Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day remembrance

I remember that we always went to services in Hampden on Memorial Day, when they had the Legion Hall it was held there.  There was a color Guard, and special music, a speaker,  It was almost like a worship service.  We would go to the cemetery and there would be a 21 gun salute,  There no longer is an event like that in Hampden, but yesterday I went to Cando to theirs,  it was a remembrance experience for me.  I am going to include photos from Hampden and now from Cando  This photos is the color guard coming into gym.  If the weathr had been good they would have walked out to the cemetary.

Vernon and Alice Carlson were there, he obviously is a veteran.

Silver Strings provided music and Babe Belzer sang, it was good.  There was a speaker, she is the state Auxillary leader, her son is in the military in intelligence in one of the areas, Iraq or Afganistan.

This a photo from Storlie Cemetery north of Hampden.  It is where some of your family is buried.

Some one plays the taps.  Yesterday an elderly legionaire played the taps in the gym.  When they are able to go to the cemetery, it is played there.

When ever I see this or hear this, I am reminded that many sacrificed for my freedom.

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