Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21, 2009

/The prophet's Tongue
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that he may know how ye ought to answer every man. Colossians 4:6

No prophet of Mine is worthy of the name who brings reproach upon Zion by a careless tongue.  He who speaks My words at any time must guard his lips at all times. He is an unworthy mouthpiece who delivers My message in one breath and denies Me in a selfish moment by words that offend My Spirit.
How careful we need to be with our words.  Just this morning before reading this, I read an item on the internet, where a spokes man has expressed something that doesn't seem to be in the best interest of the organization that he represents.  I guess My thoughts for myself, remain the same, except for the grace of God, there I go, each of us are capable of saying and doing wrong, we need to stay close to the saviors side, close to him in the word and prayer.  Last night I was really tired, and I know for myself, then it is time to rest, because I might say something I would regret, so I did just that, went to sleep.

Father, draw us close to you, guard our words and thoughts and guide our steps,  We pray for wisdom in a world that is changing and seemingly loosing its moral values.  Help us to hear your voice and  to listen to your words that you speak into our hearts.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was a really busy day at school, we are really focused on the annual and there are more photos to take of field trips and other in school activities.  After school Jack came to the school and we drove to Devils Lake to get Julie's car, I stopped at bank and to see Frank, Dorothy and Edna was there.  After i got home and we ate, then we went to Starkweather to get the vehicle that was sitting there.  I was really tired and went right to bed.

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