And God said unto Noah...Make thee an ark of gopher wood. Genesis 6:13-14
Your own future is shaped by today's decisions, therefore the future should not be ignored as though irrelevant to today. Jesus did not teach man to ignore the future, but to prepare for it. His warning was against anxiety concerning tomorrow, not against preparation.
It was I who taught Noah to prepare for the flood. Draw on My wisdom, for to Me all things are plain now.
What might God be speaking to you to prepare for in your life? Each one of us are in different seasons of life, so what he is saying to you might be different than for me, but he is speaking to each of us. Listen to his voice. You might not be accustomed to thinking that God is talking to you, but he is, He might be speaking about natural things that are a part of your everyday life, or he might be speaking about things that have a spiritual significance in your life. When I read this I thought about the feelings that I have been having.....First, I have friends around who are so disgusted, and upset with the things happening in our government, I don't like it either but really I can't change much, I can only pray. I think most of you can remember back in the late 90's, it would have been around the time of the flood and it was a very difficult time for us financially, God helped us through that time, but even then I felt that we would see it again, and we are, and I know that God is with us, and God is speaking to us about the choices that we make. I think I wrote about this earlier this winter, but I again feel to say it. Think about _what you can use of what you have before buying more of something_. Here in America we have gotten to be so "stuff and thing" conscious, times are changing and it is going to change, but God hasn't changed and he will meet our needs. Yesterday I was reading in world magazine that in orange County California there are 13,000 children who are homeless. That is almost more than we can comprehend.
Father, thank you for providing for our needs, help us to include you more in our lives, draw us to your side and into your presence, show us ways that we can be a more useful vessel in your kingdom. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yesterday, was a school day, and afterwards I cleaned church and we had Bible study at Dicks. I stopped to see Matt and Mavis for a while before Bible Study.