The Course Lies Dead ahead
Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57
Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57
My Spirit broods upon the waters, even upon the waters of difficulty. Be not dismayed, neither be turned aside. Set your heart with even greater diligence to follow the Spirit. Others may find Me and lose Me again. Be not discouraged. What navigator would set his course by the location of other ships? You have a harbor to make, and you have a course to follow that lies dead ahead.
Are we on course for God's plans for our lives? Are we listening to his voice and following his instructions? Some times the directions are simple and easy to follow and sometimes the voice seems to be so faint.......
Father, help my hearing to be tuned into you. Help me to hear clearly what you desire in my life. In Jesus Name. Amen
Yesterday was a beautiful day. The carpet is a no go for now, there are other things that are more important. I spent as much time outside as I could and loved the day. Dad got that car that had been sitting in the hanger, out and got it ready to take to Clint Potolny, I helped some with that project. I am really happy to see it find a home. I walked around and looked for things to clean up and did some in the garage, but the time got away from me and it was time to go to Sr Center for tricks or treaters, but there weren't very many. We don't have very many left in our community, they are all grown up.
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