Sunday, May 31, 2009

May 31, 2009

The Oil of Consecreation

Thus shall they prepare...the oil, every morning for a continual burnt offering  Ezekiel 46:15

All your ministry must be blessed by the oil of consecration. Not one thing can be withheld.  That which is most precious must be daily offered in dedication.  anything which is unworthy or evil must be given to Me so that it may be taken away; but the pure and good must be given to Me also, so that you may be continually freed from clasping it to yourself.  Anything you grasp becomes a burden. Give all to Me in a daily morning offering.

I have mentioned this before, but again this morning the same thoughts are coming to me.  It is from a booklet  "My Heart Christ Home"  That story is about our body being like a house, and that God wants to live in every room, is there some room, or something about our life that we want to keep away from God?  Kind of like a hidden closet....So everything we do must be blest by God, if there is something we are doing that isn't blest by God, why?  Is it something we aren't willing to give to God?  Is it something he would not be happy about in our life?  If we truly want to be God's vessel it means giving it to him, and allowing him to  do with it what he desires.

Yesterday, was beautiful, we have about 50 people here, some new ones have come, so at each meal I see new faces, and then some have to leave.  Katrice Thompson and Mark Henke are here and it is good to see both of them.  I am blest to see the young people that desire to be counselors, it shows their commitment to seeing lives changed.  We had good meals, a roast pork dinner, and pizza for supper.  I did manage a nap and we also did some rug shampooing.  The young people did a lot of cleaning and work in the afternoon, so it is starting to appear more ready for camp to start.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 30, 2009

The Harvest Is Overripe

Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe  Joel 3:13

The hour is late. Be diligent.  The haravest is overripe, and because it is so, there is need for gretaer care in the gathering of it.  there is need for greter tenderness...for greater compassion....for infinite patience.  This is a delicate work.  When you deal with the souls of men, you are touching the most precious thing there is.  Seek Me continually for direction and for understanding, so that  you may be able to geather the overripe fruit without bruising it.

This is so self explanitory,  People may have a harden shell, but really they are tender, or God wants to put them into a position to be tender.  We are having counselor training this weekend, preparing the counselors for working her this summer.  It is a blessing and exciting to see young people who have a heart desire to reach people for Christ, through ministry here this summer.  Our speaker is a local person who share a bit of his story, of as a child experienceing a lot of seizures and not expected to be mentally able,  at the age of 13 he accepted Christ at a camp like this and God has given him many opportunities to be a very useful person leading people to Christ.  He went on to get his masters degree in Social Work and he works at the Human Service Center in Devils Lake.  I first met him and his wife Amy during the Biblly Graham Crusade in 1999.  He is truly a man of God  that God is using, and as I look at the young people here and most of them I have watched for quite some time,  It is a blessing to see of their desire to be Gods vessels, but we are no different than they.  God wants to use us, too.

Father, help us to bloom where you have planted us, give us a heart of compassion for those about us.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.


Yesterday we cooked and afterdinner I drove to Devils Lake to see my friend Marlys.  This morning she and two other ladies are flying to Israel.  They will be there 8 days.  During their time there, on Tuesday there is a planned war drill, to prepare the people for what to do, when and if it should happen.  They anticipate being attacked from three sides.  So you might want to watch the news for that event.  Marlys and I met in the Bible book store in Grand Forks years ago when she was going to Russia and I had missionary friends there(they are still there but now they hare sending people to US as missionaries)  Marlys has expressed to me that she felt I was to go to Israel, but I haven't felt that way,  You know that I do have a heart to learn about the Jewish people and when she returns I plan to help her with some Jewish research.  She feels that her family is jewish.

I came back to camp, and was very glad to get out of Devils Lake too many cars....

Friday, May 29, 2009

May 29, 2009

Love's Servant

He that is greatest among you shall be your servant. Matthew 23:11

Love changes all the desires. Love knows that doing the Father's will is the only thing of value. Because love does not seek its own, it is not dismayed when circumstances are unfavorable.

He who has love will labor happily though unremunerated and sacrifice personal comfort without protest or complaint. He will measure happiness by his power to give and weakness by his limitation to bring comfort to those in need. Love is the source of joy, the touchstone of all meaningful human expression.

Have you ever met someone who was like that?  It is hard to find.  I think that in the past I saw people who had that kind of heart, but for some reason people have become self-centered.  When we desire to be God's vessel, he has to show us how self centered we are.  It is painful to realize how much we are focused on our selves rather than on God and his will.  I encourage you to reflect on people who have demonstrated that to you.  It is more of thee and less of me, that is God's way.

Yesterday, I tried to put the house in order, and pack my vehicle, and start on my way to camp.  I stopped to see Frank and Dorothy.  Sherry Bracken is staying with them, she is there to help Dorothy.  She is a blessing to Dorothy and Dorothy to her.  She had videod Frank playing his accordian.  I think she plays some instruments, too.  As a young persons she was a friend to Wagenman and Perich children.  She is living in Jamestown.  I had been trying to reach Edna, she was at the farm, I found her pushing a lawn mower,  She is getting the farm ready to take a photo to put it on the market.   She stopped and we visited for a while.  Then I drove from there to camp.  We worked in the evening, there is a lot to do.  More young people will be coming today and I will cook for them.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 28, 2009

/Vision Versus Dreams
I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord.....that I may win Christ Philippians 3:8

My blessing should be of more value to you than all your possessions, and yes, even more than your aspirations and ideals, for these are still expressions of the desire of the ego for fulfillment.
In My Spirit there can be no cherishing of personal dreams.  Only the doing of the Father's will is to be sought, and there is a vast difference between a God-inspired vision and personal dreams and aspirations.
Sometimes when I see the success of people, I am reminded that God's success may be different, at least it is for me, I must be about my Fathers 'business'.  It is easy to be influenced by what is happening around me and I have to be careful that I don't get caught into the 'world's' thinking.  God has told us, he will supply our needs, he is far more capable than the world is to do that in our lives.

Father, we thank you for this day and the opportunity it offers us to live for you.  Help us to be focused on you and your will for our lives, thank you for providing what I need for this day.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, was a beautiful day, I enjoyed being outside, the soil was still wet enough that I could pull the weeds in the flower bed, it looks pretty good, I feel blest to have had this day to do it.  We were at Bible Study last night.  I will be driving to camp later today.  I will try to write from camp and Dad will welcome your calls.  I will keep in touch with him every day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

May 27, 2009

/Remove the Barriers
All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.  Romans 10:21

My children, over many barriers I call to you.
I do not withhold Myself by choice, but you prevent Me from fellowshipping with you. Curtains of doubt, fear, timidity, repentance, and many others hid My face from you so that you cannot know Me.
Before it is too late, turn to Me with no devices of self-defense, and then can I open My heart to you and pour out My blessings.
What barriers are we putting up to keep God from really getting to the heart of our life and situation?  I can think of some pride, independence, fear, distrust.......  What does it take for us to let go and let God?

Father, we come to you for this another day, a day to rejoice that you are here and you are with us.  Help us to yield to you as you speak to us, Help us to listen to your voice and to know it is you that is speaking to us.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Yesterday, I sent the annual, did write some other letters, in the afternoon Ione Werner and I cleaned the Senior Citizens Center.  Jack and I ate supper with Jerry and Julie and family.  It is probably the first time Jerry has been with me on my birthday since he was in high school.  The children make it a special time.  It was a beautiful evening, Jack was mowing and I was pulling weeds, I can't get enough of being outdoors when the weather is nice.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day remembrance

I remember that we always went to services in Hampden on Memorial Day, when they had the Legion Hall it was held there.  There was a color Guard, and special music, a speaker,  It was almost like a worship service.  We would go to the cemetery and there would be a 21 gun salute,  There no longer is an event like that in Hampden, but yesterday I went to Cando to theirs,  it was a remembrance experience for me.  I am going to include photos from Hampden and now from Cando  This photos is the color guard coming into gym.  If the weathr had been good they would have walked out to the cemetary.

Vernon and Alice Carlson were there, he obviously is a veteran.

Silver Strings provided music and Babe Belzer sang, it was good.  There was a speaker, she is the state Auxillary leader, her son is in the military in intelligence in one of the areas, Iraq or Afganistan.

This a photo from Storlie Cemetery north of Hampden.  It is where some of your family is buried.

Some one plays the taps.  Yesterday an elderly legionaire played the taps in the gym.  When they are able to go to the cemetery, it is played there.

When ever I see this or hear this, I am reminded that many sacrificed for my freedom.

May 26, 2009

/The Fear of God
Thou shalt have no other god before me  Exodus 20:3

Yes, My child, if you would search Me out, learn what it is to know the fear of God. Make of your heart a citadel of sacred worship, knowing that as you kneel at the altar of consecration, you shall receive of My grace and mercy and you shall behold mysteries things hidden from the carnal eye and withheld from the self-absorbed. For love of self will keep you from this place as surely as baser sins.
All I can say is AMEN.  It has been a few years ago, when God started to put into my heart a greater desire to be used by him.  As I have sought him, he has used me, it isn't anything that the world will know about but in just quiet ways.  I see thing happen and I know  "It is God."  I can be someplace and someone will come in my path and I am given an opportunity to share his love with them.  It isn't about me, it is about God, and as I yield to him I see it happen more often.  He puts in my heart a desire to know him and to share him.  It is the same thing he desires to do each of our lives.

Father, we thank you for a new day, and a new opportunity to be your vessel, and to share your love with those around us.  Help us to be sensitive and to hear your voice, and then to do your will.  In Jesus Name.  amen.

Yesterday, it was very wet, lots of rain, water everywhere, roads are a mess.  I went to Cando in the morning.  I went to their Memorial Day service at the school.  I  intend to write to you about that.  Afterwards I went to the church and cleaned, then stopped to see Matt and Mavis and Gladys for a very few minutes.  then on to Starkweather school, we had a few glitches but by 5:30 it was ready to put into the mail.  That is a good feeling.  In the evening Dad and I watched the dvd "Fireproof"  It is very good, and I recommend it for each of you.  It goes with the book I gave some of you.

Monday, May 25, 2009

history remembrance

When I was a young girl, we would go to Mann's shoe store and get shoes, but we always checked to see if they were the right size by looking into the exray machine.  We thought that was really special to be able to see inside our shoe to see the bones in our feet and whether they fit correctly.  Eventually the discontinued use of that machine because they must have realized that all the exray wasn't healthy.  I was with the 3-6 grade on a field trip to Old Post Office building, there I saw this, it is one I use to remember using.  Just a bit of history for you....

May 25, 2009

/My Kingdom Is at Hand
The hour of his judgment is come. Revelation 14:7
By My Spirit, I will speak to My people. Those who hear My voice will sing of My glory. Those who are pure of heart will walk in a path of delight. Joy is the natural climate of heaven, and My chosen ones will have a full portion even now.
Be prepared for Me, for I will come to you in blinding splendor. Look above the present scene, for to dwell on the confusion of the world would render you unfit for the revelation of heaven.
We need to focus on our heavenly Father and his desire and will for our lives,  when we look around at what is in our midst, we lose sight of God's desire for us.  What around you is distracting you from God's will?  He wants to speak to us, he wants to use us, he wants to draw us to himself, we have a choice to look upon the world or to look upon God.  What is our choice?

Father, this day I chose to follow you and to do your will.  Help me to sense your presence in my midst.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday was a busy day with Sunday School, church and afterwards graduation at Munich.  I went to two open houses there.  It was a beautiful day, Gene and Marge Dick from church stopped in on their way home from Nekoma Cemetery, and later I was outside burning in the trees.  Dad had been burning, too and Jerry was burning down at the missile.  Today it is very wet.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 24, 2009

/The Golden Path
The Lord god...revealeth his secret unto his servants Amos 3:7

I have a special path for you.  Search it out diligently. Let Me guide you in it. Follow not other sheep aimlessly as they move through My pastures.
I have you on a path which is all your own. It is not My way for anybody else. It will become clear to you only lay by revelation from Me.
I call it the golden path. It is a sacred secret between us. Guard it and keep it, and treasure it in the secret places of your soul.
God has called each of us individually, he has a plan for each of our lives, and no one else can fill it.  He desires to direct us on the path for us.  I started reading about a girl from Asia, who defied the rulers (during World War 2)who said the people were to bow down to "Gods' so she was in great trouble for doing that, As she sought God and in greater ways than we can understand here, God did guide her, I haven't finished the book so I don't know what all will happen yet.  It is about being obedient to God's call for our lives.  I know there are a lot of things I see Christians do, but something inside of me says 'that is not for you"  Listen to God's voice and follow the path that he has for you.......

Father, thank you for this l day, thank you that we live here and can enjoy your creation, help us to listen to what you are saying for our lives. I pray that you would make your way clear for us.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was Starkweather high school graduation.  Dad and I ate 'brunch' together and then I went to school.  I proof read the annual, and then it was time for graduation, I was to take photos for the Cando paper and so I took a lot of photos.  The battery on our family camera went dead, but I still had the school camera.  We had 7 graduates(there was one who didn't get to graduate because he hasn't completed his work, but I think he will get his diploma eventually)  there were two sets of sisters graduating, and families like Richard Wright don't have very much family.  So it wasn't a big crowd.  But it was a very nice graduation.  The students had taken great care to do a nice presentation and one that wasn't too long.  Afterwards, Yvonne and I went to open houses together.  We first drove by our house to get the cord so I could charge the camera, which I did in the car.  Then we visited families.  Afterwards I spent time on annual moving photos so Richard Could use them, and I need to finish two pages and the two that Richard Wright will do before he leaves tomorrow.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 23, 2009

/Love Endures
He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away Luke 1:53

The soul that submits to My disciplines loves Me. Love will hold you steady beneath the chastening rod because love believes and hopes in all things (1 Corinthians 13:7). Love will never fail. It will endure whatever comes because it rests in Me rather than in the circumstance.
You need never be deprived of comfort as long as your desires are fulfilled in Me. for I satisfy the hungry with good things, while the rich go empty away.
What really satisfies in life?  Have you ever gotten something and then realized I don't *really* want that?  Does God make good choices in what he gives us?  Can we thank him for the circumstances in our lives?I am impressed that he is all knowing and really has our best interests in mind.  He just wants us to yield to him.

Father, this is a new day and a new opportunity to live for you and to love you.  Help us to put aside the frustrations of yesterday and to focus on this day.  Help us to be vessels that honor you right where we are at in life.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, the last day of school.  For me it was a day of taking photos and working on the annual,  Annual is near to done, I was there til about 7, after we ate here at home. I went out in the trees and did some more burning of dead trees.  I know Dad thinks I am crazy, but it is so beautiful and peaceful out there at night.  I really enjoy being there, the birds are singing, the sunset is beautiful.  One thing about the birds songs, they are always in tune.

Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22, 2009

/A Secret Process
Every maid's turn was come to go in to King Ahasuerus, after that she had been twelve months.  Esther 2:12

I am perfecting inner beauty of the soul, as Esther was  prepared to meet the king. I am doing a similar thing with My Church. My Bride is undergoing her beautification in anticipation of the coming of the Bridegroom.
I have ordained special ones to carry out this work of preparing the Bride. I commend you into their hands. Only so can you be presented before he King, purged of flaws and imperfections.
I believe it is a choice if we want to purify ourselves.  We can come to Jesus and ask him into our hearts, but he wants all of us, and somehow we allow the world to crop in and control parts of us.  I think of the little story that comes us to a house with a lot of rooms, and God wants control of all of them, no hidden rooms where he isn't welcome.  What in our life is hidden from God? or what is keeping us from being a yielded vessel?   God is purifying his church, he is preparing us for Jesus return.  What is he saying to you and me?  Don't be overwhelmed, he is in charge and he is able to abundantly more than we can believe or understand.

Father, we come to you with a new day, a day that you ahve made just for us,  help our focus to be on you, and on what you desire to do in and through us.   In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, we were able to get a lot done on the annual, I have the ad pages in it and so there are just a few areas to finish today.  After I got home and we had eaten, I had dad get the lawn mower out and  I mowed, and he mowed, too.  So that job is done for this week and I can focus on cleaning up in the yard.  I really enjoy listening to the bird, I like to be out in the evening and enjoy their singing.  They are never off tune.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21, 2009

/The prophet's Tongue
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that he may know how ye ought to answer every man. Colossians 4:6

No prophet of Mine is worthy of the name who brings reproach upon Zion by a careless tongue.  He who speaks My words at any time must guard his lips at all times. He is an unworthy mouthpiece who delivers My message in one breath and denies Me in a selfish moment by words that offend My Spirit.
How careful we need to be with our words.  Just this morning before reading this, I read an item on the internet, where a spokes man has expressed something that doesn't seem to be in the best interest of the organization that he represents.  I guess My thoughts for myself, remain the same, except for the grace of God, there I go, each of us are capable of saying and doing wrong, we need to stay close to the saviors side, close to him in the word and prayer.  Last night I was really tired, and I know for myself, then it is time to rest, because I might say something I would regret, so I did just that, went to sleep.

Father, draw us close to you, guard our words and thoughts and guide our steps,  We pray for wisdom in a world that is changing and seemingly loosing its moral values.  Help us to hear your voice and  to listen to your words that you speak into our hearts.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was a really busy day at school, we are really focused on the annual and there are more photos to take of field trips and other in school activities.  After school Jack came to the school and we drove to Devils Lake to get Julie's car, I stopped at bank and to see Frank, Dorothy and Edna was there.  After i got home and we ate, then we went to Starkweather to get the vehicle that was sitting there.  I was really tired and went right to bed.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

May 20, 2009

/Praying in the Spirit
Praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves in the love of God Jude 20-21

By praying in the
          you will find your faith strengthened
          and your life bathed in My love.
With your faith laying hold on My promises and power.
          and your actions motivated by My love.
you will find yourself in the path of My activity.
                 My blessing shall be upon you.
          and I will accomplish My works through you./

The spirit of the living God is real.  Often, especially when I am outside, or working by myself, or even in the midst of people, I find myself praying in the spirit.  God tells us that when we don't know how to pray..That is when it is time to let go and let God.  The Spirit of God knows our needs better than we do, and wants to meet those needs.

Romans 8:26  In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.  And he who serches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

Father, draw is nearer, nearer to you.  Guide our very thoughts, and intents, help us to be focused on you and on what you desire to do in and through us.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was a quite a day. Julie sent a cake with me to school for Jesse to share with Kindergarten and grades 1-2, you see it is Jesse's birthday today.  So I was walking down the hall to get the message to Jesse's teacher, Yvonne Faaland comes out of her room and asks me if I would drive the suburban for their field trip, so that is what I did.  I had to get some things organized for annual and then we drove to Devils Lake.  They visited the old post office building, toured the Deaf School, after lunch at McDonalds they toured the sheriffs house.  They spent some time at Ruger park and enjoyed the play ground.  The day was topped off with Dairy Queen treats.  We got back to Starkweather and delivered the students to the school.  School was out and I needed to go to Cando, stopped at hospital for mammogram and then cleaned church.    Not much energy when I got home.  Thank you, Julie for feeding Jack and for food for myself.  For those of you who remember George Tokheim, his funeral is today, he was 98.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19, 2009

/Angels Assist You

I will extol thee, O Lord; for thou hast lifted me up and hast not made my foes to rejoice over me.....I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me.  Psalm 30:1-2

O My child, do not weep.
I am in the midst, and I am a strong deliverer. Courage is the greatest contribution you can make at this point. To be wrong now will make the path of recovery easier.
Never underestimate the power of faith.  Hold fast Trust. Unseen angels assist you. Doors are opening to let you pass into safety.
There is no comfort as great as know that God is with you and helping you in the midst of a situation you don't like.  He is there for you and if we would allow he desires to take our hand and help us to walk through this season of life.  He desires to help us and take our hand and walk through every season of life.  What is happening that you don't think you can handle?  Have you let Jesus take your hand and walk with you?

Father,  we thank you that nothing is to hard for thee, that you desire to guide our steps and direct our path.   Father, today may we feel your presence and be conscious that you are there.  Give us glimpses of you in the people and situations around us.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday was a 'full' day.  There was school, we are working on a variety of things, annual being a major one.  Jr and Sr are doing demonstrations and I am there to take their photos, yesterday it was outdoors,  feeding a calf, changing oil on a vehicle and putting on new tail lights and learning a new game.   After dinner I helped Richard Wright hang streamers for graduation, I've never done that before, it was a good time to talk with a student that I respect a lot.  After school I went to Devils lake and did errands, and ended by going to see Frank.  Alice was there, as Chuck had taken his mom hone, she needed some rest.  Alice was tenderhearted, and I sense that they are really struggling with what is happening.  Frank wants to see his first great grandchild which is due in June.  Edna was there,  she needs to have a surgery early in June and thinks she is going to drive home, I don't think she is being realistic.  So another day is done.....

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 18, 2009

/Not Lethargy But Surrender
He that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. 1 John 2:17

You are called not to lethargy but surrender.
Happy is the man who puts his trust in the Lord, yes, even to the extent that he lets Him formulate the plans and direct the goings.
No reward is sweeter than to feel His commendation.  No life is more tranquil than that lived in His will.  At His feet there is peace. Turmoil shall not dwell in the home where Christ is the honored guest.
Life becomes a hymn of praise when God's love rules the heart.
I was struck by the statement 'Turmoil shall now dwell in the home where Christ is the honored guest."  Have you ever gone into a home where you sensed such peace?  There it is, Christ is the honored guest.  I question ,do we make Christ honored in our home, when guests come, or all the time?  Could we maybe check our hearts/attitudes/ are we welcoming Christ into our midst?

Father,  help us to check our hearts and motives, and to think about how we could make you feel more welcome in our midst.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Yesterday, was Sunday School and Church,  Kim, Tracee, Alicia and Erica Wagenman were with us, we hadn't seem some of them for a long time.  It was a good afternoon for a nap and to stay inside.  I tried to get somethings done for school, etc.  Frank is back in the hospital.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 17, 2009

/True Peace and False
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.  Proverbs 14:12
Peace is in the full expression of My will. anything short of this is a false peace, a sort of stupor that overtakes the one who is  no longer spiritually sensitive.  This is often mistaken for true peace in a way that can be compared to the freezing man who feels sleepy, not knowing he is slipping into the very jaws of death.
Make sure that your peace is the result of actively being in the will of God.

First Place
Even Christ pleased not himself.  Romans 15:3
Every soldier must give first place to his obligation to the armed forces, and second place to his own private life and wishes.  Even so you must do, if you would be My followers.  Even so did Jesus during his earthly ministry.  His entire life was subordinated to the Father's will.
Only that generated within you by the Spirit of God can bring forth righteousness, do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may personally discover the perfect will of God.
These are the devotions for the two days.  I didn't have devotion book with me yesterday, so to look at this, we might ask ourselves what is our peace?  Is it real or fake?  Will it stand the test of difficulties and challenges?  Where is our commitment?  Is it to the world or to the one who created us.

Father, we thank you for this day, we thank you for life and the ability to make choices and decisions,  guide our thinking and direct us in the way you would have us to go.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, Jacqui took me to do my errands and then I left for camp.  I drove down the street from her house and saw this big rummage sale sign, I looked in and could see what looked like a bike, so I drove around and stopped to check it out, I was able to get a little bike for Alona,  Then I drove to see my friend who lives near air base.  She had called me.  From there it was on to camp.  The canned items from Trinity are on the shelf, and the floor is scrubbed and waxed.  A new lady from Glenburn came to help, we did the floor together and it was an opportunity to get to know here.By that time it was time to go to the shower for Shayla.  I got home about the time it was dark.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

May 16, 2009

Here I am sitting with Jacqui in Grand Forks.  I came here yesterday after school and went to Jason and Kristin DePaul's wedding.  It was a fun time of seeing people that I have gotten to know at camp.  Each of you have a good day.

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 15, 2009

/The Call of the Spirit
Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling For it is God which worketh in you.  Philippians 2:12-13
Today is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is not given you to possess. Tomorrow is not a mysterious unknown; it will be the fruitage of what you sow today.  Your response to Me at this moment becomes your present experience of salvation.  Your answer to My call at the point where you now find yourself is the one deciding factor.
Regret weakens, and procrastination destroys the vision.  With a whole heart seek my face.

God allows things in our lives to cause us to turn to him.  We don't always yield, but that isn't his problem that is our choice.  As a child I found it difficult to live in a situation with the conflict that resulted from alcoholism.  Now for someone else it is something different.  Someone recently told me their life was effected by hearing someone talk about hell.  What is/has effected you?   What I do today affects tomorrow.  I am in a position to make choices that affect my future life here and even where I spend eternity.

Yesterday, we had  a party at school for Diane Hoiland who is retiring this year.  Afterwards I worked for quite a while on the annual, by the time I got home it was cold and time for super.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 14, 2009

/Trim Your Wick
Search me, O God, and know my heart....and lead me in the way everlasting.  Psalm 139:23-24

O My child, do not that which I have not bidden.  In My Name alone you ought to minister, and only when your own soul is free can the Spirit move unhindered.
Not only is time wasted when you disobey Me, but many souls are damaged, and your own no less.
Never try to evaluated a situation.  Obey Me. Trim your wick and polish your lamp.  Your light is growing dim.  Come back to listening only to My voice.
What is hindering my walk with God?  what other voices am I listening to?  What keeps me from being effective in my relationship with God?    God wants me to trim those things out of my life that keep me from being a yielded vessel.

Father, we come to you for this day, we are thankful for rest, our prayer is that you will show us the ways that we are allowing things to be in the way of our walk with you.  Then not only showing us, but helping us to make changes in our lives so we can be more effective for you.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday was a very full day.  I started out driving on a very muddy road to school.  When I got there DJ was ready to do photos, but the photographer wasn't there yet, she got there and we started.  We take a lot of photos for our annual, We finish by doing an all school photo, this year someone suggested that we stand in  the shape of an 'S' it really turned out nice.  These next days will be full of annual activity, and after school I went to Cando and cleaned the church, I stopped by Illa Mae Brandt's house, she is cleaning out her basement.  I saw Matt and Mavis and then went to Bible Study, we had a very lively discussion on Hell.  It continued to rain, and when we got home I had a poem to print for Diane Hoiland's retirement party today.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 13, 2009

/I require More
Yield yourselves unto God.  Romans 6:13
Strive to be perfectly yielded to the Holy Spirit.  He will do much for you beyond what has been done in you up to this point.  You have truly given Me much in the past, but I require more now because of the ministry I have for you to accomplish.
Let Me work in you with full liberty . You cannot do it yourself.  I am the sanctifier. Only give Me the freedom to work.  You will be amazed at how easily it can be done.
God has greater things for you and I and he is working in us to bring us to where he can use us.  He wants full liberty to make those changes, and that isn't necessarily isn't going to be easy,  He just wants the freedom to shape us.  We can think of the passages where it talks about us being a clay bowl or pot and how the potter can change the shape, that is us, how does God want to change your shape?

Father, we yield to you and desire to be your vessel, guide our steps and direct our path and lead us in the way you would have us to go.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, we had some problems with annual program, I was on the telephone with tech person for about an hour, thankfully they have a phone line near the computer room and the long cord would allow me to sit at the computer while using the phone.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12, 2009

/Find Solitude
Forty years didst thou sustain them in the wilderness so that they lacked nothing  Nehemiah 9:21

I take no pleasure in the affliction of My children.  In love I chasten to prevent the deeper suffering involved. But My heart is glad when you walk close, with your hand in Mine, and we may talk over the plans for each day's journey and activities so that it becomes a happy way that we travel in mutual fellowship.
So pour out your praise to Me from a light heart. I will plan your path and we will go singing.
If he could do it there can he do it again?  He can sustain us now.  He wants us to walk close to him and we don't of ourselves see a need to walk close, unless he brings to our life or allows challenges that we realize we can't handle ourselves, it seems that only then do we desire to be close to him.  How sad,  He wants our friendship all the time and we chose to go our own way until we realize that we aren't making it by ourselves, then we turn to him.  How many times must we be chastened to then see we need to turn to him?

Father, open our eyes this day, draw us closer to thee, guard our steps and guide our path, and meet the needs that we have.  Help us to see your hand in what is happening to us.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, plenty of annual activity, after school I drove to Devils Lake to get Jack, he had taken Julie's car to get it repaired.  When I got home, I started supper, and while it was cooking I went outside and burned more trees in the back yard, it is beginning to look a lot better.  I found a wood tick on myself, so I know they are there, too.  It was such a nice evening, I just stayed out as long as I could.    Everything is coming to life,  we even have some tulips blooming.

Monday, May 11, 2009

the jeep

this is how it looks today, I tried to find the photo from its previous accident but I couldn't find it.  We left it there and the insurance man came, and they will be ordering parts and putting it back in order.  Looks a bit scary right now, but we are thankful... 

May 11, 2009

/Harmony with the Message
I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart.  Psalm 119:32

I have many glorious things to reveal to you, but you must pay the price of treasuring, reverencing, and living in harmony with the message.  Truth is always straightforward, and so also must be the one who receives it, or if he is not already, he must be willing to be made so.
I need your consent, your desire to be made holy.  Surely I will answer when you call, and I will work in patience and in gentleness, but I will not stop until the perfecting process is finished.
First, I don't think the perfecting process will be complete until the day we see Jesus face to face,  I do think there are things God is waiting to revel to us but it only happens as we yield to him.  What does it mean to live in harmony with the message?  I think it is something for us to ponder,  What in my life must change for me to live in harmony?  Do we desire to be holy?  He will answer, he will work in patience and in gentleness, but he also will not stop until the process is finished.  I don't think we always like the perfecting process.

Father, we give you this day, guide our steps, direct our path, draw us to you and help us to hear your voice, help us to understand your desires for our lives.   In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday after Sunday School and Church.  Jack and I ate with Jerry, Julie and boys and Alona.  The Dairy Queen was full so we went to Cenex, and after pizza we had "dairy queens."  They went home and we drove to Jamestown to get Julie's car.  In the evening.  I changed the yellow toner in printer so I could use it and it wouldn't work, Jerry came over and we worked on it a long time.  It does work now.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

May 10, 2009

/End-Time Tensions
Go out to battle for God is gone forth before thee  1 Chronicles 14:15

My grace and mercy are intensified, not in spite of but because of the tensions of the end-time.  My love is moving in surrendered hearts.
Lift up your heads.  For in the Spirit you shall listen and hear the sound of a great army readying for battle, and there shall be the sound of going in the tops of the mullbery trees and they who have been enlisted by the Spirit shall go forth conquering and to conqueror.
We are seeing and have seen in recent years great changes in our world.  It isn't the way it was.  A couple of nights ago Dad and I were listening to a tv program, where this was expressed, from a personal standpoint and from a national and world stand point.  A lot is happening and a lot that isn't being covered by news media.  Basically they are trying to put people into a scare mod, but when we keep our eyes focused on Jesus, he is the answer to what is happening.  WE know the Christ is returning and much has to happen for that to come to pass, and there isn't anything for us to fear, but to be personally ready by knowing Jesus in our hearts, the rest is in God's hands.  I was also reading and listening to a dvd,  God is causing people we know who are serving as missionaries in other countries to be sending missionaries from those countries to other places, and one of the places where they are being sent is to the US.    In a sense, what goes around comes around.  We are the country in need of missionaries.

Father, help us to keep our eyes focused on you, to surrender our desires to your will and to live an abundant life through our relationship with you. In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, I was at camp for part of the day.  Several other ladies were there with me and we have the kitchen cleaned.  I am thankful for those of you at the Fargo Marathon that it was a good experience.  We watched some of it on the TV.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 9, 2009

/Give Me a Drink
And Elijah said unto her, Fear not...but make me thereof a little cake first. 1 Kings 17:13

Give Me just a cupful of  your limited affection.  I will pour out upon you such love as you have never known.  Love that will flood your whole being with such satisfaction as you never dreamed possible to experience except in Heaven.  I beg of you. "Give Me a drink."  Or in the language of Elijah, "Make me a small cake from it first"  (1 Kings 17:13-16)  and you will never lack for meal and oil.
Can you think of times when you have experienced Gods love in such an unforgettable way,  I remember Lucile Furber telling about a time when she experienced God's presence with her in her car in a way she didn't forget.  I can think of a time/or times at Lake wood Park Bible Camp and in our own church  when I felt God's love and presence and could only think that this must be the way it is in heaven.  I also remember portions of "Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames" (play) when I felt God's presence so clearly......  How much do we desire God's affection/his presence/his love?  Really it is there for our taking.  What is standing in our way from really being close to God?  There are times when it talked about the disciples who were close to Christs bosom,  Do we want to be close like that?
Father, we would pray this day, draw me nearer, nearer to thee.  Give us a greater hunger for your will for our lives, help us to accept ourselves and where you have placed us this day.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, what a day, lots of activities, I am thankful that at the end of the day I could still say, that God was truly with us.......  At school we had some teachers absent, and it meant helping where ever possible, but it was a good day,  in the end Jodi and I got more things organized for annual and then watched part of the video "Maxed out"  she will show it to her general business class.  I did another pile of trees in the backyard, so it is beginning  to get cleaned out.

Friday, May 8, 2009

May 8, 2009

Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord:  his going forth is prepared as the morning, and he shall come unto us as the rain. Hosea 6:3

Follow righteousness, and pursue it with unmitigated fervor.  It is the only pursuit that is legitimate for the Christian. I have given My promise that I will supply every other need if you seek righteousness. It is in the selfless abandon to the Spirit that grace is nurtured.
I have freely extended My grace to you.  Now I desire to see My grace developed in you!
I believe that God is waiting in our lives to do a great thing in us.  He came to us and saved us, waits as a Father desiring to see the best things happen for us.  We know how hard it is sometimes to be patient as we watch our children make choices that we feel are not in their best interest, he feels the same about us.  He is much more patient and gracious and then we are as he waits/we wait.

Father, thank you for being patient with me, thank you for caring for me, and picking me up when I fall, and for giving me numerous chances to change.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, was a busy day at school, we are focused on putting together the annual, and it is happening.  After school Jodi and I moved files so students could work on new pages today.  I came home and dad was doing some burning, I was involved in that for a while, otherwise I was tired and went to bed early.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 7, 2009

/The Quiet Spirit
Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?...He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart, who hath not....sworn deceitfully.  Psalm 24:3-4

Be silent when you come to Me. Only the quiet spirit enters the place of communion. Strivings are left outside.  Vexations bar the door, for they are caused by reactions to things, places, and people, and none  of these are related to worship.  Put them out of the temple.  They that have clean hands and a pure heart shall ascend unto the mountain of the Lord.
When we take communion we are encouraged to search our hearts and look for anything that may be standing between us and God, and to ask for forgiveness.  We also know the verse about not letting the sun go down on your wrath, which is another passage that encourages us to ask forgiveness.  Asking forgiveness isn't easy but the longer we go with out doing it the more miserable we are.  It would seem that international problems even happen because of a lack of forgiveness.  It is such an important thing in God's design, and such a healer of hurts.  We can't do anything about the recipient, but if we are truly asking for forgiveness from our heart, God can heal us and when the Son sets you free you are *free indeed.  *Being free is truly the most significant thing in life.

Father, show me the area's in my  life where you desire to set me free, help me to be a willing vessel and to listen to your voice.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was interesting.  I am still testing and did that for one period, we worked on the annual, and then I come back and work on it in a study hall later in the day.  I also finished Jodi's gym class for 7th and 8th grade. They were playing softball out at the diamond,  they have very limited skills as pitchers, it isn't much of a game if you can get the ball across the home plate, but I wouldn't be able to do better.  After school I went to Devils Lake to get my glasses, and then to see Frank at the hospital.  He may come home today.  I also saw Joyce Dahl who had surgery in Rochester and is in this hospital waiting for some tubes to quite draining, she is a gem, it is always good to see her.  Naomi and Edna came to see Frank.  Edna has advertised her farmstead for sale, she had forgotten to lock a quonset, so I stopped at her farm and did it for her.  After supper, we were out in the trees, dad used chain saw on some and we are burning what we can.  I hope it is nice again tonight so I can be out there.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May 6, 2009

/Triumphs Rise Out of Defeats
If we suffer, we shall also reign with him; if we deny him, he also will deny us  2 Timothy 2:12

Be patient as My hand deals with you.  Blessings are born out of pain. Triumphs rise out of the dust of defeats when the defeats are offered up to Me and you go on again in faith . Never despair.
God wants us to pick ourselves up and go again, when we have experienced defeat.  I think of well known Christian people who have experienced failure in business, only to try again, and succeed.  Was the whole process necessary?  Do you think they learned something from the defeat?  How about if we bring it home to where we are....Are there things happening in your life/and mine that we don't like, what can we learn from those situations?  Can we change our attitude?  Maybe change our goals and purposes?  Are our goals and purposes ours or God's?

Father, we ask you to search our hearts and thoughts and show us the way you would have us to go.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, I was after school for a while as we were getting things ready for the annual, one student got a page done, and today they will be going full force ahead.  I went to Cando and cleaned the church and came hoe.  I was tired and went to bed early.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May 5, 2009

Ye are the salt of the earth; but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing Matthew 5:13

Have I not said that unless you experience chastening, you may well doubt your sonship?  Why then should you shrink from My rod of correction? You are not the parent, but the child.
Discipline and correction must come if you desire to be brought into conformity to My divine will. Accept My blessings and My comfort, but do not despise My stern dealings.  All are working toward your ultimate perfection.
I think it is pretty clear, if we want to be God's vessel, we can expect to be corrected.  That is the tough part, we don't like to see our failures, mistakes, our stinky attitude, whatever seems to stand in the way of our being all God wanted us to be.  At the time it seems hard, impossible, difficult, unpleasant, but the end result, and as we look back we can see God's hand in our lives.

Father, thank you for the rod of correction that you use to keep us in line, or to bring us in line with your will for our lives.  Today, we yield to you all that we are and all that you desire us to be and thank you for the changes you are making in us.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, school.  I was installing yearbook program on computers, they have added new and fun things that will be fun for the students to use.  After school I went to Devils Lake and got my eyes checked, and then to see Frank.  It was a beautiful day.

Monday, May 4, 2009

May 4, 2009

/Repentance Activates My Grace
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.  1 John 1:9-10

Give Me all your body, mind, and spirit.  Hold nothing back for yourself.  Speak to Me often and much.  The more you do so, the more I can help you.  Full confession brings full forgiveness. Truly humility opens the door to divine aid.  Genuine repentance activates My grace.
What happens when we speak out of line, say something that our spirit tells us wasn't right, do we feel good?  Do we have some guilty feelings?  What happens when we don't apologize?  Do the thoughts keep haunting us?  I guess from experience, I have learned it is better to deal with those poor choices that we have made.  When it is appropriate and when it isn't appropriate, it is wise to apologize. I think of the verse where it tells you not to let the sun go down on our sin/anger  You are just going to feel better if you deal with it right away.
I also like the thought of surrendering ourselves, all of us, and speaking to our heavenly father often, the more we see him helping us.  We know what a good feeling it is when God sets us free from something, he wants to do the same concerning relationships that have been hurt.

Father, thank you for the word you have shared with us today, help us be willing to to seek forgiveness, and help us to be willing to forgive.  Guide our steps and give us wisdom for the task at hand.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, we had Sunday School and church and afterwards a birthday party for Buddy Barrel(BGMC)  Dad drove to Bismarck after Sunday School, and after the potluck meal, I drove to Devils lake,  stopped at funeral home, Inez Wolf died.  I saw some of her family there that day.  Then over to hospital to see Frank, Dorothy is staying with him.  I came home and later went to the senior center to eat with them.  It was a beautiful evening and I enjoyed being outside.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

julie and dad flying

Here are some photos from earlier days,  at the left is Sarah Pinkley and myself,  taken in 1995.  Her husband was a pilot in World War 2.  The photo below is of chuck taken in 1988, I don't think we had a hanger then..  The photo below that is of Lester Pinkley with Dad.  He got to fly a bit when we went up that time.  I guess I thought to look for some photos of flying, and was happy to find the one with Chuck, because today you, Julie took Dad and chuck flying.  Thank you for making it a special day for them.

May 3, 2009

Pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.  Matthew 6:6

O My beloved, My heart longs after you. Do not grieve Me by your indifference. I would gather you; but you do not heed Me. I would embrace and caress you; but you are impatient to be on your way.  You cannot please me thus.
I have called you to come into the secret chambers of solitary communion.  They are dark; but the comfort of My Person is there. Out of darkness comes great treasure.
What is it that we want so much ourselves that we miss that you want us?  Last night I heard a man named Darryl Strawberry speak on Mike Huckleebee  show.  He had been a famous athlete, but he had accepted Christ in 1991 and evidentially didn't make good choices so that in the end he saw his need to spent time in a solitary place for a length of time seeking God in his life.  That is what will change our walk with God,   If we want to truly hear from God we might have to separate ourselves from the distractions around us.  Suzanna Wesley, was a mother of a large family.  She would raise her apron over her face, and her children knew that "mother was praying"  Two of her sons were John and Charles Wesley, well know for their ministries in early years.  Sometime when I am dealing with something frustration, I will go and close myself in the bathroom and sit on the floor and pray and seek God.  I remember one time when MeKu the girl from the orient lived with us and it was really frustrating.  I went in the bath room and sat on the floor and prayed, I remember calling Jacqui and we prayed together.  Sometime when we can't seem to get victory over something, it helps to have some one who we become accountable with for the situation.

Father, help us to see our need and then help us to seek you for the need.  Thank you for the answer that you give us.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, I did some cleaning and then drove down to help Paula at camp.  We did some cleaning in pantry and also in the rooms upstairs.  The men are working on the new office building.  It is going to be really nice.  I really like the knotty pine interiors.  There is still quite a bit left to do.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 2, 2009

/Your Body, a Living sacrifice
Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God. Romans 12:1

Yield Me your body as a living sacrifice,
and do not be conformed to the things of the world.
          but be transformed by the renewal of your mind
                     Set your affections on things of the Spirit
          and do not be in bondage to the desires of the flesh
For I have purchased you at great price.
Yes, you are My special possession and My treasure./

As I wrote this I wondered do we comprehend what God has done for us, the sacrifice that Jesus made?  How very special we are to God,  We fail so miserably at following the lifestyle that God desires for us. The author speaks of holiness, not conforming, being transformed, setting our affections on God's ways, and not being in bondage.  That is where it is at.  Sometimes, probably most of the time God has to allow difficult things in our lives to draw us to him, we don't just naturally go that way, he has to move us that way.  What has he done in your life to draw you to him?  What is he doing in your life right now?  Are you listening to his voice?  Just because someone else can do something, that doesn't mean that we can, we are each individually chosen by God to be his vessel.

Father, help me to be sensitive to you, to what you are speaking into my heart and spirit. It isn't just hearing it but help me father to live it.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, we were on the road by about 4:30 and at the hospital at Grand Forks before 7 a.m. Jack had a stress test.  The lady said he would be there for several hours, so I drove to John and Jacqui's, when Jacqui was about ready for work, I went back to the hospital.  There was a lady from Munich sitting there so I visited with her, when Dad came we went and did a bit of shopping, also ate with John and Jacqui, some more shopping and then came home.  Just before we went to bed, we couldn't find Brutus and here he had gotten outside, I found him sitting in the quonset. I need to be really careful to be sure that he doesn't get outside.

Friday, May 1, 2009

May 1, 2009

My Words Cannot Wait
He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it  Philippians 1:6
The hour is late, and the time for ministering is limited.  Hasten to finish the work. Do that which is nearest at hand.  I shall open a way for its fulfillment, so you need not hold back, wondering how the provisions will be supplied.
My words cannot wait; but you have held them as though you thought the future would wait. Up! Delay no more.  Obey Me, and do so quickly.  I will empower and I will make all things possible as you move in obedience.

What is God speaking in your heart?  What is he asking you to do?  Are you willing to obey?  We are in a late hour and God is desiring to use each of us.  At Bible Study there was talk about the things happening in our country, and yes, I agree I don't like what I hear, but I also know that God is alive and is working, and is moving, he is raising up a generation, a people for such a time as this, are we going to be a part of the solution or the problem?  There are a lot of things that I can't change, but then there are things I can do......
Help me Lord, to do what I can do, help me to hear your voice, and more important to obey what you are telling me.  Is there someone you want me to encourage today?  Maybe it is from amongst those closes to me, like my spouse, or children.  Help me to be sensitive to their needs, or the needs of someone else you might put in my path.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was a long day.  After school women teachers had a shower for Rachael Schaefer, and since the students had a concert that night and there really wasn't time to go home and then come right back, I went to Vickie Erickstad for some history information.  Wow do they have water, one of the students told me I would have to drive through water, but I could make it with 4 wheel drive.  There wasn't water over the road, but it was windy enough so it was lapping up the sides of the road, and it covers the fields, it doesn't look like the will get into the fields.  but I made it there, got what I need and went to Starkwether.  I took a nap on the floor of a class room and then went to the concert.  It was the songs going to music contest tomorrow.  Very good, I am impressed with the students, some good opportunities to visit with parents.  we are ready to leave for Grand Forks.
