Yesterday was a busy day at school, so many things at the end of the year, music speech, extra reports, etc.After school a girl came to me, I had forgotten, Her mom had asked me to alter her prom dress and their exchange student, so we tried them on. Then I went to DL to do errands, and back to Starkweather for Pam's piano recital. (Jacqui did you take piano lessons from Pam? I think you did.) I came home and took the dresses apart so I can have them try them today. We were in bed when Michael called to say that JT Rice had been killed in a flying accident. He was an air force academy graduate taking advanced training. I didn't know him but we knew the rest of the family.
Praying With Scripture
"'Is not my word like fire,' declares the Lord, 'and like a hammer that breaks a
rock in pieces?'"
- Jeremiah 23:29
Would you like to have greater faith in prayer? Of course you would. And it stands
to reason that if faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, then the
Word alone is the source of faith, especially in prayer.
The Word of God is the Christian's true prayer book. The secret to receiving answers
to prayer lies in how we use God's Word during prayer time - that's why it's always
a good idea to pray next to an open Bible. Do you want to tune your words of praise
so they will rise like a beautiful worship song to the Lord? Then fill your praises
with glorious words from the Song of Songs or verses of adoration from the book
of Psalms.
Also, bring God's Word directly into your intercessions. Pray for your loved one
on the basis of Colossians 1 or Psalm 20. Why is this so important? The psalmist
said, "I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have renewed my life."
You bring God's power to bear in the lives of the people for whom you intercede
when you bring God's Word into your intercessions.
Read portions of Scripture to prime your pump before you pray. Let the Spirit lead
you to certain verses to use in your praise and intercessions. Then, develop personal
prayers that are enriched by those same verses. God loves to hear His Word when
you pray. It's like speaking His language.
Today, Lord, I praise You that Your Word is like a hammer that breaks through my
unbelief. Your Word is like a fire that sets my heart aflame. Teach me to use all
of Your Word as a powerful tool in my prayers.