Tuesday, December 28, 2010

December 28, 2010

It was a good day, we went to Devils lake and did several errands, Julie helped with the selection of a different cell phone for me so I have a different number, I think she gave it to all of you.  topped off the drive with a coffee treat and spent the evening at home.  Julie is making herself a cap on the round loom, and finished it so she is trying something new on the loom,  and is making stripes.

  [Jesus said,] "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest."
   -- Matthew 11:28
  At the end of the year, it sure is nice to be invited to rest in
Jesus. So before we begin a new year, let's pause and place our
hopes, our future, our dreams, and especially our burdens down at
his feet and let him give us rest.

  Teach me, O God, to learn to rest in your grace and providence
more and worry less. I want to surrender my burdens to Jesus and
let him teach me his way and how to find his rest. Sometimes I am
so tired and weary I don't think I can continue; so please, dear
Father, let me find rest in Jesus. In his holy name I offer this

I felt like these thoughts were just what we need to focus on at the end of the year.  As we reflect on this past year, how do we feel about it?  Have we seen the hand of God in what has happened?  Do we feel closer to God now at the end of the year than we did at the beginning?  Are we carrying burdens that keep us from having God's peace?

Father I pray that you would be with us this day, help us to put closer on events that have happened, help us to forgive ourselves, Father be with us this day and help us reflect and the focus on what you would say to us for the coming year.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

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