Do Not Lie Dormant
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
My child, I need you. Without your active help, I am hampered in My work. You cannot lie idle without hindering the ministry of the Church as a corporate body. Never be dormant. Do not be slothful, neither let yourself fall asleep. I am with you, and I will help you. Do not become discouraged or weary or fainthearted, and you will reap My rewards.
What words of encouragement. God really wants to use us and sometimes we need to wait for his timing. likewise we are the vessels he uses to accomplish his purposes in this world, if we don't step forward and be available to be used, Gods work goes undone. What is he asking you to do today that you have put off, It maybe something that doesn't seem very spiritual and yet it is what God is telling you to do. Listen and follow his instructions. I also think it is easy to allow others to tell us what to do when really God is very capable of instructing us.
Father, we thank you for this day, and we give ourselves to you to be the vessel that you have called us to be this day. Guide our steps, give us the grace and wisdom to listen for your voice and to follow your instructions. In Jesus Name. Amen
Yesterday was a fun day, we went to Grand Forks, the Dr. says I may doing great and he gave me instructions for now. We enjoyed being able to eat with Jacqui and Alicia. We were able to get to Amazing Grains, and we made a stop at Walmart before coming home
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