Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14, 2011

Thank you for the Valentine greetings.  You are all special.  This has been a busy weekend.  We drove Friday afternoon to Bismarck, picking up Jerry in Devils Lake.  We started in that very evening, moving boxes and furniture, we did eat out together that evening and ha a good visit together,  Saturday was a busy day, by the time it was dark that night we had the old apartment empty and cleaned.  Sunday morning, Julie Ann called and said there wasa weather wrning, so we left motel and drove to Julie's apartment and got the things we needed to take with us.  It didn't storm but the wind was terrible, we were home by 3:30 and got the boxes burned and everything put away.  Home was a good place to be.

  Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
   -- Romans 12:9

  Genuine love involves hate. Genuine love means that we hate
evil. We detest its creeping into our hearts and ruining our
relationships. We abhor its effects on those we love. We are
repelled by the eternal destruction it causes in those whose lives
are tender, or weak, or wavering. So the very best thing we can do
for those we love is to cling to what is good and stay far away
from evil and wickedness.

  Loving Father, may my life be a source of goodness and joy in my
family and with my friends. Please give me wisdom to see what is
good and the courage to pursue it with passion. Please protect me
from the evil one and forgive me when I have followed his
temptations. Please protect those I love from the fallout of my own
selfish and evil decisions. Please purify and cleanse me so that my
life may be lived holy, and wholly, to you. In the name of your
Holy Son, Jesus. Amen.

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