Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 2, 2009

/Your Body, a Living sacrifice
Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God. Romans 12:1

Yield Me your body as a living sacrifice,
and do not be conformed to the things of the world.
          but be transformed by the renewal of your mind
                     Set your affections on things of the Spirit
          and do not be in bondage to the desires of the flesh
For I have purchased you at great price.
Yes, you are My special possession and My treasure./

As I wrote this I wondered do we comprehend what God has done for us, the sacrifice that Jesus made?  How very special we are to God,  We fail so miserably at following the lifestyle that God desires for us. The author speaks of holiness, not conforming, being transformed, setting our affections on God's ways, and not being in bondage.  That is where it is at.  Sometimes, probably most of the time God has to allow difficult things in our lives to draw us to him, we don't just naturally go that way, he has to move us that way.  What has he done in your life to draw you to him?  What is he doing in your life right now?  Are you listening to his voice?  Just because someone else can do something, that doesn't mean that we can, we are each individually chosen by God to be his vessel.

Father, help me to be sensitive to you, to what you are speaking into my heart and spirit. It isn't just hearing it but help me father to live it.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, we were on the road by about 4:30 and at the hospital at Grand Forks before 7 a.m. Jack had a stress test.  The lady said he would be there for several hours, so I drove to John and Jacqui's, when Jacqui was about ready for work, I went back to the hospital.  There was a lady from Munich sitting there so I visited with her, when Dad came we went and did a bit of shopping, also ate with John and Jacqui, some more shopping and then came home.  Just before we went to bed, we couldn't find Brutus and here he had gotten outside, I found him sitting in the quonset. I need to be really careful to be sure that he doesn't get outside.

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