/True Peace and False
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs 14:12
Peace is in the full expression of My will. anything short of this is a false peace, a sort of stupor that overtakes the one who is no longer spiritually sensitive. This is often mistaken for true peace in a way that can be compared to the freezing man who feels sleepy, not knowing he is slipping into the very jaws of death.
Make sure that your peace is the result of actively being in the will of God.
First Place
Even Christ pleased not himself. Romans 15:3
Every soldier must give first place to his obligation to the armed forces, and second place to his own private life and wishes. Even so you must do, if you would be My followers. Even so did Jesus during his earthly ministry. His entire life was subordinated to the Father's will.
Only that generated within you by the Spirit of God can bring forth righteousness, do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may personally discover the perfect will of God.
These are the devotions for the two days. I didn't have devotion book with me yesterday, so to look at this, we might ask ourselves what is our peace? Is it real or fake? Will it stand the test of difficulties and challenges? Where is our commitment? Is it to the world or to the one who created us.
Father, we thank you for this day, we thank you for life and the ability to make choices and decisions, guide our thinking and direct us in the way you would have us to go. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Yesterday, Jacqui took me to do my errands and then I left for camp. I drove down the street from her house and saw this big rummage sale sign, I looked in and could see what looked like a bike, so I drove around and stopped to check it out, I was able to get a little bike for Alona, Then I drove to see my friend who lives near air base. She had called me. From there it was on to camp. The canned items from Trinity are on the shelf, and the floor is scrubbed and waxed. A new lady from Glenburn came to help, we did the floor together and it was an opportunity to get to know here.By that time it was time to go to the shower for Shayla. I got home about the time it was dark.
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