Sunday, February 20, 2011

February 20, 2011

Yesterday was a busy day,  Dad and I went to Devils Lake together,  He took me to DAR meeting, and then took mail to Jerry's house at Crary,  My meeting was longer than usual, Ruth Haugland knew Usher Burdick from the time she was a child and she shared about him from her life experiences and a book about his life, it was really good, but took a while, I felt bad that Dad had to wait for me.  Afterwards we got him a sandwich and then went to Methodist church for Marvin Carters funeral, we were there quite early but already the church was about full.  We sat in the back on the main level.  It was a good service,  a full house many had come to remember Marvin.  He was always friendly and always willing to help.  I would have liked to have spoken to Joyce and to Janice but that wasn't possible, so we came back to Hampden and visited with everyone at the end of lunch at the Senior Center.  It was good to be at home, I am trying really hard to use up yarn.  I am making stocking caps for some mission project.   For whatever is happening in your life,  God really does care, and he is desirous to help you.........

 Word of the Father

"Philip said, 'Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.' Jesus answered:
'Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone
who has seen me has seen the Father.'"

--John 14:8-9

God has placed within our hearts a yearning, a longing for Himself, a desire to
know Him and understand what He is like. After all, despite the stain of the Fall,
we are stamped in His image, we are created as a kind of reflection of God. And
every soul feels the void and the emptiness until it connects with its Maker. Yet
God is incomprehensible. How then can our longing for Him be satisfied? How can
we know Him?

Thankfully, our longings are satisfied in Jesus, for He has said, "Anyone who has
seen me has seen the Father." We can know God's love when we look at the love of
 His Son. We can understand mercy and compassion when we look at the way Jesus demonstrated

The Father, through the Son, does not permit us to know Him by scrutiny and rationale.
Tozer says, "That God can be known by the soul and in tender personal experience
 while remaining infinitely aloof from the curious eyes of reason constitutes a
paradox best described as 'Darkness to the intellect but sunshine to the heart.'"
"The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being,
sustaining all things by his powerful word" (Hebrews 1:3).

Jesus, to Thee be all glory given! You are the Word of the Father now in flesh appearing.
I sing a hymn of praise, saying, "O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore
 Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord!"

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