Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30, 2010

Yesterday was a day at home, all day.  Jack got the mail and that was about it.  I focused on cleaning, sorting, deciding what to send to Dakota Boys Ranch, and some to throw in the garbage.  It was a good day.    When we are here like this we can just relax.  but evening, we could see the wind pick up and drifts across the yard.  So being here in the comfort of our home is a good feeling.  I am thankful that Julie went back on Tuesday, I just talked to Janet she was on her way to work, but thinks she may not be there all the time as they are to get snow.

It was hard to make a decision on which devotion to use so this will be long because I am including both.

December 30, 2010

  [Jesus said,] "I have told you these things, so that in me you
may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take
heart! I have overcome the world.
   -- John 16:33
  This world is a place of struggle. Yes, we can live above the
struggle for awhile. We can find a way to simply ignore or re-label
the struggle for a time. But in the end, the struggle will find us.
But in the midst of struggle, we can remind ourselves that our
victory is secure. Jesus has won! We will share in his great
triumph. In case you didn't know, the final outcome is already
determined and Christians "win big" through Jesus. And this victory
is a forever win!

  Thank you, God, for giving me the victory through Jesus Christ
my Lord. I greet the future with anticipation because I know each
day brings me closer to you and the glorious future you have
planned for all of your children. Until then, I pray that I may
never lose sight of that victory and yearn for the day of its
arrival! In the name of Jesus, the triumphant Rider on the white
horse, I pray. Amen.

When we are walking through a challenge it is so difficult to understand why, but when we look back we can see God's hand.  Maybe you are walking through a challenge, and can't seem to focus on what God is doing for the difficulty that you are facing, but when you have come through this challenge, you will see that God was with you all the time.

Joni's thoughts:

In God's Eyes

"You are the God who sees me."

--Genesis 16:13

When I was a teenager, rushing out of the house to meet my friends, I would invariably
be stopped at the door by my father who'd say, "Joni, I want you to act as though
someone were always watching. Don't forget that you're an Eareckson."

That irked me. I didn't want someone peeking into my life, observing everything
I was doing. There were private, teenage things I wanted to keep hidden. What an
 embarrassment to have some friend of my father's encroach on my Saturday night
turf to say, "Hi there, how's your dad doing?"

But now, many years later, I'm comforted by the idea that I ought to live as though
someone were always looking. It's an incentive to live an honest, responsible life.
Besides, someone is watching. Your life and mine are an open book before the Lord.

If you love the world of darkness, that idea will embarrass you. If you love the
 light, the idea that God never takes His eyes off of you will be a comfort. For
 those who are obedient, the watchful eye of God will seem tender and protecting.
For those who disobey, the open book of your life incites resentment and embarrassment.

"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and
 laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account" (Hebrews 4:13).

Fear must never be an incentive to obey, for it will only breed burdensome rule-keeping
behavior. Please don't fear the watchful eye of God but draw comfort from His scrutiny
into your life. Let Him protect you, let Him guard you with His eye.

See me, Lord, and know my every thought and action. I invite You to look into everything
I do today, everything I decide or say. Watch me, please, and may Your steady and
loving gaze be my incentive to love You steadily in return.