Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2, 2011

We had school, and it was a good day.  I stopped to see Frank and Dorothy after school.  It was really cold, but not blowing.  We are getting some high 'cuts' along the side of the roads.  When I got home, Dad had the wall off behind the bath tub.  I had talked to him about the problem in the bath tub, and he was fixing it.  I don't like to ask him to fix things like that, he gets frustrated with them, but he didn't want to spend the money to hire someone to do it.  By night everything was back in place and now it works.  That is good.  I suppose it rusted out or something, but then we have been using it for close to 50 years.  I am still sewing for Nicaraguan trip next year.

A Cure
"The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came upon me; I was overcome
by trouble and sorrow. Then I called on the name of the Lord: 'O Lord, save me!'"

--Psalm 116:3-4

February is a time of year when many people suffer from depression. Whether it's
 the cold, damp days or the long, dreary nights, this seems to be a season when
people are easily overcome by trouble or sorrow. And what better words describe
the living death of deep depression that Psalm 116?

There was a time during the early years of my paralysis when I could not even bring
myself to talk about the depression that overwhelmed me. I did nothing, I said nothing.
The look on my face was one of sullen, numb despair. I felt strangled by the cords
of a living death, just as it says in the psalm. I didn't even care if there was
 a cure for my depression.

Thank God, there was a cure. Several friends met with my church youth leader every
week to pray specifically and committedly for me, asking God to push back the darkness
in my life. Changes did not happen overnight, but slowly my countenance began to
 brighten. God was using the prayers of my friends to sever the cords of deathly
 despair that entangled me. Praise God for friends who are willing to call on the
name of the Lord on my behalf.

If you are feeling slump-shouldered today, call on the name of the Lord and ask
Him to save you. Remember, you may feel overcome by trouble and sorrow, but He who
has overcome the world can deliver you.

Gracious Lord, I praise You for offering peace and hope in the midst of depression.
Save me from deadly feelings that entangle and pull me down into a grave of defeat
and despair. Your powerful name saves!

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