Your Life Is as a Weaving
Let the peace of God rule in your hearts Colossians 3:15
Your life is as a weaving. From the fabrics of lovely silk and from cords of rougher materials. I fashion what pleases Me. You may never know why certain experiences come. it is enough that My hands brings them all.
My grace is not limited by sorrow and difficulty. Indeed, it shines like a strand of gold mixed in with the black of grief. My hand moves with infinite love, and I am creating a pattern of intricate beauty.
Never be dismayed. For you are My workmanship created in Christ.
There is no one else like you, you are one of a kind, God has made you, so neatly and intrically put together. He is weaving into your life, experiences that form and shape your character. When I was weaving, I had a card with a poem on it, it went something like this: My life is but a weaving between the Lord and I, he sees the upper side, but I the under......(when I find it I will post it) Think about fabric, sometimes the underside isn't very pretty, and that is how we feel about some of our life experiences, but then go to the right or outer side. How does that look? It is beautiful, that is what our lives are like, God is working to make us into what he wants us to be.
Father, help me to yield to you, to allow you to work in my life the experiences that will shape me into your vessel the way you want me to be. Thank you for giving me life, and for giving me the hope that I have in you. Guide my steps and direct my path this day. Help me to be mindful of your presence. In Jesus Name.
Yesterday, another usual day, after school I went to Cando and cleaned at the church , afterwards we were at Dicks for Bible study.