Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 3, 2011

Yesterday was another school day. I was there late helping a student so she is ready for today.  Then I went to Cando and cleaned, did some visiting and then to Bible Study.  It was a good day. 

Last night when I was almost in the yard, here was a deer running into our trees and behind it was two 'dogs' I think they were coyotes.  kind of creepy so I had dad put the car in the garage I didn't feel comfortable walking to the house if they were right there.  He could take a gun with him.

A Farm Road in Spring

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in
all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."

--Proverbs 3:5-6

Call it late winter storms or early spring rains. When the sky breaks open this
time of year, it makes for plenty of wet and muddy earth.

On our farm in Maryland, heavy rains were great for our furrowed fields, but disaster
for the dirt road leading from the county highway to our farmhouse. Our truck would
spin out on the wet earth, splattering gravel everywhere. The road was normally
easy to drive, a straight line between our house and the highway. With rain, the
 road may have been straight, but it wasn't easy!

Journeying down that farm road is much like traveling the path ahead of you. When
you trust in the Lord, He promises that the road will take you directly to the destination
He plans. He will make your path straight, and you will arrive in His perfect timing.
But your path, although straight, will not be smooth. It's direct, but you'd better
expect storms along the way.

Don't be like the Israelites who, when they forgot about God, wandered around in
 circles for forty years. Their path to the Promised Land was anything but straight.
Trust in the Lord, and He will take you directly to where He wants you to go. It's
worth the few bumps, potholes, and uncomfortable places along the way.

Lord, I need to confess that I haven't always trusted in You with all my heart.
Forgive me for leaning on my own understanding when the road gets rough. I acknowledge
today that I am not promised an easy path, just a straight one if I trust entirely
in You. Lord with every pothole, rut, or barrier I may come across, help me to remember
to lean on You.

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