An Injection of New Life
Whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate
to be conformed to the image of his Son
Romans 8:29
All you do for Me in ministering to others is part of My own working within you; for whenever you bless another, you bring an injection of new life and vitality into your own spirit and personality.Whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate
to be conformed to the image of his Son
Romans 8:29
Your character is that which I shape from the broken fragments of all your testings; therefore, accept the trials with a grateful heart. I will use all things to bring you into conformity to My image if you will trust Me.
I always remember Maxine Frank who could encourage a child with whatever they did. It has left a lasting impression on me and I desire to pass it on to others, and everytime we did bless some one or say something encouraging we are also encouraged. Sometimes I wonder what we gain by hurting or putting someone down, we gain nothing good. Granted there are people and times that we need to be corrective with, but how can we do it possitive. I have a couple of students like that at school. But thankfully only a couple, the rest of the students are really great.
Yesterday, it was beautiful, and I really enjoyed the day. I cleaned and cleaned somemore, spent time outside. Some of Jerry's children came over to play basketball. In the evening, I came in when it was dark, I didn't have things all done, when here comes Dad with the young fellow helping with harvest, and I needed to fix supper. It happened, he was most pleasant. We haven't had anyone here to eat with us for a long time.
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