Grandpa and Grandma Neidlinger are buried near the west entrance of the Storlie Cemetery. that is where you are to bury us, too.
Then we looked at some of the other graves of family.

Edward and Grace Neidlinger lived on a farm South East of where we live, Kathleen was a daughter of theirs. They also had Rosamond and Bill.
This is the head stone for Edward and Grace. I didn't take photos of Bill and Millie's stones, they are near by.
This is the marker for my grandpa and step grandma.
This is the stone for my grandmother, Mary Goldsbury O'Brien. It is hidden by a lilac bush.
This is the stone for a baby which would have been an aunt or uncle to me. I always thought the baby was buried in the tree's on the farm.
So this ends our Cemetery trip.