Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5, 2011

Yesterday was another busy day at school, much to do to finish out the year.  Working on annual pages, we have only about 6 students in the class, some are such diligent workers and others are not.  After school I went to Cando and cleaned church, visited with Jay and Illa Mae and Matt and Mavis,  Matt and Mavis are having some plumbing issues and really just need to get a plumber to fix the problem.  Bible study and then came home.

More of Heaven

"When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with
 immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: 'Death has been swallowed
up in victory.'"

-1 Corinthians 15:54

Suffering gets us ready for the resurrection.

Broken necks, broken homes, and broken hearts crush our hopes that earthly things
can satisfy. Only the promise of immortality can truly move our eyes from this world.
The glorious day when "death will be swallowed up in victory" becomes our passion
as we realize, once and for all, that earth can never meet our deepest longings.

Suffering also prepares us to meet God when we get to heaven. Suppose you never
knew pain. No stained reputation. No bruised feelings. No sore back, twisted ankle,
or decayed molars. How could you appreciate the scarred hands with which Christ
will greet you? What if no one had ever offended you deeply? How could you adequately
express your gratitude when you approach the Man of Sorrows, who was acquainted
with grief?

When you meet Jesus face-to-face, your hardships will have given you a taste of
what He went through to purchase the promise of your resurrection. And your loyalty
to Him in your sufferings will give you something concrete to offer in return. For
what other proof could you bring of your love if this life left you totally unscarred?

I praise you, Sovereign Lord, that You use suffering to prepare me for heaven. Help
me to live today with the promise of the resurrection before me, giving me a reason
to thank You in the midst of my pain. Keep me from complaining and grumbling. For
on the day that I stand before Jesus, I want to offer Him proof of my love and faithfulness.

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