Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 4, 2009

Run with Patience
Let us lay aside every weight, and run with patience the race that is set before us
Hebrews 12:2

I could by adversity strip from you the comforts of life,
                but I will bless you in double portion,
if of your own accord you do as the apostle Paul and lay aside
every weight,
resisting the many temptations that continually beset you
                 as you run with patience the course I set before you.

What is weighing you down? what could you eliminated in your life that is not necessary?  Are you feeling overwhelmed by all that is happening in your life and around you?  I keep feeling that I need to eliminate the clutter about me, the things that weigh me down, that so easily beset me.  I can not speak for any of you, but only for my self, God is not the author of confusion, so If I feel confused why?  What can I do to change my circumstances?

Father, we give you this day, speak into our hearts your desire for this day.  In Jesus name. Amen

Yesterday was a normal day of school.  There is always interesting dynamics, after school I came home and rested, the drama club did their play and I took Mary Werner with me to see it.  She does a good job  of leading the students and they did a good job of acting.

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