
should live. When you consider this amazing fact, your friendships take on a new
 and profound significance. God has a special reason, a unique design in each friendship.
He chose to surround your life with these certain and treasured dear ones for good

As Christians, these are the people with whom you will live for eternity, enjoying
an even greater dimension of friendship. Because God has placed you together on
earth at this time and in this place, you and your friends have a chance to get
a head start on God's eternal plan.

Father, I stand in awe at Your wisdom and ways. You could have placed me anywhere
on this earth, but You determined that I should live here and now. Teach me what
 this means. Show me Your special design for my friends and family. And thank You
that each person You put in my life is precious in Your eyes.

Do you see why were are here and for this time?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8, 2011

I am running late today, I am here by myself and Dad is in Minot.  I wrote you about the O'Brien house, I called her with the electric costs, and I think they will probably think it is too expensive.  Someone else is also needing a place to live and has asked us about a house.  This happened last night.

  The LORD will keep you from all harm - he will watch over your
life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and
   -- Psalm 121:7-8

  One of my hardest challenges as a parent is knowing that I can't
ultimately protect my children from some hurts and heartbreaks.
Some of their pain is necessary to help them mature and grow. Some
of it is just the agonizing result of living in a fallen world.
But, we can be fully confident that if we share the Lord with them,
if they give their lives to his will, nothing can steal them from
his ultimate victory, care, and reunion with us and with him.
Knowing how we love our children, imagine how much the Father loves
us and longs to bring us to that place of safety in his house!
Until we get home, isn't it comforting to know that he is watching
over us and those we love, now and forevermore?

  Watching and waiting Father, I too look forward to our first
face-to-face meeting. O Father, I know you see me and watch over
me, but sometimes I miss seeing you and find it hard to wait to be
comforted and blessed in your presence and my eternal home. Until
then, I recognize your watching care over all of my ways and thank
you now for everything I will one day receive. In Jesus' name.

Psalm 119:138 The statutes you have laid down are righteous; they are fully trustworthy.
Psalms 37:24 Though he stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.
Psalm 73:23 Yet I am always with you; 
you hold me by my right hand.
Joshua 24:22 the Joshua said, "You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen to serve the Lord."

Father I pray for my family today, that you would uphold them and keep them in your care.  Father guide their steps, help them to sense your presence where ever they are at.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7, 2011

Yesterday, Sunday School and church, small group because a lot of them were still in Minot.  Cando won the state basketball tournament.  After church dad and I ate and he left for Minot for Air symposium and I went home.  There is a family coming to church that are looking for a farm place, they followed me and looked at both houses, I think they are interested in O'Brien house.  I ate with sr. at supper and spent the evening here at home.

Beyond Your Limitations

"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses,
but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are-yet was without

--Hebrews 4:15

I woke up this morning thinking, "Here we go again. Another day of someone giving
me a bed bath, getting me dressed, and plopping me in my wheelchair." No sooner
did that irritating thought escape than Hebrews 4:15 came to mind. Jesus tasted
the boredom of routine. He knew the pain of limitations. In short, He sympathizes.
He understands. He's been there. And Jesus was the one who brought to my mind that
little verse in order to quiet my frustrations and give me a brighter perspective
on the day.

Look closer. It says that Jesus can sympathize with our weaknesses in every way.
 The Lord did not share only partially in our weaknesses, but fully. There's not
 an emotion with which you wrestle that Christ has not first felt its sting. And
 He did it for a reason. Jesus took on our limitations so that you and I could break
beyond them.

Jesus deserved glory, but He humbled Himself. He deserved love, but He took the
full blow of people's hatred. Jesus deserved comfort, but He hardly had a place
to call home. This is good news for anyone who feels humiliated and rejected. It's
even good news for someone who's homeless! For this is the extent to which Jesus
 sympathized with our weaknesses.

You are Lord over every one of my weaknesses, whether they are emotional, physical,
mental, or spiritual. That's why I boast in my weaknesses for I know that Your power
rests upon me when I present to You all my shortcomings. Thank You for giving me
 the grace to delight in my limitations, for through them, I am drawn closer to

Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 6, 2011

Yesterday, We were at home, did have lunch with Seniors and then over to Frank and Dorothys for supper.  Dennis and Judy Miller were also there, good evening.  We recognized Frank and Dorothy for their 65 wedding anniversary, which is on the 10th.  It was a fun evening.

  [The Lord said,] My righteousness draws near speedily, my
salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the
nations. The islands will look to me and wait in hope for my arm.
   -- Isaiah 51:5

  God's promises stand through the ages. He has fulfilled them in
many different ways. He has punished evil nations, he has redeemed
Israel according to his promises, and he has sent Jesus as Savior
and redeemer. But most importantly of all, Jesus stands at the edge
of history waiting to return and bring full redemption for God's
people and salvation for those everywhere who long for his return.

  Sovereign Lord, I see so much injustice in the world and I long
for truth, righteousness, and justice to triumph. While I long for
the return of Jesus, my heart also breaks for the many who do not
know Jesus and for those who are in rebellion to your will. I don't
know what to ask other than that your will be done on earth as it
is in heaven and may the triumph of your will begin with me. In
Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

March 5, 2011

Yesterday I was home all day, I enjoyed it.  House still is a mess but I have cleaned and sorted some things.  Dad sat with Frank in the afternoon.  We watched Cando play last night and ofcourse our favorite show about bush pilots in Alaska.

  We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us
understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in
him who is true -- even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God
and eternal life.
   -- 1 John 5:20

  Jesus came to reveal God to us. He has given us the clearest
picture yet of what God is really like. Because of Jesus, we can
know God, the only one who is truly genuine. Because we are in
Christ, we share that special bond with the Father and find in him
a whole new quality of life. This life won't end when our bodies
die, and eternal life begins in this life, as we walk with him each
day and extends unto forever. For the eternal and transcendent God
to make himself known to us is grace. For him to do it in Jesus is

  Holy and awesome Father, I know that because my life is joined
to you through Jesus, I will enjoy your presence forever. I love
you for all you have done for me and the terrible price you paid to
redeem me from my sins. I love you for creating me and having a
plan for my life when no one else knew I was even conceived. Most
of all, I love you for being God and choosing to be the kind of
Father who wants his children to know and love him. In Jesus' name.

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4, 2011

Yesterday was a busy day, but fun, we celebrated Dr. Sues' Read Across America' and had a party for part of the afternoon.  High school and grades 7 & 8 provide a party and activities for the lower grades and we top it off with prizes and cake.  After school I helped a student so she is ready for Monday and I have been assigned another student for a period, so my day is really full.  I came home and took a nap and then after we ate I went to Bible study at Cando.  It was really good.  Today i am home all day and I am looking forward to enjoying that.

These are really good thoughts and they help to explain what happens in our Bible study on Esther:

Take a Longer Look

"'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found
by you,' declares the Lord."

--Jeremiah 29:13-14

I love looking at paintings. Actually, I stare at them. When you take time to actually
observe, you see so much more.

The other day, I wheeled into a gallery and spotted a framed print by one of my
favorite artists, who is known for "hiding" secrets in her paintings. You have to
examine her work closely to find her little surprises. This particular print was
 a mountain scene of a trapper and his packhorse fording a river.

At first glance, it was just another Western picture, but the frightened look on
 the trapper's face clued me in that there was more to the painting than met the
 eye.  I wheeled closer. Camouflaged behind the rocks were shapes of Indians. A
few more minutes of observation revealed more Indians behind the trees. Branches
 of pine became outlines of bows and arrows. Boulders turned into the angry faces
of warriors. The more time I spent in front of the painting, the more I discovered.
And the more I discovered, the greater my delight with the painting. Finally, I
had found what the artist wanted me to see!

The point? The Master Artist wants you to discover the hidden treasures of His heart.
And that requires more than a passing glance.

So often we read Scripture in a one-dimensional way, never venturing beyond the
surface. God wants to surprise us with His Word, and so He invites us to look longer
and search harder. The more time you spend with Him, the more you will discover.
 And the more you discover, the greater your delight in Jesus.

Today, Lord, help me not to pass quickly over this devotional thought. Open my eyes
so that I can truly see what you want me to see.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3, 2011

Yesterday was another school day. I was there late helping a student so she is ready for today.  Then I went to Cando and cleaned, did some visiting and then to Bible Study.  It was a good day. 

Last night when I was almost in the yard, here was a deer running into our trees and behind it was two 'dogs' I think they were coyotes.  kind of creepy so I had dad put the car in the garage I didn't feel comfortable walking to the house if they were right there.  He could take a gun with him.

A Farm Road in Spring

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in
all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."

--Proverbs 3:5-6

Call it late winter storms or early spring rains. When the sky breaks open this
time of year, it makes for plenty of wet and muddy earth.

On our farm in Maryland, heavy rains were great for our furrowed fields, but disaster
for the dirt road leading from the county highway to our farmhouse. Our truck would
spin out on the wet earth, splattering gravel everywhere. The road was normally
easy to drive, a straight line between our house and the highway. With rain, the
 road may have been straight, but it wasn't easy!

Journeying down that farm road is much like traveling the path ahead of you. When
you trust in the Lord, He promises that the road will take you directly to the destination
He plans. He will make your path straight, and you will arrive in His perfect timing.
But your path, although straight, will not be smooth. It's direct, but you'd better
expect storms along the way.

Don't be like the Israelites who, when they forgot about God, wandered around in
 circles for forty years. Their path to the Promised Land was anything but straight.
Trust in the Lord, and He will take you directly to where He wants you to go. It's
worth the few bumps, potholes, and uncomfortable places along the way.

Lord, I need to confess that I haven't always trusted in You with all my heart.
Forgive me for leaning on my own understanding when the road gets rough. I acknowledge
today that I am not promised an easy path, just a straight one if I trust entirely
in You. Lord with every pothole, rut, or barrier I may come across, help me to remember
to lean on You.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2, 2011

Yesterday came to school and one of the gals was absent and left some of her students with me, plus one of my regulars had been absent so we had extra work to do, but by the end of the day everything was done.  I went over to see Frank and Dorothy and there was the little blue jeep, dad was there. We stayed and ate with them.  I had brought some extra tomato soup from school with me.  I was tired and went to bed early.

  Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name
under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.
   -- Acts 4:12

  While many substitute-Messiahs have been offered, only the True
Messiah saves. While we often live for many lords, only one Lord
liberates and sets us free from sin and death. While many ways are
claimed to bring us close to God, Jesus insists that he is the only
way. So we're driven to one ultimate question: do we believe
salvation is in Jesus alone, or do we not? It's our choice. But
what we decide about Jesus is really deciding about everything
. Is
Jesus your Lord? Is Jesus the name above all names in your life? Is
Jesus your Savior? If not, then please reconsider, for the Bible
says: "Salvation is found in no one else."

  Thank you, Almighty God, for choosing to share your grace with
me in Jesus. May I never take the precious name of Jesus in vain.
May Jesus himself come and reign as Lord in my heart and in my
life. May Jesus be seen in the way I treat others. May Jesus know
that there is no rival for my allegiance to him. In that precious
name of Jesus, your Son and my Savior, I pray. Amen.

Thinking of world events at this time, that the choices we make are in God's hands and the choices we make will show where we will be in the end.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 1, 2011

Yesterday was a busy day.  The online class really keeps us busy, and then I left school early and drove to Cray to stay with Jerry and Julie's children.  They were in Fargo for an adoption meeting.  the have an extra foster child, Jonah is in kindergarten and a precious child.  They got home about 8:30 so I got home in a reasonable time.

  As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our
transgressions from us.
   -- Psalm 103:12

  Now that's a long way - from sun rising to sun setting, that's
how far God has removed our sins. But the key word is removed. When
we sin and come to God in repentance, God doesn't just forgive our
sin; he purifies us of all unrighteousness. What was unholy in me
is made righteous in him. What was impure is now clean. What was
stained is spotless. Why? How? We can now see more fully what the
Psalmist could know only in part. God doesn't see our sin, but
rather he sees Jesus' sacrifice. His blood purifies and cleanses
us! Our sin is gone and we are clean.

  Father of mercies, thank you for not only forgiving my sins, but
for removing them. I thank you that I can stand before you holy and
without fault because of the blood of Jesus and your gracious
desire to forgive. I now ask, Righteous Father, that you strengthen
me with your Holy Spirit so that my conduct will reflect the way
you see me in Jesus. In the name of the Christ, your Son and my
Savior, I pray. Amen.

I am so thankful that Jesus forgives me and forgets what I have done, sometimes it isn't as easy to forgive myself but as I seek God and read his word that happens, too.