Jesus' Pre-Cross Crash Course
"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will
not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what
is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making
it known to you."
--John 16:13-14
Have you ever crammed for a "now or never" exam? On the Bible? Unless you're a seminary
student, probably not. But suppose you were thrust into such a situation? You'd
probably panic.
That's no doubt how the disciples felt the evening they enjoyed the Last Supper
with the Lord Jesus. Up until the end, the evening had been warm and personal-there
was even that touching moment when Jesus washed their feet. But the mood shifted
when Jesus spoke those strange words to Judas, "What you are about to do, do quickly."
Judas left and from that point on, the tone of the evening changed. It was as if
the Lord realized He had pressing things to say and only a short time in which
to say them.
He spoke about vines and branches, peace and persecution. So much packed into those
few hours! How would the disciples remember it all? Jesus knew their dismay. But
the Lord also knew that everything would become clear. That's why He promised them
the Holy Spirit. The Spirit would be teacher and guide.
Are you any different from the disciples? Not really. Sometimes you feel that God
is pouring million-gallon truths into your one-ounce brain! But the Spirit will
help you to understand. He will bring God's Word to your mind and memory, making
all things clear.
Almighty God, today help me to remember that, in time, You will make known to me
everything I need to understand. I welcome You, Spirit, as my teacher and guide.
"But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will
not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what
is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making
it known to you."
--John 16:13-14
Have you ever crammed for a "now or never" exam? On the Bible? Unless you're a seminary
student, probably not. But suppose you were thrust into such a situation? You'd
probably panic.
That's no doubt how the disciples felt the evening they enjoyed the Last Supper
with the Lord Jesus. Up until the end, the evening had been warm and personal-there
was even that touching moment when Jesus washed their feet. But the mood shifted
when Jesus spoke those strange words to Judas, "What you are about to do, do quickly."
Judas left and from that point on, the tone of the evening changed. It was as if
the Lord realized He had pressing things to say and only a short time in which
to say them.
He spoke about vines and branches, peace and persecution. So much packed into those
few hours! How would the disciples remember it all? Jesus knew their dismay. But
the Lord also knew that everything would become clear. That's why He promised them
the Holy Spirit. The Spirit would be teacher and guide.
Are you any different from the disciples? Not really. Sometimes you feel that God
is pouring million-gallon truths into your one-ounce brain! But the Spirit will
help you to understand. He will bring God's Word to your mind and memory, making
all things clear.
Almighty God, today help me to remember that, in time, You will make known to me
everything I need to understand. I welcome You, Spirit, as my teacher and guide.
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