Return Unto Me
Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans 12"2
Return to Me; for I have sought after you. but you have continued on in pursuit of your own ways. I have called to you, but you have disregarded Me. I have placed obstacles in your path, but you have obstinately and determinedly forged on ahead.
Have you learned no wisdom? Have past lessons fled your mind? Put down your anxieties, and trust Me for everything. You need nothing but what I am fully able to supply, with no effort on your part.
I don't know if this is something you can identify with but I can. There are lessons that God has worked in my life, and he wants to work them again. Fighting what God desires, only makes me miserable. He wants me to let go and let God. Sometimes there are things that I would like to do, and they aren't bad things, but in my life God is calling me in obedience to him, that is what is important. So these seemingly good things still are not for me. I have been called by God to be his vessel and that is really all that is important.
Father, help me to hear from you today, help me to listen to your voice and to follow your will for me. Help me to not look to the right or the left, but straight ahead, with my eyes on my Savior and Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.
Yesterday was a beautiful day, a reminder that spring is just around the corner. Thank you Lord. In the afternoon, Dad and I drove over to Cando, we picked up Mark and Julie at the airport and went to the NRN meeting at the church. We saw the videos Julie had made and enjoyed the fellowship together. At the end of the meeting we took them back to the airport so they could fly to Bismarck. It was a good day.
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