Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 30, 2009

/Fight Discouragement
Seek those things which are above  Colossians 3:1

Turn not from the path of truth.  Many testings shall beset you, but your God shall be your refuge.
Open wide your soul, and the Lord will fill it with His goodness. Your heart shall drink in His mercy and love, for His ear is attuned to your cry, and your desire toward Him shall be generously rewarded.
He knows your need and the depth of your searching.  Only as you fight discouragement can you make room for Him to bless you in full measure as He desires to do.
What makes us discouraged?  Would we be less discouraged if we walked closer to God?  You say but I am, I don't think any of us are walking near as close to God as he desires or as he wants  What does it mean to walk close to God?  I don't think we can really comprehend his desire for a close relationship with him.
Words from a song, draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord to thee.......

Father, Help us to understand and comprehend your desire for us, your desire for us to love you.  There isn't anything that we do for you that compares with your desire for us to lvoe you, help us to hunger and thirst for you.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, was a school day, and it is really raining so everything is wet, muddy and water standing.  I went to Cando after school and cleaned at the church, Dad came and got me for Bible Study, we were at Wagenmans.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April 29, 2009

/I Have Built A Hedge
Hast not thou made an hedge about him? Job 1:10
I have built a hedge about you, even as was written concerning Job.  this was not a false accusation of the devil to Job: It was an actual reality.  I only removed it to test and to prove him and to put to silence the enemy of his soul.  But for multitudes of My children. I have never removed the hedge.  I am keeping you.  My child, and for one purpose in particular--that you be able to accomplish the task committed to you.  Therefore, give diligence to your mission.
God has placed a hedge around you, he desires to keep you.  Granted he allows experiences that we would rather not experience, but they are for our benefit, to help us grow, to help us be drawn to his side.  He is waiting to see how we respond to the situations that we face in life.

Thank you Father for this day, help me to keep my focus on you in the midst of whatever I may face.  You are my strength and a very present help in time of need. Thank you for placing me here.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, was a school day, I was responsible to be in a gym class in the absence of the teacher, and to also help exchange student at the same time.  The teacher had arranged for 7-8 grade girls to be in there, too because they knew the rules to the game being played by the 5-6 grade students.  Well, the boys came, too and it got a bit frustrating til I got the situation clarified by DJ.  Some very reactionary students.  I came home and after I rested and talked to Paula, I spent some time cleaning in the back yard.  In the evening I was in the sewing room, I am trying to get some things put away for summer.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 28, 2009

Good and Evil
Walk worthy of the Lord. Colossians 1:10
Every foot of ground where you tread, that will I give you.  Walk in faith, and I will reward you with an abundance of fruit.
It is not in your heart to discern your own way. Much that is evil you call good, and much that is good you curse because you will bless what you enjoy and condemn what gives you displeasure.
I say unto you. My hand does not always deal joy.  Fear not, I am not only wise but kind, and today's grief may become the channel for tomorrow's blessing.

What ground is God calling us to treat upon, maybe it is new territory or territory that takes us out of our comfort zone.  Are we willing to God to that place of uncomfort?  Is God calling us to something new?  Something that hasn't seemed 'normal' for us?  Are we willing to step out and be God's vessel.

Father, what in our lives are you speaking to us about?  Where would you like us to go, maybe it is right in our back yard, or next door or down the street or in town.  Who are you calling us to love? Father I pray that you would make yourself real to us.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

/Yesterday was a school day, and it was a good day,  after school I found out we could drive the road through Webster, there is still water but one way traffic at about 10 miles per hour, so I drove that way to Devils Lake, and deposited money, got items from Creative Impressions, stopped at Liquid Bean drive up, and who was working but Naomi, then out to Lakewood to get BGMC items from Osbornes.  I drove home by Cando, so I could leave things at church and get a plan together for using them.  We are having a birthday party for BGMC on Sunday, it has been 60 years.  I have been doing the stories for quite a few years, and I remember Lavonne Wagenman doing them before me.  I drove to Starkweather to see Pam Landsem's piano recital with Starkweather students, and took some photos for annual.  When I got home I fixed us some supper, and by that time it was time for bed.  But again I say it was a good day.

Monday, April 27, 2009

April 27, 2009

The Lord opened the eyes of the young man....and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha  2 Kings 6:17

My protection is all you need, My child.  Gehazi owed his own safety to Elisha, for God was with Elisha, in the form of an angelic host that filled the mountains, and Gehazi, the servant, benefited by being in his company.  So shall it be for those who journey with you, as God, seeing your confidence in Him and desire to please Him and do His will, moves in your behalf.
I wasn't familiar with Gehazi, so I had to do a bit of research.  He is mentioned in 2 Kings 5,6  it is in the story where Naaman is healed from Leprosy and  Elisha doesn't want anything for the healing and sends Namaan away, But Gehazi isn't like that, he thinks that Namaan should give Elisha something, so he goes to Namaan and requests such, well Elisha tells him that  Namann's leprosy will cling to him(Gehazi) forever.   You can read about it in 2 Kings 5:19-27  I am impressed that God wants us to remove the things that hinder our walk with him.  I think of the message that we heard yesterday,   Michael shared from Ephesians 4:29-5:2  also 1 Corinthian 3:9-15  His question was, will Christians be judged?  The emphasis is that we should be careful how we build, What am I using for construction materials?, what are my motives of service?  is it to glorify me or God?  What is the most important thing on earth to Jesus?  It is people.  We will choose wisely when our heart is tender towards the people of the world.  God may be speaking to you about a particular person that he desires you to minister too, realize that God desires us to minister in the marketplace, so he may be calling you to minister to someone where you work, or to a customer, or to your family.  Are you willing to search your motives, why do I do what I do?  Is it for me or for God?

Father, I think you for your grace and patience, and that you are the same yesterday, today and forever.  Grant us wisdom and discernment, show us our attitude this day.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday, was Sunday School, church, the helicopter rides after church.  We came to the house and Jack remembered that it was Gabes confirmation  so we spent part of the afternoon over at Frank and dorothys where their family met after the activities at church. Frank was even able to be at the church.  there were three girls confirmed and they sang together, and then each gave a speech about their faith.  At Damschens, Special Delivery did some singing.  Gabe is a very good singer,  It was a fun time, with other family and friends.  We prayed together as each left for their homes.  I still took a nap and then did a few things here in the evening.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Today, April 26, 2009

Today we had Helicopter rides.  John Rice of Maddock came to church, he is a friend of our pastor Michael.  He came in his helicopter. After church services, he took those for a ride who wanted to go for a ride.  Here we see him taking off from the yard aross from parking lot.  He had three children with him, from here he took them around town and then out to air port where others came for a ride.  It was an enjoyable experience.

April 26, 2009

/Faith Reaches Beyond
What things soever ye desire, when he pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.  Mark 11:24

Faith reaches out beyond the need and into the supply and always remember that the supply is greater than the need.  Do you need forgiveness? Lo, I have provided enough that if all human souls ever created turned to Me in repentance they would be full pardoned.
Do you need power to overcome temptation? Lo, I have overcome, and in Me there is victory.
It is patience for which you pray? That for which you wait is already given and only waits your receiving./

When Jesus went to the Cross he died that all creation might be forgiven.  That includes everyone, his forgiveness is so complete, for so many people.    So many people who never heard, or never believed in him.  Granted they didn't make that choice and yet he still was there to provide for them.  I do a lot of reading, and especially about peoples lives, and what God is doing.  When we read the newspaper or watch tv we don't get a very good perspective of God's world.  Many people are coming to Christ around the world.  I believe that God is moving in United States, too.  We aren't going to hear that, but God is calling.  I pray for our country and the mess we are experiencing, but God won't likely move in a visible way, what he does is in a miraculous way reaching out to people.  He may even choose to use each one of you.

Father, we thank you for this day, your day, help us to be focused on you and what you ahve done for us.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday was the second day of the girls conference in Bismarck.  It wa very good and I am glad that Beth and Marta went with me.  I know that they were touched by what they heard.  We got home about 7 in the evening.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 25, 2009

I am not at home this morning so this is different.  I brought Beth and marta with me to a girls conference here in Bismarck.  we had a very good speaker last night, who spoke from the book of Ruth, tellint the story about ruth and how the things that happened to her, were God's had helping her through life.  She referred to the crimson threads, and how God used her life for the future of what we know, her relationship that we agains ee in Matthew when we read the geneology of Jesus.  Compare that with our lives, how God has a plan for us, and how he desires to use each of us.  My challenge is that we look at our lives and how God wants to use us.

Father, we pray that you would guide our day, and our path, help us to reflect on what you have done in our lives, and what you want to do in the future.  Help us to see the part you have planned for our lives.  In Jesus Name.


I don't know a lot of people her, Mindy and her daughter are here, and there are a few other faces that I recognize.  Have a great day.  Mom

Friday, April 24, 2009

April 24, 2009

/I seem to get mixed up on birthdays,  Happy Birthday Brenna,

The Need for Greater Faith
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God    James 1:5

Do not expect the trials to be lighter than in the past. I test all things, and there are areas of your life that as yet I have not touched.  Do not look for respite.  The days ahead may call for greater endurance and more robust faith than you ever needed before.
Apply your heart to learn wisdom.  This goal transcends every other aim, and any other good that comes out of a pressure period is an added blessing in excess.
Seek Me above all else.
This may sound a bit scary, but God has promised that he would be with us, he will walk through the challenges with us.  He is our guide.  It seems that when I read a group of verses, as I did this morning, they always seem to be directed to something, something that God wants to speak to me about.   He is leading and he is guiding us, he won't overwhelm us with something we can't handle, we may feel very stretched, but he is still with us.

Father, help us to see you in the challenges that we are facing.  We pray that you would make yourself real to us and guide us into the way you would have us to go.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, was a usual school day.  Jackson and Jesse ride with me to school.  Well actually it was nice out yesterday morning and I walked down to see the road, they have opened it so the water can go through. After school they rode home with me, I was tired and took a nap.  I got up and fixed us supper and then I drove to school, where I helped elementary teachers with a special family math night.  They each made peanut butter pie in a bag, and after they were done with that, went to the classrooms for activities.  I cleaned up the hot lunch room so it was ready for the lunch afterwards. 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

April 23, 2009

First Happy Birthday Addison on her first birthday

Give Me the Firstfruits
Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee.  Deuteronomy 5:12

Give Me a heart that has learned how to become quiet and to rest. Anybody can work. Few people know how to be quiet. Ye must be able to collect yourself--to take time to absorb the Spirit of God. For to be freshly filled with the Spirit will bring the guidance and direction and wisdom and the will to do His bidding.
When I read this, I thought of how God wants our firstfruit, our tithe of our resources, but he also wants  first fruit of our personal selves.  What does that mean.  Are we willing to give him what is first in our lives?  Are we willing to sit at his feet and learn from him?  Are we willing to put others first before ourselves?  What does that mean to you?  It may mean something different to each of us.

Father show me my heart, show me how I can put you first in my life.  Help me to be a willing vessel, willing to listen to what you are saying to me.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, I took a team of 13 students to Devils Lake to sell annual ads.  Before we left Starkweather school, I had to reprimand a student, I had told them to dress neatly and that I didn't want raggy jeans,  I had told her I didn't want to see jeans like what she was wearing.  So when I came to go there she was with the same pair on, she said she forgot, didn't have any others, etc.  I told her she could stay at the school.  In the end she found a friend to switch jeans to ones that weren't raggy.  We had to drive around by Cando to get to Devils Lake.  I had told the students that we might find people wouldn't be able to give, but for the most part they did very well.  The girl with me and I had one person who said he couldn't.  It was a good day, I always sit at the school when we get back and sort the checks, money and slips telling what they purchased.  By next week I will start making changes on the ads.  I came home and after we ate, I went outside. Dad had gotten a new tool that really helped wash the car, so I got the mud off the suburban and also raked and burned some leaves, etc.  It was a beautiful evening.  I was thankful that I could enjoy it outside.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

April 22, 2009

/Anticipation, Meditation, Participation
He taught.....He healed.....And in the morning....departed to a solitary place Mark 1:22,34-35

As you have honored Me with your lips, honor Me now with your ministry. Move on into active participation in My Will.  Anticipation, meditation, and participation: there is a place for each of these as you move from one to the other.  Never get bogged down at any one of these points.  Each is enriched by the other.  In solitude I minister to you, and in service I minister through you.  Both are essential.
I reflect that God does want to use us, and it is easy to get focused on being used and forget the need that we have of knowing the one who has brought us into this position in life.  I reflect on the times that I struggled with spending time alone with God.  It is so easy to get distracted, but if I truly want my life to be effective for God, it needs to start with time with God.  He honors that commitment.

Father, Help us to focus on you as the author and finisher of our faith.  To seek you early in the day, and whether we have time to sit for a long period of time or a short period, help us to use that time to know you better.  In Jesus Name.  amen

It is official, the road to Devils Lake is closed,  the water is moving, Yesterday was a good day at school.  We are making preparations for selling ads, so it means we drive around by Cando.  After school I went to Cando and visited their museum and got what information I could get about Assembly of God church,  finished cleaning at church and came home.  It is beautiful, the signs of spring that we see about us.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 21, 2009

/Vivid Relationship
Out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron  Revelations 19:15

Blessed, holy sacrificial Lamb of God!  What depth of love Thou hast demonstrated for us through Thy vicarious death on Calvary; and in Thy resurrection, what sublime victory!  What dynamic power was revealed in Thine ascension, what promise of life to come, of ultimate triumph, of complete deliverance from this present world.
What great hope is set before us!  What glory; what rapture--what a might deliverance--what victory! Christ has overcome.
Are there ever times when life here is not so great and you think, oh to be away from here.  This particular writing sure says that to me.  Truly Christ has been that and done that, but in the mean time, we are here and what we see and hear doesn't sound so great.  If I were not a believer and knew that I needed to have a personal relationship with God, I might not enjoy what is happening about us.  But because all that is happening is being allowed by God, granted there is plenty of evil and it does seem like evil is winning, but it won't in the end.  I have read several books this winter and they are about end times, especially in relations to Israel.  Lets face it, it has been one world of fighting, and plenty of it, and it isn't going to change until.....the very end events take place.  All that really matters is that I know in whom I have placed my belief and confidence in, Jesus Christ the savior of the world.

Father, we thank you for this new day, that we can leave behind what was yesterday and you give us the opportunity to live this day with your help.  Guide our steps and help us to be focused on those about us this day.  Father, how can we bless our loved ones this day?  How can we bless those we work with?  Help us to be conscious of you and your desires for us this day.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Yesterday, was a school day, we are making plans to sell annual ads tomorrow, so I am working with the students on that project.  I went to Cando after school and cleaned the church.  We were at home in the evening.

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20, 2009

/The heavenly Quest
He is....a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief

Many heartaches come to those who follow Me. Some are common to all men; others are the direct result of simply being a disciple of one who Himself was called "a Man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief" (Isaiah 53:3) If you are obedient to Me, you will experience a similar kind of suffering, the suffering of spiritual sacrifice. It is not self-sacrifice, it is the heavenly quest for total abandonment to the will of God.
Those thoughts don't really seem very encouraging do they?  Yet there is so much truth in them.  Jesus is our example, he suffered and experienced unending sorrow, and yet he knew the end result, that beyond the complete sacrifice, there would be victory.  I have been reading a lot about the Jewish people and about how they have been treated.  In two different books the authors have told the history of fighting that has gone on through out the history of the world.  What a mess, what hate.  So what we see happening at the present time is not really a surprise.  Where do we fit into all of thise?  We might seem rather insignificant in the light of everything.  Yet God is calling us to be faithful over the little part that we have in the worlds events.  What can you and I do this day to make it better for those in our lives?  and for our own life?  I am convinced that nothing can separate us from the love of God...the challenge is to desire that love and to seek it.

Father, we come to you for this day and this week.  Help our hearts to be open to what you desire to say to us, open to the plans that you have for us, and willing to be obedient to your voice.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday after church and Sunday School, we came home for our usual nap and then in the evening we went to the  home schoolers play at Devils lake.  We had lunch with Edna Simon afterwards.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

flooding today April 19, 2009

This was the water over the road, it is Laverne Blake's farm beyond the road, but by now that road is clear, except for an extreme rut and bit of wash out on the left side.

This is the view to the west of our driveway.  It doesn't look like there is anything wrong, but the culvert at the other end seems to have dirt washing away.

But we are thankful, it could be so much worse.

April 19, 2009

/Faith Released
Whosoever will save his life shall lose it and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it   Matthew 16:25

I will be your peace. Storms shall not disquiet the trusting heart, but songs of praise and victory shall spring from the place of testing, and mercy shall prevail where faith is released.
No harm can come to the one who looks to Me as his protection, but he who endeavors to protect himself shall be exposed to the destructive forces he seeks to escape
He shall not know peace who runs after the rewards of the world.
Again I am reminded that the most important thing in my life is my relationship with God.  As I experience storms in life, he is there to protect me.  Yesterday I found myself in a situation, where I know I need to make a choice, and my choice is for God,  That choice means saying no to things that may not be harmful to someone, but they aren't what God wants in my life.  I am also reminded to sing praises in the midst of obstacles.  God's presence is greater than any obstacle that I face.  What are you facing that is an obstacle?  What does God want to do in your life?  Remember he has promised that he will never leave you or forsake you and low he is with you always.  Draw nearer, nearer precious Lord to me.

Father, we invite your presence into our midst, we thank you for your grace and mercy and that your plans are better than our plans,  Help us to be willing vessels, willing to be obedient to you.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday was an interesting day, first the DAR meeting in Devils Lake, I really enjoy the ladies from here, and actually all the ladies, but meetings are not my favorite thing and some of the things that are important to some of the individuals, are not something I am interested in.    I did a little shopping and then came home.  In the evening, I spent some time doing some history research, and it was an interesting time.  Someone from Sweden, has found Hampden, and there was someone from there who came here, I was able to trace his family to his grandchildren.  It was actually interesting.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

April 18, 2009

My Holy Spirit Judges
But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the Lord.  And be sure your sin will find you out.  Numbers 32:23

If you walk now in the light of My revealed truth and if you judge yourselves, you will not be judged at that coming day. And if you allow the searching eye of the Holy Spirit to find you out, then it will not be said to you. "Your sin will find you out." Do not resist Me or harden your hearts. Do not provoke Me to use My chastening rod, for I love you.
If I don't do what God is telling me, he will eventually chasten me.  I can not always do my own will and expect God to accept my behavior.  He is gracious and patient, and long suffering, but there does come a time of reckoning.  I want to do God's will for my life,  What is his will for me today?  We are all in different seasons of life, and we all go through different seasons of life.  God's desires for us will change.  he only calls us to obedience to what he is telling us today.  Do not be bothered by yesterday or tomorrow.  What is he saying to us this day.  How can I be a blessing to those around me today?  What can I do to encourage them?

Father, guide my steps this day.  Help me to recognize your voice and your directions, and to be conscious of your presence.  Father, I pray for each one in my family that you would be their guide and their strength, and that you would draw them to your side. and that they would recognize you and your desires for their live.  In Jesus Name. Amen

Yesterday was a school day, we are now driving around to school by way of #17, as there is water over #9.  Many under water/washed out roads  yet we have a lot to be thankful for.......I was really tired after school took a long nap and didn't have much ambition in the evening either.

Friday, April 17, 2009

April 17, 2009

/Whatsoever You Sow
I will give you rest  Matthew 11:28

So long as there is disease in your thoughts, there will be disease in your body.  Only when your mind is at rest can your body build health.  Worry is an actively destructive force,  anxiety produces tension, and tension is the road to pain.  Fear is devastating to the physical well-being of the body.  Anger throws poison into the system that no antibiotic can ever counteract.
Whatsoever you sow in your secret thought-life, that shall you reap.  Sow praise, and you shall reap joy and well-being and a strong faith.
Wow, what thoughts and how true.  We have a choice to make, sometimes it is hard to get out of the rut that we have gotten ourselves into.  The choice of negative thoughts, anger, frustration, whatever is harassing us.  But God doesn't want it that way.  First we need to identify what our problem us, and then only by prayer will God be able to help us change our thinking patterns.  God wants us to be victorious, and it will only happen as we yield to him.

Father, we thank you for coming to us and making yourself real to us. Open our eyes and show us your desire for our lives.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday was a busy day, after school I went to Devils Lake and did a number of errands, spring is coming and there are somethings that I need to get completed.  Yesterday was a day to do just that.  Alice needed a ride home as she let Naomi use her car(Naomi's needs to be repaired)  We ate together, I got Dad a sandwich and we came on home.  Actually I drove through water over the road on the way to school.  There are a lot of roads closed.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April16, 2009

/Words of Healing
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom  Colossians 3:16

Speak evil of no man, but conceal the evil by speaking that which is good.  (Love covers a multitude of sins, and it is the glory of love to conceal a matter.)  In so doing you will heal, not wound.  You desire to have a healing ministry.  Let it embrace both the body and the soul, and be not content to heal bodies while wounding souls.
Learn to minister blessing and comfort to the spirit through your words and thus enhance the ministry of physical healing.
Have you ever said something and wish that you could take back your words?  I think of how easy it is to speak to our spouse, or children, words that hurt rather than help.  Do we feel that unkind, cutting words are really from God?  Come on who are we trying to kid?  They are from the devil himself.  God is the author of all that is good, we are his vessels and he wants us to speak that which is good, that which is kind, that which is uplifting.What can you and I do today to build someone up?

Father,  you have shown us love, and more love, and more love,  Help us to first accept your love, and then to pass it on to someone else.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Yesterday, was a school day, wonderful kids, good day.  Ken, the exchange student, is having some issues, which affect me, but I will do my best to help the remainder of his time be positive. After school I went to Cando, the hats have been delivered to Vicki, she wasn't home so I left them with her husband.  I cleaned church and spent some time with Diana Sitz, in the evening we had Bible study and I shared what I have been learning about Israel.  Marge always makes us soup for lunch.  It is delicious.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 15, 2009

/The Attribute of Mercy
Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy.  Matthew 5:7

Mercy is one of My attributes which I strongly desire you to have.
Without this quality in ministry, there can be no genuine blessing flowing through your life.
Without mercy, Calvary would have become a preachment of condemnation rather than of forgiveness.  Expressing His mercy toward His enemies,  He provided you an example.  You may never achieve an expression of love in the same degree, but let it be always the measure and the guide by which you judge your own attitudes.
Do we show mercy to those around us?  Sometimes, I have to be re reminded that love is the only thing that will change anything or anyone.  It doesn't work for me to condemn, find fault with or criticize.  Father, forgive me when I get that kind of attitude, because it is only as I love someone will I ever be able to help them to change.  When I speak "strongly" to someone I only build up a block/wall between me and them.
I also think of the mercy that God shows to me, how can I do any different? Because his mercy is so vast and far reaching.

I don't know if this says anything to anyone, but I have been thinking....God desires to use us, but his calling may start small and simple, and he expects us to be faithful over a little before he calls us to greater things.  Sometimes we don't like doing the little menial and insignificant things, we want to do great things, but it is our faithfulness over the little that open the door to greater things.  I see my life as an opportunity to do many of those kind of tasks, and sometimes he throws in something that I would rather not do, but he still calls me to be faithful the simple and insignificant.

Father, where ever we are today, what ever we are doing, help us to do it as unto you.  You are our Father, God , our Savior,  we are your vessels, help us to live this day as unto you.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Yesterday, school,  Jackson and Jesse came home with me and were here for a while.  In the evening I talked to Monty Berke on the telephone, and asked him somethings about  his Jewish faith.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

April 14, 2009

/Release Others
But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.  Genesis 50:20

I do not need to remove the difficulty. It is no real problem to Me. It is only an anxiety manifesting itself in your mind and claiming the power to destroy.
I am restricted when you hold negative thoughts about the actions of other people. Release them to Me; otherwise you turn the action upon yourself to your own hurt.
I was struck with the verse in Genesis, it is a parallel to Romans 8:28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose...I have been thinking about that verse  "you meant it for evil but I mean it for good"  how many times are we experiencing something we don't like, but God really wants to use it for our good.  I am personally going through something this winter, I know in my heart that God is with me, it isn't easy to live, but God is with me, he has allowed this because he wants me to grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.  This experience for me, is to help me grow, it is for me because sometime down the road, he will want me to comfort with the comfort that he has shown me.  I went to Romans 8:28 and read some of the verses listed there,  Isaiah 38:17  Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish.  In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back.  (Father, thank you!)  Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future....then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you ...(we usually only read the one verse, the rest is a part of it)

So we are going through a problem, I can tell you about several in my personal life,  but God is in control, he knows what is best for me.  I reflect over the years how I have struggled with the very same problems that are there today.  I do feel that God is in control, I feel that I am wise to let go and let God.  it is easy for me to want to take things in my hands, but then I might be not really doing what God wants in my situation.  He will work it out in his time....

I am blessed by additional verses listed there  1 Corinthians 1:9  God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.  (thank you God for being faithful every day)Ephesians 4:1  As a prisoner for the Lord, then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.  (that calling hasn't changed from the day I said yes to Jesus when I was a young girl, he is still the say God and he desires to meet me in the same way)1 Thessalonians 2:12...encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.  2 Timothy 1:9  who has saved us and called us to a holy life--not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.  This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time....1 Peter 2:9  But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness unto his wonderful light....  2 Peter 1:10  Therefore, my brothers, be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure.  For if you do these things, you will never fall...

Dear Father,  help me to keep my focus on you and you will work the details out for me.  Give me a greater confidence in you and your desires for me.  Help me father to love those you have placed in my life, my family, and their families, and the children and staff at school.  Give me a heart of compassion for them.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, we were back to school, it is really wet here, there is water over the road east of here near the highway.  the road is really a muddy mess.  Other areas in community are being  inundated with water, too.  But we are thankful when we reflect with others are experiencing, mostly we need to keep a wise head on our shoulders.  Have a great day.

Monday, April 13, 2009

April 13, 2009

/Tribulation and Stamina
This Christ in you, the hope of glory.  Colossians 1:27

Only through much prayer can you endure much tribulation.  In no other way can the new life in Christ develop and gain stamina.
Be as a child and trust Me implicitly.  I will honor your faith and will give you still more.
Do not place restrictions on divine aid by trying to live the Christian life in your own strength.  I Myself am your victory. My kingdom shall be forever, but even now it is in your heart whenever you bow to Me as sovereign.
The greatest thing we can learn is that our walk with God isn't about us, or our abilities, or our charm, it is about God.  It is about what Jesus has done for us, it is about being God's vessels and only concerned with what he wants in our lives.  It is about yielding and surrender to him and his will, then we have joy and victory in him.

Father, we give ourselves to you today, and we yield ourselves to your will for our lives.  Help us Lord to hear you when you speak to us and then help us to do your will for us.  In Jesus name. Amen.

Yesterday at church, we had breakfast prepared by the men and then a great service together.  Julie and Tyson did the music on piano and drums.  Ciera Klein did a body worship song.  Michael shared the word.  It was a good service.  We are getting rain and things are really wet.  Jack went home with Jerry and Julie and I drove to Devils Lake to get some supplies for her to take back to Bismarck.  The rest of the day was spent helping her get ready to return today.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

April 12, 2009

Unseen Companionship
Preserve me, O God: for in thee do I put my trust Psalm 16:1

Courage, My child!  No hand shall sustain you but Mine own.  Hoped you for another? Disappointment awaits every soul not sustained by My love. Never draw from other sources, for when you do, you confuse comfort with strength.
The soul that has been enriched by communication with God will welcome solitude.  He will seek not the crowd but the closet, and emerging will never walk alone, for he has always unseen companionship, and whoever joins him on the way will be doubly blessed.

I hope I can put into words what I feel about this.  In my walk with God, there have been times when I have been invited to be a part of something, or to do something, that I know is not Gods desire for my life.  It may be something very harmless but it isn't what God wants in my life.  I have to make the choice, but when I do, God honors that choice and draws me closer to him.  Being a believer and following God's will for our life, does mean making choices, and there are numerous paths that we could follow, but only one choice is the one that draws us to his side.  It is 'More of Thee and less of ME"

Father, I pray that you would show us the things in our lives that keep us from having that close relationship with you.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, was a day together,  The potato dumplings, the birthday cakes, game time,  playing,  Jacqui and I spent a brief time with Frank and Dorothy.  It is always hard to really talk to everyone when there are so many here, but I want you to each know, I appreciate you and the time that you were with us.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

April 11, 2009

/Turbulence, a Warning signal
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God  Romans 8:14

One step at a time, My child.  When I lead, there is no confusion. Never let others lead. Your need for confirmation will be answered by the Spirit.  Never move into a new situation until you are at peace about it within your own soul.  If you sense discord or turbulence, know that there is a spiritual battle already on the scene. Let it be a warning signal.  Look for the root of it, and do not blindly forge ahead.
I like these thoughts, and wonder how many times I have told each of you.  "I can't tell you what to do because I don't know what God is saying to you."  My role is to pray for you and then trust that the God who loves you as much as me is telling you what to do.  The more we exercise our role with God and allow him to speak to us, the more he will do just that.

Father, most of all today, we do desire to hear from you and trust you to guide our steps.  Help us to listen to your voice and then to step forward in confidence that you are guiding us.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Yesterday, I didn't have school, I did some cleaning but maybe not enough, I went to Cando for Good Friday service.  Michael was the speaker.  I did some errands there and saw Matt and Mavis.  Russ, Janet and boys came and later Julie.  Today will be a busy day and we look forward to seeing every one.

Friday, April 10, 2009

April 10, 2009

/The Healing Power of Joy
Your sorrow shall be turned into joy.  John 16:20
Distress of soul and grief of heart can only bring on destruction of body. Joy alone is a healer, and you can have it in the darkest hour if you will force your soul to rise to Me in worship and adoration.
Bring Me your sorrow, and watch for the sunrise of the resurrection.  Wait for it as tulip bulbs anticipate the spring.  When the blossoms break through, we do not then turn back to thoughts of winter, but instead, we look ahead to the full joys of the coming summer.
We have seen enough of winter, and we anticipate the joy of seeing things grow in spring and summer.  For some winter is a very difficult time, the lack of sunshine, etc.  But the joy we feel for being able to experience new life in spring.  Also the value of a good laugh.  Recently someone sent a funny e-mail, and I am not a person to laugh, but I laughed at that one, it was good. and that laughter just lifts your heaviness.  We don't want to allow the heaviness of life to destroy us physically, try laughter.

Yesterday, there was a music contest so a lot of students were gone, and one teacher took a personal day, so I covered for her, it was a good day.  After school, Jesse went home with me, and we went to see Frank and Dorothy for a few minutes,  Dad had made prints of several slides that were sent to Frank and we looked at them.  Now I am just getting ready for everyone to come.  See you soon.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

April 9, 2009

/The Romance of the Spirit
Blessed are the undefiled in the way...that seek him with the whole heart.  Psalm 119:1-2

There is a path of service in which I would lead you.  It is a way of romance--the Romance of the Spirit.
My love for you is deeper than you have comprehended.  As you are less hampered by the things of the world. I will give you more complete revelations of Myself.
When you have given up everything, we will be able to go forth together, and you will experience an inner power that you were not able to find before.
As long as we are encumbered by the world it is more difficult for us to be close to God, through his spirit.  I have struggled with this all my life and probably always will, There have been times when I have been very consumed with actually something that isn't harmful, but it becomes more important to me than my relationship with God.  What keeps you from being close to God?  It may be something that to you is really ministry, but is it?  Does it become more important to you than actually your time and thoughts with and of God.  I think we would do good to reexamine ourselves and ask ourselves, what does come between me and God?  If we can't understand what we don't feel close to God, it may just be that we are allowing our love of something or things to be more important to us that our love and relationship with God.

Father, in heaven, thank you for creating me and giving me a human heart and caring about what happens to me,  to day I ask you to guide me into the truth that you have for me this day.  Show me those things in my life that hinder my walk with you.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Yesterday, was a usual day,  after school I went
to Cando, but since I had cleaned at church, I did several errands, and
visited with a couple of people.  We had a planned time with WM's
finishing items for Nicaragua.  Lottie was the only one who came and we
had a really good time together.  Lottie is a very special person, and
the fellowship and prayer were great along with the bags are ready for


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8, 2009

/The Righteous Remnant
There shall they be called the children of the living God.  Romans 9:26

Hear Me, O My people, and listen to My words. You give attention continually to the words of others. You listen, read, you study and ponder and consider multitudes of words that express only the thoughts of others who, like yourself , are searching for Truth.  To search is not evil, but if you desire understanding, come directly to me.  Ask of Me. As the Scriptures teach, if any seeks wisdom, let him ask of God, for He gives liberally (James 1:5)
Wait upon Me, and I will clarify things.
How easy it is to focus on the words of human man, to take them to heart, not that Man doesn't say good things, and isn't inspired by God, but God does want to talk to us directly.

Father,  help me to seek you in my life, and to read your word, Father, I pray for understanding of your word.That I would be fed by what you are saying to me.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, was a usual day.  I had a little booklet that I had borrowed from Lu Hermanson.  I shared it with an English class who is studying about the Holocast.  They were actually very receptive.  Then after school I returned it to Lu and we visited for a while.  Today is dad's birthday but we will celebrate when the children come home this weekend.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

April 7, 2009

/The Simplicity of obedience
And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding Job 28:28

You need not search for answers to the many mysteries of life, but only trust and follow Me in the simplicity of obedience.  Understanding will come to you as you walk in obedience.
Make Me your goal, and wisdom shall be given each day as needed. Do not try to reverse the order.
I liked that last thought, do we want wisdom but not God?  I think of people with limited mental capacities, and they are able to comprehend having a relationship with God, they don't make it complicated, they simply trust.  We can make everything so complicated, we miss the point, God wants us to simply love him and trust him, he will do the rest.

Father, help me to examine myself today, have I tried to make my relationship with you too complicated?  Help me sort out the things that are important to you and to focus on them.  Father, we pray for grace to be your vessel this day, In Jesus Name Amen.

Yesterday, Dad and I were in Grand Forks, he had a dr. appointment and we had to wait there a while.  We got to see Jacqui briefly , ate, got some groceries and came home.

Monday, April 6, 2009

April 6, 2009

/The Master Artist
And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold it was very good.  Genesis 1:31

I make no idle strokes.  What I do is never haphazard. I am never merely mixing colors out of casual curiosity.  My every move is one of vital creativity, and every stroke is part of the whole.
Never be dismayed by apparent incongruity.  Never be alarmed by a sudden dash of color seemingly out of context.  Say only to your questioning heart. "It is the Infinite wielding His brush. I know He does all things well."
We would at first think of the creation that God has made, how he has put everything together, the colors, the designs, the animals, people , babies,  you and I,  those around us.  God has created it all.  Think of the photos that John takes, what he sees is the creation that God has made for us to enjoy.  When he made you and I, he was the creator, it doesn't matter about circumstances, timing, it is God.  God made you.  He made only one of each of us.  We are his creation.  He desires to know us, to have a love relationship with us, to be a part of everything we do.  How might God want to be a part of your/my life today?What would that mean to you? How would he come to you, to talk with you to love you?  He might come in the form of a thought, he might come in the form of a person, he might come in the form of his creation,  there are a multitude of ways that he might come to you.  Look today for God in your midst, he is there waiting with outstretched arms.

Father, we thank you for this day, we thank you for a night of rest, we thank you for the possibilities that this day brings to us,  guide our steps and direct our path,  Father, we desire to know you in a new and greater way and this day we pray that you would make yourself real to us. Help us to see you in all that is around us. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday was a good day.  I had 8 precious children in Sunday School.  Each one is Gods creation and very special.  One of the 2 girls said, we need more girls.  After church we came home and rested.  I went to Cando for the cantata, this year they presented it in the Audi,  It was a full house with chairs added.  They do a very good job, this year they added actors. Afterwards I went to the church and changed the bulletin board and did some cleaning, then over to see Frank and Dorothy.  It is a good time with them.  I feel sad, when I think of Frank and men like him who are still living and remember serving in our country's military and to now see the choices that our president is making, that are throwing our freedom away.  We spent time in prayer concerning that.  Dad went to the Senior supper in town.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


This is the photo that we received from Christian and Sabine it is their new little daughter.

April 5, 2009

The Singing Heart
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1

Patience will manifest where hope is nurtured.  The singing heart is blind to obstacles and recognizes in all things the loving hand of an all-wise Father. Delays are unnoticed, for the Spirit is not bound by the limitations of outer circumstances.  The power of evil to destroy joy is nullified when Christ Himself becomes the one point of attention.  In Him all things are possessed now, for faith beholds that which is yet to be as though it were already a reality.

What in your life and mine are obstacles?  Are we seeking God for the answers?  Am I focusing on God?  Am I willing to live in the situation I am in without complaining?  Am I willing to minister to the people God placed me with?  Sometimes I feel like I have failed and I have gotten my focus on the problems rather than God,  Do you ever feel like that?  I still remember a message that Michael shared with us about being God's vessel right where he has placed us, who in my life is it that God wants me to love and care for?  First it is my husband, then my family, then those around me.  Sometimes I get myself mixed up on who is really important in my life.  Father, forgive me.

Father, thank you for saving me and keeping me, and bringing me to this place in my life,  Father, I give you this day, help me to make the most of it, like it were the last day I have.  Help me to view each day as though it were my last.  Father, help me to look past my frustrations and hurts to be sensitive to the hurts about me.  Father, I pray for faith as a grain of mustard seed, which is small and yet so magnificent, thank you for hearing and answering.  In Jesus Name. Amen.

Yesterday, I was at home all day, it was a time of trying to finish a few winter projects and to do a bit more cleaning,  I realize that this week you will be coming, and you really aren't going to want all of my stuff laying around.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

April 4, 2009

/ God's Heart
My beloved spake, and said unto me.  Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away     Song of Solomon 2:10

I love you, and if you can always, as it were, feel My pulse beat, you will receive insight that will give you sustaining strength.  I bore your sins and I wish to carry your burdens.  Lay your head upon My breast and lose yourself in Me.  You will experience resurrection life and peace; the joy of the Lord will become your strength; and wells of salvation will be opened within you (See Song of Solomon 2:9-13)

God is wanting to call us to his side,  when you read that passage you see that there is a new season,and God is drawing us to his side.  The problems of this day may seem overwhelming, but God is there and waiting to bring us to his side and to be close to him.  I had read this morning Philippians 4;4  Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS I will say it again, REJOICE!  What happens when we rejoice?  Do our circumstances change, not necessarily, but we change.  How we feel changes.  God will give us more grace to face the situations.  Because....Romans 8:28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Your circumstances may not change but your attitude can.  I know that I need help with my attitude, I desire to be God's vessel, and to do his will for this day.

Father in Heaven, as you look down upon us, we come to you with  a heart that needs your help, help us to focus on you and not on the circumstances around us.  You alone are our strength and our guide, we pray for your guidance this day.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Yesterday, it was the last day of the week at school.  I ended the day by taking a student to the emergency room at Cando.  She had hit her head and was bleeding a lot.  They put 7 stitches in wound and we got back to school just after school was dismissed.  I know that I need to focus on putting away my winter projects so that will be my focus today.

Friday, April 3, 2009

April 3, 2009

/Sacrifice, My Status Symbol
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it Mark 8:35

O My children, you behave not as sons and daughters but as strangers.  You boast that you serve me, but in truth you serve your own ego.
You would make Christianity pleasant and acceptable.  Your Savior did not find it so.  You would make it comfortable and accommodating to your own schedule.  He knew nothing of such a false religion.
Do you desire to truly follow Me?  Look for the bloodstained prints of My feet.

When we hang on to what we want we lose what God wants.  What does God want in our lives?  Are we willing to sacrifice our own desires for his perfect will?  What he desires may not be pleasant or fun, it may cost us a lot........

Father,we come to you for this day,  Thank you for giving us rest, for providing for our needs.  Thank you for this day.  We commit our lives, and the lives of our children to you and ask for your directions.  Help us father, to listen to your voice and to be will do do what you desire for this day.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Yesterday, was a usual day, the exchange student is suffering from some attitude problems,  No special news, I am trying to finish up some sewing projects in anticipation of spring.    Happy Birthday Janet.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April 2, 2009

The Glory of My Presence
My peace I give unto you....Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid  John 14:27

         All through the night have I stood watch.
Through  the darkness have I set limits for thy protection,
         and low, the enemy cannot break through the lines.
I am in the midst of My people to give them peace.
        I shall dine with them at the table,
        though countless hosts encamp round about.
I shall cover them with My almighty hand.

God is with us, he desires to protect and guide us, there are countless stories both from our Bible and present day world that tell of people experiencing the presence of God in the form of angels surrounding them and protecting them.  Angels are surrounding you and I and protecting us.
Father, thank you for protecting and guiding us, for keeping your hand upon our lives, yet you call us to pray for your protection.  Help us Father to take that calling seriously and to stand in the gap for those who need to be guarded and guided through life experiences.  In Jesus Name.  Amen

Yesterday, was a school day, and it was a good day.  After school I went to Cando and cleaned at the church, and then went to Bible study.  Dad joined me there.  We have a good time together.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April 1, 2009

The Kingdom of Lights
And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy glory  Exodus 33:18

Do not fear darkness: fear God, and He shall be to you a light.  The world is enshrouded in darkness, but they who walk in my truth walk in light. My kingdom is a kingdom of light, and clear, purified vessels are the transmitters of My glory in the darkened world.  Shine, My children, and darkness shall be scattered as you walk!

God wants us to be a shining light in a dark world.  There is so much darkness around us, but we have seen the light, Jesus.  He desires us to be a light to those around us.  How can you and I be  a light?  It might be in a very insignificant way, without saying anything, just a sense that you care expressed to someone near you, is an opportunity to be God's light.  I think of the little ones at Jerrys house, when I stopped there, they wanted a hug.  Such an easy way of telling someone that you care.

Father, show me the ways that I can be a light to those around me.  Who do you want me to encourage, who do you want me to care about, to pray for ?  We give you this day, that we would be your vessel to those who cross our path.  In Jesus Name.  Amen.

Sorry no writing yesterday, we did not have internet service in the morning.  Happy Birthday to Jerry, but a day late.  We are getting some snow, after school I took the car to Hampden to get the oil changed, and visited with Mary while that was being done.  Later we got a call from Alice about some medicine for Frank, Jack and I met her on the road and took it to Frank.  The visibility was not good in some of the snow cuts.