Sunday, December 26, 2010

December 26, 2010

Yesterday, we drove to Jerry and Julie's at Crary and ate  dinner with them.  Then we shared gifts and watched a movie together.  By that time it was almost dark so we started for home.  Night comes quickly and there was some fog.  Jack and Julie watched tv and I wrote some letters, I enjoy my little office and it is close to where everyone else is at.  Problem was I had some problems with the battery on computer and had to bother them.  Sorry to have interrupted your tv viewing.

The Day After

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the
joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right
hand of the throne of God."

--Hebrews 12:2

One of my favorite days of the holiday season is the twenty-sixth of December. The
rushed conversations and frantic last-minute purchasing are over. Between Christmas
Day and New Year's Eve I take a day or two off, sleep in, get up to a relaxed breakfast,
and breathe a sigh of relief.

Later in the morning, we collapse on the couch in front of the fire, play board
games, or reopen gifts to take a longer, closer look. We read books and flip through
photos. We nibble leftover Christmas pudding and keep a warm pot of coffee for anyone
who may happen to drop by. For supper that evening, the menu is more leftovers,
perhaps sandwiches of turkey and stuffing. It's casual, homey, and relaxed. But
most important, it's simple.

It's a deliberate kind of simplicity. Demands and distractions may have sidetracked
us before, but December 26 is reserved for peace and quiet. There's plenty of time
to meditate on what the Good News of our Savior's birth really means. There's time
to ponder the future and pray. There are more than enough quiet moments to relax
 in the love of the Lord.

This week, aim for simplicity. The last few weeks may have been filled with baking,
shopping, concerts, gift wrapping, and dinner parties, but today, celebrate simplicity
as you fix your eyes on Jesus.

Lord Jesus, this week people around the world heralded your birth and celebrated
 Your gift of love. May the wonder of Your birth remain with me all through this
 day as I fix my eyes on You. I quiet my heart, I relax my mind, I slow my pace
so that I may meditate on your love, so pure and simple.

Those were thoughts from Joni and I feel that are good and appropriate.  Trusting that each of us can feel what she is expressing.

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