Sunday, March 1, 2009

February 28, 2009

/Deliverance Has Come
and when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments against (their enemies)/  2 Chronicles 20:22
I have set ambushments against your enemies, and I will smite him that causes you to dwell in fear.  I will not suffer your foot to be moved but will cause you to walk in the way I have designed for you and no man shall hinder.  For I have set My battle in array, and I the Lord your God will fight for you and you shall hold your peace.
Rejoice, for your deliverance has already come!
This is an interesting passage and thought.  I have been thinking a lot about standing in the gap for a variety of things and situations.  Remember Moses and how while he kept his hands raised to God (which is praise) that the people were victorious in battle, but when his hands grew tired and he put them down, they were lossing, so two men held his hands up.  That is what I feel, that we need to hold people up in prayer,   We can see a lot of terrible things around us, but we can't change that, we can only lift the situations to God in prayer,  Is there something in your life that seems impossible.......Nothing is impossible with God.  I encourage you to lift it to God, however God may want you to do that.  It might be in praise and worship, it might be a simple "help me" prayer.  God is the same God for how ever we come to him, he has promised that he will never leave us or forsake us.  What encouragement that is for us this day.

Dear Father, loving Father, caring Father, Father of *all* creation, thank you for giving us life, thank you for giving us hope, thank you for meeting our needs this day.  Draw us closer to thee we pray, In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday, was a short day, and actually I forgot to check out at school.  We left at 1:30 and drove over to Munich for a pep rally to send the boys to the tournament at Langdon.  I drove by myself because I wasn't going back to the school.  I stopped to see Frank and Dorothy, he had been running a fever so they had to get medicine for him, she said he had just been sweating and that they felt that his fever went down then.  The nurse came to care for his needs.  Jack is in Bismarck at the men's retreat, so the cat and I had the run of the house.  It was an evening of cleaning and sewing.  two of the quilts are ready for Nicaragua.

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