Sunday, February 22, 2009

February 21, 2009

A yielded, Believing Vessel
But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits  Daniel 11:32

Mine is the wisdom and the honor and the power and the glory.
I am never defeated, but My justice and My mercy are obstructed by human ignorance and by the lack of faith.  Be aware of Me. I can accomplish great things through even one yielded, believing vessel.  Remember David, and how I wrought a gret victory for the armies of Israel through his courage when all others were paralyzed by fear.
Move on, and never entertain the thought of retreat.

I believe that today we are challenged that God wants to use us, and he is waiting for us to respond,  Maybe our thoughts are little and insignificant, but as we step out with even a little faith he will meet us and give us courage to take the next step.  What is God saying to you, what does he want you to do?  Maybe today it seems insignificant, but it could be God preparing you for something in the future.  I reflect on the things God has taught me, or the ways he has trained me, and today I know it was God.
Father help us to listen to your little nudgings and promptings, to take that first step and do what you are speaking into our heart.  Thank you for so patiently and gently working in our lives.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Yesterday I forgot to write, Friday, I went to Devils Lake after dinner because they were having volley ball tournament at school and I didn't need to be there, I was able to take the tax information to Emil, and do some other errands, and then came home.


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