Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. Psalm 34:19
Be patient in tribulation and I will minister My grace to you and your heart will rejoice. For when outer blessings are withheld, inner peace is deepened, for the soul turns to worship with less distraction.
Disappointment is foreign to the Spirit, for it has no part in faith. The trusting soul possesses all things in Christ and looks not to others for blessing therefore he can never be disappointed. Joy and contentment crown his head and peace reigns in his heart.
Oh, what awesome thoughts and how much God wants this to be a reality in our lives. When we reflect on problems that we have faced, times when situations seemed so impossible, then as we pass through that time or experience and we reflect back, God was with us, we might not have liked the experience, but God did help us. How much easier it would have been for us if we had been able to yield to him immediately rather than trying to do it "ourselves' or 'our way.' What is happening for you today or at this time in your life? Is it something that seems impossible? Are you willing to yield it to God and allow God's best to happen?
Father, we thank you for your care and provision, for your grace and your mercy and most of all for your patience with us. We give you this day, help us to be willing to yield to you the problems that we really can't change. Father speak to us by your Holy Spirit and show us your desire for us for this day. In Jesus Name. Amen.
/Yesterday, was a school day. Ken the exchange student was asking questions about prom, I know he would like to go, I just hope that he isn't disappointed by someone saying no to him if he should ask them. After school I went to Cando to clean church. I had decided that I was making some changes in the Sunday School class room and that I wanted it ready for Sunday when I get there, so that is what I did. But it took time and by 6;30 I wasn't completely done. Four other ladies joined me and we tied the quilts that I have made for Nicaragua. I will sew the edges here at home. It was a really good time of fellowship and sharing and of prayer together. Colleen had brought a really good dip recipe, I will put it on the blog for you one of these days.