Friday, March 11, 2011

March 11, 2011

Yesterday was a full day of school, help in the kitchen, conversation with DJ and I wanted to leave right after school because we were to meet with Kirk at Country Bank, when I got there there was a mix up he wasn't there, so dad and I ate together, got groceries and he went home and I cleaned the church and stayed for women's Bible study  Today I am not going to school, they are going to ski at frost fire.  Joni really says it right...We might ask ourselves what prejudices do I have in my life?

Double Standards

"But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like
a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will
receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does."

--James 1:6-8

Why is it that we make requirements of others that we don't keep ourselves?

Some Christians work hard to wipe out social evils like pornography, abortion, and
homosexuality. But at the same time their personal morality leaves a lot to be desired.
Then there are others who are personally righteous, watching their Ps and Qs at
church and at home, but when it comes to their social ethics, it's another story:
racism and prejudice abound.

We cannot have one kind of ethic for ourselves and another for society. We cannot
demand a strong morality in our culture and yet carry on with a personal morality-or
immorality-which dishonors God.

What we do in private deeply affects what happens in public. The man who is faithful
to his wife while exercising bigotry toward his neighbor is no better than the adulterer
who crusades for social justice. What God requires is morality with a capital M,
 both personal and social. God calls for an ethic that is consistent. No matter
how you look at it, nobody can have their ethical cake and eat it, too... without
getting moral indigestion.

Father, reveal to me when I say one thing and do another. Show me the double standards
in my life. I want You to be Lord of my thoughts and actions, who I am in private,
and what I'm like in public

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