Having More Than the Angels
"Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the
heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ."
--Ephesians 1:3
An odd thing happened after I passed the twenty-five-year mark of life in a wheelchair.
I realized that if I should suddenly fall into bad health, I would not be able to
complain. "Lord," I reasoned, "You've blessed me for forty years with a body that,
although paralyzed, has been virtually free of disease and infections. I will praise
Your mercies for the good things I have had, and I will praise Your justice for
the difficult things to come."
Frankly, I've been inspired by some of my disabled friends who, for years, have
remained patient through intractable pain. Some are also blind and paralyzed. A
few have been abandoned by their families. These loved ones may not possess many
earthly blessings, but they are as rich through abundant spiritual blessings in
Christ Jesus. To them, God has given so much through the greatness of His mercies,
and He has denied them so little. That's a perspective straight from the heavenly
What are our spiritual blessings? Peace that is profound. A soul that is settled.
Assurance of joy. Grace to let go and give. Life eternal, rich and free. A home
in heaven. A best friend in God. Truly, we have more than the angels.
"Luther says: 'The sea of God's mercies should swallow up all our particular afflictions.'
If you pour a pail full of water on the floor, it makes a great show, but if you
throw it into the sea, there is no sign of it. Afflictions considered in themselves
are great. But let them be considered in the sea of God's mercies and then they
are not so much. They are nothing in comparison." - Jeremiah Burroughs*
I am content, Lord, with every spiritual blessing You have given me in Christ.
I am wondering if we are content? Are we satisfied with our life the way it is? Do we appreciate what Jesus has done for us? Has it become common place? Sometime I think about how many years Jesus has been a part of my life and reflect on the night at a Bible camp service I stepped up to the alter and asked for prayer. It was the beginning of a life that God has been a part of a life that I can take no credit for, that whatever happens for me is in his hands.....
I rejoice in the joy of the Lord
Luke 1:46b-47
My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior..
Father, I pray that you would put a rejoicing in our hearts and a tenderness toward you and what you have done and who you are. In Jesus Name. Amen.
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