Union of Spirit
I in them, and thou in me. John 17:23
There is a flow of divine life, and as you enter into it, you shall find victory. If you long to see your own personal wishes subjugated to the will and purposes of God, let your heart be at rest. For this union of your spirit with My Spirit and of your will and My will shall come as simply and easily as rain falling, if you can learn this one secret, that is how to lose yourself in the flow of My life as I live within you.
We are like a fighting child, as long as they fight you, you can't really help them, as long as we fight what God wants to do in our lives, he can't really help us, when we quit fighting he is right there waiting to help. Today, what are you and I fighting in our relationship with God? What is it that he wants to do for us but we want to be in control and not let him take over? I am thinking of the little story about the house with many rooms, which compares to our life, and there were rooms that we kept secret....What are we trying to keep secret/away from God? He wants ever little corner of our lives.
Father in heaven who loves us more than we can comprehend, help us today to search our lives, what are we keeping from you? What do you want us to give to you? Father help us to be yielded and willing to give you all of us. Thank you for the joy that comes in surrendering to you. In Jesus Name. Amen.
*Yesterday was a day here at home. The weather isn't so great, they eventually did not have school. It doesn't sound any better for today. I am wondering how it is for each of you where you are living. *